Rates DB Air (Requirements)

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  • mantis# 0002894: [Rates DB] Implement phase1 for MOT Air

See also: http://ct.jaguarfreight.com/wiki/Rates_DB


cat#Rates DB

Weight Break is the point at which the weight or chargeable weight of a shipment is large enough to be assessed the lower freight rates which are applicable to larger shipments, this is as per the carrier's tariff.

Chargeable Weight of cargo intended for air shipment is the actual gross weight (gw) or the volume weight (vw), whichever is greater.

Actual Gross Weight or GW is the actual weight of the shipment

Volume Weight or VW is calculated based on a cargo's size, measurement or dimensions

Minimum or Min is the lowest amount that can be charged for the service.

Maximum or Max is the highest amount that can be charged for the service.

Flat Fee is a single fixed fee for a service

Unit load device or ULD is a pallet or container used to load freight on an aircraft. It allows a large quantity of cargo to be bundled into a single unit.

  • ULD pallets are rugged sheets of aluminum with rims designed to lock onto cargo net lugs
  • ULD containers, also known as cans and pods, are closed containers, which, depending on the nature of the goods to be transported, may have built-in refrigeration units

Drum is a cylindrical container used for shipping bulk cargo (a liquid or as a mass of relatively small solids like grains). Drums can be made of steel, dense paperboard (commonly called a fiber drum), or plastics, and are generally used for the transportation of certain dangerous materials or modest quantities of bulk goods.

Known Shipper A shipper that is qualified by specific regulations as a known shipper. A known shipper has less restrictions for shipping and as a result will usually have lower rates.

Unknown Shipper A shipper that has not yet been qualified according to the Transportation Security Administrations regulations as a known shipper. An Unknown shipper's cargo has more restrictions when shipping and therefore may have to pay higher rates to ship cargo.

Hazardous Freight is freight that is capable of posing risk to people, health, property, or environment when transported in quantity. AKA dangerous goods


What are we trying to achieve? What are the main goals of this module?

Core need

Jaguar Global needs Tariff and Contract Management System with additional functionality that will improve/affect other areas such as CT creation, invoices, reports, etc.

Currently there seems to be no standard in obtaining or maintaining rates. When a rate is required, operators will obtain the rates either by, searching online tariffs, searching rate management systems (Rate Explorer), sending an email request, telephone calls, searching previous emails, searching documents saved on their desktop or manually looking through paper copies of contracts or tariffs. This is currently being done by various employees with little sharing of the information.

Core functionality

Creating such "database" should allow operators throughout the organization (including overseas offices) to share and compare this information.

Main Features:

  • management of tariffs and contracts (purchase and sales sides)
    • adding, editing, deleting, listing, searching, sorting, querying

NOTE: Purchase side - phase 1 and sales sides - phase 2

  • "Quotations" web portal and internal (for Jag Sales, Ops, Clients, etc)
    • searching, sorting, querying and producing an official Jag doc (with number, etc)

Additional Ops features:

  • CT could be created based on quote

Additional Acc features:

  • Automated population of charge table in "sales invoices"
  • Automated calculation of "estimated cost and sale" for a shipment
  • Auto approval of PI charges

The system should be able to provide quick user friendly access to all current costs.


Types of tariffs

  • Ocean FCL
  • Ocean LCL
  • Air
  • Trucking
  • Customs

The database would be used for various reasons

Rates structures and formulas

Each charge will have its own rates structures and formulas necessary to maintain these rates. However, it is possible to have some costs that are an all in rate.

For Example:
We could receive a rate from Air France for a shipment from JFK to CDG of 100 K showing:
Air Freight:   .75
Fuel Surcharge .90
Security       .75
Then we could receive a rate from KLM for the same shipment showing:
Air Freight:  2.40 all in

These rates are equal, they are only shown differently.

It is possible that each rate may have multiple variables.(minimums, maximums, weight breaks, etc...)

The system will also need to capture accessorial charges, which will also be defined per MOT.

Specific vendor

Rates will be linked to a specific vendor and description.

