CT layout and Homepage

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  • 0003138: (Homepage/Layout) .....


  • Provide standard layout:
    • Header
    • Main menu
    • Body
    • Footer

See also

Client Home

Solution ver 1.0

Currently homepage looks like this

File:Jag role homepage.PNG

Layout schema:

File:CT2 home layout.JPG

Body for homepage contains Dashboard. See Dashboard framework.

All other pages have same footer but different body.

Solution ver 2.0

This version has different style for header, footer. It is to be borrowed from Client App.


  • Need to add "view" link
  • Welcome should have Name (Jag Office name)
  • Body should be as it is now for internal (making Client role panels available for Jag user role on a Dashboard is another task)
  • Header links: News, Information, Our Services only for now.
  • Footer links: My Profile only for now
    • My profile will not link to anything now

File:Client role homepage.PNG

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