2608 rfd

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  • mantis: 2608 [Flex Rep] Code this

Requirements and Solutions

It is assumed that Flexible Report feature (Flex Rep) would provide the total flexibility of the reports customizing by the Jaguar Users on Internal Application.

Flexibility options

  • Flex Rep should keep ALL current filtering and output options.
  • In addition to existing options, Flex Rep should give to Jaguar User a chance of flexible customizing of the report:
    • Ability of arbitrary selection by any combinations of all CT fields, inclusive of Commodity and Container fields.
    • Ability of using of all CT fields not only as a filter, but also as an output.
    • Ability of using the non CT object/components in the capacity of filter or output fields.
    • Ability of grouping the report on any field of CT (one or more) and showing (sub-)totals in accordance with grouping(s) of the customized report.
    • Option to display or not display CT Number on output with hyperlink.
    • Option to display all commodity lines for one CT or to display one line with summarized commodity.
Rules for headers

Additional options

  • Ability to download the report into a spreadsheet.
  • Ability to schedule the report for automatically sending to user(s).

Architect Review

Implementation Notes

QA Plan


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