Sales Distribution

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This is a project.

It will impact different components of CT2.

It will have multiple phases.

Parent mantis: 0004230.

Business Need

Main business need Is to accommodate distribution of sales amounts across the CTs in the group. This will allow to report on sales amounts and gross margin on individual CT level.

Currently if CTs are grouped into GRP group sales figures and gross margin figures are only available for entire GRP and not individual CTs that are part of given group.

Main idea on how to manage this distribution is similar to what we are doing on purchase side. But not all logic is identical.

First component that will benefit from this is KPIs module.

In the future we can use this in other reports.

Analysis and Solution

Core logic

Currently if invoice is issued against one or more grouped CTs we associate that sales information with entire group.

That is how it is stored in database and that is how it is available in reports.

New logic will associate sales charges with individual CTs within a group. Info will be stored in DB in a different way to accommodate that.

As a result each CT will have its own gross margin and P/L.

All new logic is used for both Sales Invoices and Credit Notes.

Changes to Sales Invoices

Interface for issuing sales invoice for grouped CTs will change.

Decision related to what and how to associate amounts with specific CTs will be done per line item in TOC table.

Each line is linked to unique charge code (CC).

M/I class

CC can be of two types "Master"(M) or "Individual"(I). Let's call it "M/I class"

CC Admin defines default M/I class. This value can be overwritten by operator in TOC at the moment of issuing invoice.

CBV type

CC Admin also defines unique default CBV type (Chargeable Weight vs Gross Weight vs CBM vs CT Count) for each charge code. This type dictates how to distribute charges entered across selected CTs. We use similar logic for PIs.

Invoice level CT list

As it is currently done system will ask user to "Select CTs in the group" when user clicks "Create new invoice button".

User will select a subset of CTs in the group relevant to this invoice.

Let's call it "Invoice level CT list".

For line items that are set as M-class system will distribute charges across this list.

TOC level CT list

This is a new feature. If TOC line item is defined of I-class then system will ask user to select a list of CTs across which to distribute charges. This list is a subset of #Invoice level CT list.

Let's call it "TOC level CT list" .

Summary of new UI controls

To summarize the following new controls will be added at the TOC line item level:

  • M/I selector
  • CBV selector
  • CT selector (for I-charges)

Change in parameters

Sales amounts will be assigned at the moment of creating/saving Invoice and can not be changed.

More specifically change in parameters that define distribution will NOT force re-distribution:

  • CTs can be added or removed from group/Master
  • weight, CBM, chargeable weight could all change

Please note that this is different from PI philosophy of recalculating amounts when parameters above change.


Phase 1 will cover the following SOWs: 1, 2, 3.

Phase 2: TBD.

See Also


SOW 1 Core logic and changes to Sales Invoices


spec: implement these 2 sections - see below

SOW 2 Update KPI logic accordingly

We can now change all logic (cost logic, association, inclusion, etc) to be on per CT vs per Group basis.

Details pending discussion with Sasha.

SOW 3 Pre-calculations

This is pending investigation and can be dropped/postponed.

SOW 4 Modify non KPi reports to show per CT sales amounts for grouped CTs

This is phase 2.

Spec: TBD.

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