Constraints On Dates (feature)

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[edit] Parent Mantis


[edit] Business Need

We have a number of constraints / validation rules that we need to enforce for dates.

[edit] Requirements

Original detailed requirements have been translated into specifications - see below ##Technical_Specification.

Updated detailed requirements which was released to production on 17-Mar-2011, were translated here: 2413_rfsa and 2413_rfd

These constraints were added to Actual Dates ONLY and were never applicable for Estimated Dates. Therefore this separate article was created: Constraints_on_Estimated_Dates

[edit] Technical Specification

[edit] Summary

Type constraints on dates:

[edit] Chronological Constraint

All dates can be listed in a chronological order. Given date on the list can be equal or be a later date chronologically than any previous date on the list:

cc1 <= cc2 <= ...

If order is incorrect then system must present pop-up:

In CT#XXX, date <date name> can not be <earlier/later> than date <date name>" [OK].

See per MOT lists below.

[edit] Chronological Constraint: AIR CT

 [cc1] [I] [----------------] (Act) Created on Date
 [cc2] [I] [----------------] (Act) Notification Date
 [cc3] [I] [----------------] (Act) Authorized on Date

 [cc4] [I] [COLLECTION EVENT] (Est / Act) Pick-up date 
 [cc5] [M] [DEPARTURE EVENT ] (Est / Act) Airport of Departure Date
 [cc6] [M] [ARRIVAL EVENT   ] (Est / Act) Airport of Discharge Date
 [cc7] [I] [DELIVERY EVENT  ] (Est / Act) Delivery Date 

[edit] Chronological Constraint: AIR Master

[cc1] [M] [DEPARTURE EVENT ] (Act) Airport of Departure Date
[cc2] [M] [ARRIVAL EVENT   ] (Act) Airport of Discharge Date

[edit] Chronological Constraint: OCEAN CT

[cc1] [I] [----------------] (      Act) Created on Date
[cc2] [I] [----------------] (      Act) Notification Date
[cc3] [I] [----------------] (      Act) Authorized on

[cc4] [I] [COLLECTION EVENT] (Est / Act) Pick-up date (for FCL, see Note)

[cc5] [I] [DEPARTURE EVENT ] (Est / Act) Origin Terminal
[cc6] [M] [--------------- ] (Est / Act) Port Of Loading
[cc7] [M] [----------------] (Est / Act) Port Of Discharge
[cc8] [I] [ARRIVAL EVENT   ] (Est / Act) Destination Terminal

[cc9] [I] [DELIVERY EVENT  ] (Est / Act) Delivery Date (for FCL, see Note)

[edit] Chronological Constraint: OCEAN Master

[cc1] [I] [DEPARTURE EVENT ] (Est / Act) Origin Terminal
[cc2] [M] [--------------- ] (Est / Act) Port Of Loading
[cc3] [M] [----------------] (Est / Act) Port Of Discharge
[cc4] [I] [ARRIVAL EVENT   ] (Est / Act) Destination Terminal

TBD: what to do with container dates for Master???

[edit] Chronological Constraint: TRUCK-OCEAN, TRUCK-DOM, TRUCK-AIR CT

[cc1] [I] [----------------] (      Act) Created on Date
[cc2] [I] [----------------] (      Act) Notification Date
[cc3] [I] [----------------] (      Act) Authorized on

[cc4] [I] [COLLECTION/DEPARTURE EVENT](Est / Act) Pick-up date (for FCL, see Note)
[cc5] [I] [ARRIVAL/DELIVERY EVENT    ](Est / Act) Delivery Date (for FCL, see Note)

[edit] Chronological Constraint: TRUCK MASTER

TRUCK MASTER has no dates.

[edit] Note About FCL

In case of FCL there are multiple Pick-up and Delivery Dates (per container). No order between them is enforced.

[edit] Non Empty Prerequisite Constraint

There is a natural sequence of pre-requisites (defined per MOT). Field later in the sequence can not be defined until all earlier fields are defined.

field 1 --> field 2 --> ...

In case of error system must present pop-up:

In CT#XXX, field <field name> must be set before field <field name> is set" [OK].

