2608 rfd

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[edit] Info

  • mantis: 2608 [Flex Rep] Code this

[edit] Requirements and Solutions

It is assumed that Flexible Report feature (Flex Rep) would provide the total flexibility of the reports customizing by the Jaguar Users on Internal Application.

  • Flex Rep is the CT based report.
  • Flex Rep doesn't replace of any other kinds of CT2 reports and is used as separate report.

[edit] Flexibility options

  • Flex Rep should keep ALL current filtering and output options.
  • In addition to existing options, Flex Rep should give to Jaguar User a chance of flexible customizing of the report:
    • Ability of arbitrary selection by any combinations of all CT fields, inclusive of Commodity and Container fields.
    • Ability of using of all CT fields not only as a filter, but also as an output.
    • Ability of using the non CT object/components in the capacity of filter or output fields.
    • Ability of grouping the report on any field of CT (one or more) and showing (sub-)totals in accordance with grouping(s) of the customized report.

[edit] Output options

  • Option to make breakdown of report results by Mode Of Transport (one MOT = one tab) or show results in a single list.
    • Subordinate option to unite the Trucking CTs onto the one common Tab without a dividing to Air/Ocean/Domestic.
  • Option to display or not display CT Number on output with hyperlink.
  • Option to display all commodity lines for one CT or to display one line with summarized commodity.

[edit] Rules for headers

[edit] Additional options

  • Ability to download the report into a spreadsheet.
  • Ability to schedule the report for automatically sending to user(s).

[edit] Architect Review

[edit] Implementation Notes

[edit] QA Plan

[edit] History

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