Search and estimation

  • Searched by Jaguar employees to
    • Compare costs for different vendors
    • Quote costs based on the costs saved in the system
  • Searching Vendors or Carriers
    • Searched by Jaguar employees to compare carriers
  • Estimation of CT costs
  • Estimate sales invoice with possible auto generation.

Generating Sales Quotes

  • Searched by Customers for general rates
  • Searched by Customers for customer specific rates
  • Searched by Jaguar employees to generate for Customers and enable overseas office to access rates.
  • Searching Costs

Maintaining Customer specific sell rates TDB

Additional Details

The rates database system, should be user friendly with quick results.

The system should offer multiple search filters. The user should be able to select only one filter or multiple filters

  • By Vendor
  • By Carrier
  • By Co-loader
  • By origin airport
  • By destination airport
  • Actual Weight
  • Chargeable Weight
  • Dimensions
  • Known or Unknown
  • Hazardous or Non Hazardous
  • Commodity

The system should show all results based on the filters set, so the operator can narrow done the results by selecting multiple filters.

The results should be sortable by each column of output, but should default with the lowest rate to highest rate.

Output should include

  • Vendor or Carrier
  • Co-loader
  • Departure or Origin Airport
  • Arrival or Destination Airport

Should list complete tariff and narrow down based on if the below filters are set.

  • Actual Weight
  • Chargeable Weight
  • Dimensions
  • Known or Unknown
  • Hazardous or Non Hazardous
  • Commodity

If none of these filters are set, the system should include weight breaks, known and unknown rates.

Q and A

Charge codes and other CT2 components related to Rates DB

Please explain what do we already have in CT2 that is related to Rates DB.
For example Charge codes.

File below is cc air.xls attached to 0002894: [Rates DB] Implement phase1 for MOT Air File:Cc air.JPG

Current business process


  • What ids the current business process - How Jaguar deals with Contracts and Tariffs (in each office) now?
  • Who is in charge for this in each office?
  • Please describe "A Day in the life of Inside Sales Dept NOW"
  • In what form existing Air contracts received and maintained ?
  • How requests for rates handled (receive, search, answer)?
  • What is the typical Request format?
  • What is typical Response format?
  • Sounds like most of these are "spot rates" received by phone call? Is that right? Do we ever in a response to a phone call ever receive "entire contract" by email instead of just rate from A to B for specific cargo and dates?


Since Air freight shipments move quickly, when you are contacted for rates, you must provide the rates as quickly as possible. Also, Jaguar Freight does not handle a large volume of air freight shipments and are not currently IATA certified. These are a couple of the reasons, that we do not have many tariff's in place

NY office

NY office has a special group called "Inside Sales".

  • Steve - manager
  • Sylvia - handles mostly ocean, gets involved into ocean contracts, main user of Rate Explorer?
  • Mary - handles ocean, air

They are responsible for providing cost's to our Outside Sales team, operations team, and overseas offices. In addition to obtaining costs for internal employees, they also quote out cost's the customers.

Currently, requests are usually received verbally (in person), via email, or via telephone. Once the request is received, the inside sales team will begin to research the cost. They begin by determining if the specifications of this shipment are covered within already existing airline tariffs. This is done by checking 1st that the airline has flight from and to the desired airports. Once this is confirmed, they still need to make sure that the airlines has the room required (over sized freight can only shipper on freighter not a passenger aircraft), accepts the specified commodity type (certain kinds of hazardous freight cannot ship on a passenger aircraft), and accepts freight from this shipper type (Unknown shippers cannot ship on a passenger aircraft). If they find multiple airlines fitting these specifications, they will determine the best rate and service level. This is the information they will use to quote out the air portion of this rate. If it does not, they will then research all of this information again using an existing co-loaders tariff. Once again, if multiple rates are found they will select one based on price and service comparison and use this to quote out the air portion of this rate. If the shipment specifications are unusual, large, or are not covered under any existing tariff, they will email or call the airline or co-loader to find someone that can give them a cost. They will complete the total cost's of the shipment by calculating the rates for any additional services required. (pickup, delivery, Customs, etc...)

In addition to the inside sales team, operators, sales, and management are also involved in obtaining cost's.

