2761 rfd

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  • mantis: 2761 (Acc: SI&II) add payment instructions to be printed onto the Sales Invoices

Requirements and Solutions

  • Task type: Feature.
  • Where: Sales Invoices. (For now this is ONLY a requirement for the London office).
  • What: Payment instructions based on the invoice currency need to be printed on the invoice.
    • For placing the instructions is suggested to create separate section above over Comments section of invoice.

Payment Instructions

  • Printing of payment instructions should be able to be turned on and off, by office.
  • Need to add an admin section for this feature in the Office profile.
    • The admin section should also provide the ability to correct the payment instructions (by example, if they change banks).

Default Text of Instructions

The system will need to default payment instructions based on invoice currency:

For GBP:

Please remit to:- The Royal Bank of Scotland, 97 New Bond Street London W1S 1EU,
A/C No: 00182762, Sort Code: 16-00-28. In Favour of: Jaguar Freight Services Ltd

For USD:

Please remit to:
The Royal Bank of Scotland, 97 New Bond Street, London W1S 1EU
IBAN: GB11 RBOS 1663 0000 1108 88
Sort Code: 16-00-28
In Favour of: Jaguar Freight Services Ltd


Please remit to:
The Royal Bank of Scotland, 97 New Bond Street, London W1S 1EU 
A/C No: 10003015, Sort Code: 16-10-70,  
In Favour of: Jaguar Freight Services Ltd (JAFRSE EUR1)
IBAN: GB11 RBOS 16107010003015
Swift Code: RBOSGB2L

Architect Review

Please do not hard-code actual text of instructions and what office may have them. Have them editable per selected currency and add ability for this feature to be turned on/off.

Ideally have this in Office Admin panel. Or have these options in config file.

Once implemented make sure to provide info about how you implemented in #Implementation Notes.

--Alex 23:42, 2 March 2011 (EST)

Implementation Notes

QA Plan


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