Client Home

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This is Main Article for Client Home Page top component


[edit] Dev

Mantis: 919

[edit] Header & Links

  • News = News Room with submenu with Presentations, Press Clips, and Press Releases items
  • Information = About with submenu How are we different, Who we are, What we do AND Testimonials ( Including the Jaguar videos on home page (Simon, Marc & Karen)
  • Log Out
  • Shipper - this link is for the shipper role to access the ASN portal
  • Planner - this link is for the planer role to access the ASN portal
  • KPIs - this link is for client users who have KPI check box checked in their non jag user profile

See #Figure_2._Header_and_Links

[edit] Subcomponents

  • This components consists of the following sub components:
  • Main Menu Portlet
  • Top 5 from Watch ListPortlet - see Top5 from Watch List
  • RSS News Feed Portlet
  • Quote of the Day Portlet
  • Testimonials Portlet
  • World Financial Markets Portlet

[edit] Main menu

  • It consists 5 main links and images for main functionality of the application
    • Watch List
    • Shipment List
    • Where Is
    • Reports
    • MAWB Tracking
  • Each link has an interesting image that is associated with it
  • Image is changing as client user clicks or moves mouse over main menu links
  • Each link is on button which is active as 3D highlight
  • On all other pages, this menu turns into just text based bar including "Home" link

[edit] Use cases

  • click on one of the links
  • Click "Watch List", it will brings user to Watch List page
  • Click "Shipment List", it will brings user to shipment List page
  • Click "Where Is", it will brings user to Where Is page
  • Click "Reports", it will brings user to Reports page
  • Click "MAWB Tracking", it will brings user to MAWB Tracking page

[edit] Top 5 from Watch List

  • This portlet shows the top selected 5 shipments from watch list in order to view/monitor easily
  • See more detail at Watch List
  • It shows shipment progressing bar for status of each shipment with other useful detail shipment on the top 5
  • MOT
  • Nickname
  • CT#
  • Auth:
  • Coll:
  • Dept:
  • Arrived:
  • Deliv:
  • Cust:
  • Each milestone provides mouse over full description
  • For ex, mouse over full description for Coll is "Collected"

See Client_Watch_List#Version_2

[edit] RSS News Feed

  • Rss News Feed consists of the latest news feeds from the client's selected news site(s).
  • It shows the six latest headlines of news
  • Default to BBC for the all fresh accounts
  • Rss News Feed for the six latest headlines are be able to allow client user to click anywhere in the block for each headline in order to navigate a link to the full detail information by opening another window

[edit] Quote of the Day

  • Quote of the Day contain an inspirational quote each day randomly generated from a website that is to be determined and reliable.

[edit] Testimonials

  • This section links to an endorsement of Jaguar by customer. The source is mapped from CT2 App CyberTrax-> admin-> client application and it can be added, edited, or deleted simply on the testimonials tab.

[edit] World Financial Markets

  • This section shows World financial markets

[edit] Footer

The footer contains My Profile, Help and Terms and Conditions.

  • My Profile this is an option where the user can change their password, update the birth date and manage their RSS Feeds
  • Help option with downloads of User Guide & Skype
  • Terms and Conditions for Jaguar office - HK, FR, UK & US

[edit] QA

qa1) test all links

[edit] Figures

[edit] Figure 1. Homepage


[edit] Figure 2. Header and Links


[edit] Figure 2a. Contact Us

File:Contact Us.JPG

[edit] Figure 3. Footer


[edit] History

[edit] Tweaks version 1.1.0

  • Weather section - update link to user local weather. Right now it only show NY weather to every user around the world --Tira 03:16 PM, 28 July 2009 (UTC)
  • New weather widget design
  • Spec updated: Y

[edit] Tweaks Version 1.1.a

Feedback --Tira 10:53 AM, 14 Oct 2009 (UTC)

tw1) RSS News Feed for the six latest headlines must be able to click anywhere in the block for each headline in order to link to the info (open another window) - Spec is updated. --Tira11:25 AM, 18 Oct 2010

tw2) RSS World Financial Market is having a problem for HTTPS and difficult to host it locally. Need to find some feed for replacement that can be host locally or support https. Need some options to show Simon to choose which feed will be useful for clients. --Tira 11:53 AM, 20 April 2010(UTC)

tw3) Need to implement release note on the homepage. --Tira 11:53 AM, 20 April 2010(UTC)

[edit] mantis

wiki updated? No

[edit] Mantis 3143


  • When Client log's out, it should return to the Jaguar new homepage

[edit] Mantis 3245


  • Remove Weather Widget from Client Homepage

This feature will be removed 08-Dec release.

  • This section contains a widget brief information about a local weather. Widget has a setting link for user to set their local weather:
  • City/zip setting
  • Farenheit/Celcius setting
  • Default to NY weather for the first time
  • Once location is set, it should be saved
  • Display:
    • Current condition with wind condition
    • Today and the next 3 days weather forecast
    • Graphic for weather
    • Hi/Lo temperature with precip information
  • This widget supports HTTPS (serve information on the local server)
  • Source:
  • Same functionality related to: Weather Widget
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