Everyone seems to be handling the management of the rates that they obtain in their own way. Some keep them saved in their emails, some keep them saved on their desktop, and some have the rates printed out and keep paper copies.


NY office has tariffs in place with 4 airlines and 3 co-loaders. Steven the inside sales manager intends to increase this in the future.


London office

The London office has three main contacts for Cost/Sell rates. Vikesh - Sales

Ginny - Account manager

Anshu - Inside Sales

The London office currently does not book freight directly with any airlines, they only book with co-loaders. They have no airline tariff's in place at this time. When they need to cost out an airfreight shipment, they will always handle this on a spot rate basis at this time.

Paris office


HK office


Future business process


  • What is the vision for the biz proc in the future?
  • A Day in the life of Inside Sales ONCE SYSTEM IS IN PLACE.
  • Explain vision of every office.
  • This should be formulated by person responsible for this area(like Steven in NY).


NY office


London office


Paris office


HK office


Various types of Contracts and Tariffs And How to calculate rate from point A to point B


  • Provide examples of contracts/tariffs used by Jaguar.
  • At least one example for each type.
  • Provide example of how to manually calculate rate for specific request.
  • Attach actual contract/tariff into mantis. Post screen shot into wiki and explain.
  • If possible classify all types of existing Air tariffs.


Singapore Air contract

It comes as an xls file with two tabs. See below. (Original file Singapore Air NYC Rates Apr 1 - Sep 30 2011 example rate sheet.xlsx attached to 0002894: [Rates DB] Implement phase1 for MOT Air ).

File:Singapore Air tab1.JPG

The attached spreadsheet is an example of one of the airlines tariffs.

The top of the page shows you the airline, the commodity (general cargo), any exclusion or notes and the date range these rates are valid for.


Column A is the origin of the shipment.

Column B is the name of the destination.

Column C is the Country of destination.

Column D is the 3 letter destination airport code.

Column E is the commodity type line.

Column F is the 3 letter commodity type

Column G is the minimum air freight charge for the origin and destination pairing (column A and Column D)

Column H TBD - (The – 45 kilo rate. This is the rate per Kilo from 0 K to the next weight break, in this example it is + 45 Kilo’s.

So this rate is for 1 Kilo – 44 Kilo’s, as long as the total is higher than the minimum rate.

Column I - is the + 45 Kilo rate. This is the rate per Kilo over 45 K and under the next weight break (in this example the next weight break is 100 +, so this rate is for 45K – 99 Kilo’s, as long as the rate is higher than the minimum.

Column J – Is the + 100 Kilo rate – following the same rules as Column I.

Column K – Is the + 300 Kilo rate – following the same rules as Column I.

Column L – Is the + 500 Kilo rate – following the same rules as Column I.

Column M – Is the + 1000 Kilo rate – following the same rules as Column I.

Using this drop downs on the spreadsheet, you can set filters to view multiple selections or narrow it down to just one line.

Tab 2

File:Singapore Air tab2.JPG

Example 1:

(Setting column A to NYC and Column D to AKL for a shipment from NY to New Zealand)

If you have a shipment of boxes that is a total of 5 cartons, total 20 K, and total 45 K chargeable weight going from NY to New Zealand.

You would use the dropdown to set as much information as possible.

I set A to NYC, D to AKL, and E to general. This narrowed it down to one line where I can see my rate for this shipment.

File:Singapore example 1.JPG


Types and Examples of Air contracts

Examples attached to Mantis http://ct.jaguarfreight.com/mantis/view.php?id=2894 .
Sample XLS Quote form.  This is what the ISales department uses to create quotes.
Sample PDF Quote form.  This is a copy of the quote generated from the above.
Sample XLS Quote Report.  Steven Inside Sales Manager has been assigning a quote number to each quote he creates and logging these into  an excel sheet to keep track.
Sample of Co-loaders tariff - This is an example of one of the tariffs inside sales uses to search rates offered by one of our co-loaders.  
Singapore Rates - This is an example of one of the airlines rate tariffs used by inside sales to search rates offered by an airline.

Tariff management systems in use

Please find and describe in details any tariff management systems that:
a) Jaguar is using
b) know but not used in Jaguar

APPENDIX Bits and pieces

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