2413 rfsa

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General Info

Dates on CT2 are supposed to be confirmed in the specific orders.

Business Requirements

  • Operator should not be allowed to enter dates in incorrect orders. If a date is entered out of the order, system should show an error message and the date should not be saved.
  • These dates are under different tabs per mode of transportation.

Detail Requirements

  • NOTE: Each date below MUST be entered in order as the following order dates below.
  • Example: MOT: Ocean LCL, Destination Terminal ATA date cannot be entered before Port of discharge ATA date is entered. And Port of discharge ATA cannot be entered before Port of Tranship ATA date is entered (if this date is application),...etc


Notification Date

  • Mapping: CT_bo#Notification_Date
  • Logic: This date MUST be set before any other dates (Usually this date is set by default to today date as CT is created)

Authorized on

  • Mapping CT_bo#Authorized_On
  • Logic: This date CANNOT be set until the previous date has been set
    • Authorized on date cannot be set if Notification date is empty
    • Authorized on date set cannot be before Notification date set
    • Authorized on date set can be the same date or after Notification date

Export pick up actual date

  • Mapping CT_bo#Estimated_Export_Pick_Up_Date
  • Logic: This date CANNOT be set until the previous two dates have been set
    • Export pick up actual date cannot be set if Authorized on date is empty
    • Export pick up actual date set cannot be before Authorized on date set
    • Export pick up actual date can be set the same date or after Authorized on date

Origin Terminal ATD

  • Mapping CT_bo#Origin_Terminal_Actual_Date
  • Logic: This date CANNOT be set until the previous three dates have been set
    • Origin Terminal ATD date cannot be set if Export Pick up actual date is empty.
    • Origin Terminal ATD date cannot be before Export pick up actual date set
    • Origin Terminal ATD date can be the same date or after Export pick up date

Port of loading ATD

  • Mapping CT_bo#Port_Of_Loading_Actual_Date
  • Logic: This date CANNOT be set until the previous four dates have been set
    • If Origin Terminal ATD is set to Yes , then apply logic below:
      • Port of loading ATD date cannot be set if Origin terminal ATD date is empty
      • Port of loading ATD date cannot be before Origin terminal ATD date set
      • Port of loading ATD date can be the same date or after the Origin terminal ATD date set
    • Else Origin Terminal ATD date will be default the same as Port of loading ATD date

Port of Transship ATA (if applicable)

  • Mapping CT_bo#Trans_Shipment_Actual_Date
  • Logic: This date CANNOT be set until the previous five dates have been set
    • If the Port of Transship ATA date is set, apply logic below:
      • Port of Transship ATA date cannot be set if Port of loading ATD date is empty
      • Port of Transship ATA date set cannot be before Port of loading ATD date set
      • Port of Transship ATA date can be the same date or after as the Port of loading ATD date set
    • Else do nothing

Port of discharge ATA

  • Mapping CT_bo#Port_Of_Discharge_Actual_Date
  • Logic: This date CANNOT be set until the previous six dates have been set
    • Port of discharge ATA date cannot be set if Port of transship ATD OR Port of loading ATD is empty
    • Port of discharge ATA date cannot be set before Port of transship OR Port of loading date set
    • Port of discharge ATA date can be the same date or after Port of transship OR Port of loading date set

Destination Terminal ATA

  • Mapping CT_bo#Destination_Terminal_Actual_Date
  • Logic: This date CANNOT be set until the previous seven dates have been set
    • If Destination Terminal ATA is set to Yes, then apply logic below:
      • Destination Terminal ATA date cannot be set if Port of discharge ATA date is empty
      • Destination Terminal ATA date cannot be set before Port of discharge ATA date set
      • Destination Terminal ATA date can be set the same date or after Port of discharge ATA date set
    • Else Destination Terminal ATA date will be default the same as Port of discharge ATA date

Delivery date

  • Mapping CT_bo#Actual_Delivery_Date
  • Logic: This date CANNOT be set until all of the previous dates have been set
    • Delivery date cannot be set if Destination Terminal ATA date is empty
    • Delivery date cannot be set before Destination Terminal ATA date set
    • Delivery date can be the same date or after Destination Terminal ATA date set
    • Note: This date is default to the same as Destination Terminal ATA date if Enter Delivery Comment is checked


Notification date

Authorized on

  • Mapping CT_bo#Authorized_On
  • Logic: This date CANNOT be set until the previous date has been set

Actual collection

Origin terminal ATD

Port of loading ATD

Port of transship (if applicable) ATA

Port of discharge ATA

Destination terminal ATA

Actual delivery


Notification date

Authorized on

  • Mapping CT#Authorized_On
  • Logic: This date CANNOT be set until the previous dates have been set

Actual Export Pick-Up Date

Airport of departure actual time of departure

Trans-shipment Airport actual time of arrival

Airport of destination actual time of arrival

Actual delivery Date or delivery comment

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