Client Shipment List

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Revision as of 19:21, 5 August 2009 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Business Requirements and Needs (Problem)

User needs:

  • br1) a panel where he can see all shipments (allowed for that user to see).
  • br2) way to create and manage a list of most important shipments and monitor them
  • br3) way to create nickname for most important shipments

High-Level Design (Solution)

  • (br1) present panel similar to "Jag App List All"
  • (br2), (br3) combine operation of adding nickname and adding CT to Watch List
  • watch list will be displayed on another page
  • CTs that are "watched" must be listed on "List All" as well

Detailed Design (Specs)


ss0) This component is similar to List CTs in Internal(Jaguar) App. But it is not same, for example columns are different, etc.

ss1) This panel shows ONLY CTs visible to logged user.See Client visibility rule

ss2) Conditions for CT appearence on particular tab (Undefine, Live, Delivered, or Archived) is the same as here:

ss3) Table Fields def (same for all tabs):

  • MOT
    • this is icon: air, ocn or truck
  • Nickname
    • alphanumeric???
    • visible chars: 13
    • max chars: ???
    • validation: ???
  • CT#
    • double click forwards to CT Details Page
  • Created On
    • CT.DB.CreatedOn field
    • format... example 17 Jul 2009
  • Shipper
    • CT.GT.Shipper
    • Display only Company-City
  • Consignee
    • CT.GT.Consignee
    • Display only Company-City

ss ) Table Paging

Needs paging.

ss ) Table Sorting ??? ss ) Table Searching ??? ss ) default order show sorted by CT# latest at the top

ss ) default tab: Live

ss4) Add to Watch List Feature

ss5) link from CT to Shipment details

Two options:

  • double click
  • select Ct and click on "Show selected button"

In both cases CT Details page would open up.

It allows to add any CT from List All to Watch List. See UC3 below!

Use Cases


Goal: User wants to see what shipments are live, what are undefined, delivered or archived


  • click on appropriate tab


Goal: User wants to see shipment details for particular CT


  • option1) double click on the shipment record OR
  • option2) click on the shipment record and press "Show Selected"


Goal: User wants to add CT to Watch List


  • 1 select CT (with no nickname)
  • 2 enter Nickname into textbox
  • 3 (optional) repeat step 2 for any number of CTs
  • 4 click on "Add to Watch List" button\
  • 5 pop-up appears "Add selected shipments to Watch List? [Yes][No]"
    • if Yes then pop-up appears "X CT's has been added to Watch List [OK]"
      • click "OK"
      • system displays new Nicknames
    • if No nothing happens

Test Cases and QA


Test all use cases



  • Select CT that is already on watch list
  • Click "Add to watch list"
  • system must do nothing


  • Select CT that is not on watch list
  • leave nickname textbox empty
  • Click "Add to watch list"
  • system must do nothing

Look And Feel


tw1) Add paging to every tab

tw2) must sort by any column

  • use standard ZK sorting (click on table header)
  • accommodate this test case:


  • user is on page X
  • user clicks on column Y
  • system must sort and present page 1


rfc2) let user select page size



  • Select CT that is already on watch list
  • Click "Add to watch list"
  • system must show warning "..."


  • Select CT that is not on watch list
  • leave nickname textbox empty
  • Click "Add to watch list"
  • system must show warning "..."
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