See per MOT definitions below.

[edit] Non Empty Prerequisite Constraint: AIR CT

[field 1] [M] [----------------] Master Airway Bill #
[field 2] [M] [DEPARTURE EVENT ] (Act) Airport of Departure Date
[field 3] [M] [ARRIVAL EVENT   ] (Act) Airport of Discharge Date
[field 4] [I] [DELIVERY EVENT  ] (Act) Delivery Date 

[edit] Non Empty Prerequisite Constraint: OCEAN CT

[field 1] [----------------] At least one container#
[field 2] [I] [DEPARTURE EVENT ] (Est / Act) Origin Terminal
[field 3] [I] [ARRIVAL EVENT   ] (Est / Act) Destination Terminal
[field 4] [I] [DELIVERY EVENT  ] (Est / Act) Delivery Date (FCL: on any container)

[edit] Contents Constraint

[edit] Contents Constraint: OCEAN CT and TRUCK OCEAN CT

All contents must be assigned to containers before "(Act) Delivery Date" is set

If it is not true then system must present pop-up:

All contents must be assigned to containers before "(Act) Delivery Date" is set [OK].

[edit] Actual Date Can Not Be A Future Date Constraint

If user is trying to set any actual dates (see below) to the future date system must issue pop up:

Error while saving: <name of the date> can not be in the future [OK].

[edit] List of actual dates in the system


  • Gentab.Actual export pickup


  • Gentab.Actual export pickup
  • Gentab.Actual Delivery


  • Gentab.Actual export pickup
  • Gentab.Actual Delivery


  • Conttab.Containers.ContainerX.Actual collection
  • Conttab.Containers.ContainerX.Actual Delivery



  • Actual export pickup


  • Airport of Departure. ATD
  • Trans-shipment Airport.ATD
  • Airport Of Destination. ATD


  • Actual Delivery Date



  • Actual export pickup


  • Origin Terminal ATD
  • Port Of Loading ATD
  • Port Of Trans-shipment ATA
  • Port Of Discharge ATA
  • Destination Terminal ATA


  • Actual Delivery Date



  • ContainerX.Actual collection
  • ContainerX.Actual Delivery


  • Origin Terminal ATD
  • Port Of Loading ATD
  • Port Of Trans-shipment ATA
  • Port Of Discharge ATA
  • Destination Terminal ATA

[edit] Special case: CTs under Groups and Masters

In this case change to one date field can be applied to multiple CTs potentially breaking date constraints on multiple records.

In this case system must verify all related records and display error that spells out WHAT dates on WHAT records are breaking WHAT constraint.

[edit] User Interface

There is no UI here except some pop-up messages.

[edit] Point in Time When Data is Tested against Constraints

Ideally this should happen real-time any time date is entered. But because of a glitch in a framework (or lack of our knowledge of workaround) we can only test it "on Save".

[edit] Figures

[edit] Figure: XXX

[edit] RFC

1) Do you clear invalid values after error pop up is generated?

Yes you should clear these values. Now system does not.

Good idea?

2) Idea: have in Admin option to turn any validation.

Option for what records to turn off.

Good idea? How hard?

3) Non Empty Prerequisite Constraint:

Should we add to d) condition "or commodity table is empty"

4) Should we re-design in terms of "CT consistent/ inconsistent state" because for example if user assign all commodities and then set Actual Deliv date BUT later unassign it gives you "strange message":

"Actual Delivery date can not be assigned - all commodity items must be assigned to containers"

It is better to say like this: "Inconsistent State: Actual Delivery date assigned but at least one commodity item is unassigned."

[edit] History

[edit] Old spec archived

It is CT Dates

[edit] Spec created

--Alex 20:01, 12 January 2010 (UTC)

[edit] Display error that spells out WHAT dates on WHAT records are breaking WHAT constrain

--Alex 20:01, 12 January 2010 (UTC)

[edit] Implement major re-design of this component

--Alex 18:54, 13 January 2010 (UTC)

[edit] Known Non Critical Bugs

bug1) error is not specific to what date in what CT there is a problem

bug2) even if problem with ordering of actual dates system complains about "estimated"

[edit] DB

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