Acc Cleanup PP

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Revision as of 15:40, 27 July 2010 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Project specs

see individual tasks mantis

Project Mantis and projID

Project communication

See PM_process#Communication

Project broadcasts and forum

  • through email

Project update meetings

  • who must attend:TBD
  • TBD days/time
  • Skype chat

Project Team and responsibilities

PM: Alex

MO: various

BA: Denise

SA: Tira

DM: Kostya

D1: Kostya

D2: Sasha

D3: Andriy

QA: Roma

UAT: tbd

DE: Andrei

Proj Tasks Breakdown and Milestones

See proj plan xls attached to mantis.


July 27 Tuesday


Topic: Kick off meeting for “Documentation” project.
Length: 30 min
1)	About this project (Alex)
2)	Project Plan ver 1.0 (Alex)
3)	Project Team, roles 
4)	Q and A (Denise, Andrey)


[10:23:13 AM] *** alex dobrovolsky added Andrei Gurzov ***
[10:23:19 AM] *** alex dobrovolsky added Denise ***
[10:23:29 AM] alex dobrovolsky: Hi All!
[10:23:47 AM] Andrei Gurzov: Hi
[10:24:37 AM] alex dobrovolsky: I woul like to conduct a meeting for a new project, sorry for a short notice.
[10:24:49 AM] alex dobrovolsky: Let me send you details....
[10:24:54 AM] alex dobrovolsky: Topic: Kick off meeting for “Documentation” project.
Length: 30 min
1) About this project (Alex)
2) Project Plan ver 1.0 (Alex)
3) Project Team, roles
4) Q and A (Denise, Andrey)
[10:25:01 AM] alex dobrovolsky: --------------
[10:25:09 AM] Andrei Gurzov: ok
[10:25:41 AM] alex dobrovolsky: 1) About this project (Alex)
[10:26:06 AM] alex dobrovolsky: I see this as ongoing project (similarly to Support project)
[10:26:37 AM] alex dobrovolsky: We will always have to work on documentation: create, update, improve
[10:27:41 AM] alex dobrovolsky: I will write "Documentation process" wiki, to capture this in writing btw
[10:28:25 AM] alex dobrovolsky: Right now we have 2 major subproject under this project: 2247 and 2032
[10:28:46 AM] alex dobrovolsky: Btw this project itself is 2176
[10:29:17 AM] alex dobrovolsky: 2032 is almost done
[10:29:24 AM] alex dobrovolsky: only 2026 left
[10:29:38 AM] alex dobrovolsky: all remaining tasks has been completed by Tira
[10:29:44 AM] Andrei Gurzov: 2026 almost done
[10:30:19 AM] alex dobrovolsky: I see it is set to be completed today: Dz.due    2010-07-27
[10:30:24 AM] alex dobrovolsky: Are you on schedule?
[10:30:38 AM] Andrei Gurzov: yes. just moment.
[10:30:42 AM] alex dobrovolsky: ok, fine
[10:30:47 AM] alex dobrovolsky: lets move to
[10:31:00 AM] alex dobrovolsky: 2247
[10:31:09 AM] alex dobrovolsky:    0002247: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup .
[10:31:32 AM] alex dobrovolsky: Pls read Description in 2247
[10:31:43 AM] Andrei Gurzov: Access Denied
[10:32:01 AM] alex dobrovolsky: Description    a) do we have wiki articles for all Acc components?
b) if we do are they up to date?
c) archive old articles
d) make sure wiki structure is well organized under [^]
Re-structure if required
e) do we have all parent mantis? Right now we have only broad categories, we need mantis for every component
* move all child links to newly created mantises
f) do we have all term in Glossary defined for Acc?
[10:32:11 AM] alex dobrovolsky: let me change access
[10:32:47 AM] Andrei Gurzov: ok.
[10:32:58 AM] Andrei Gurzov: sorry, i mean 2176 about access
[10:33:10 AM] Andrei Gurzov: 2247 is open for me
[10:33:43 AM] Andrei Gurzov: even assigned to me
[10:34:10 AM] alex dobrovolsky: try now
[10:34:26 AM] Andrei Gurzov: ok. i see it
[10:36:25 AM] alex dobrovolsky: ok, as you can see this project is about making sure that all wikis for Acc module are in a good shape
[10:36:48 AM] Andrei Gurzov: i see
[10:36:53 AM] Denise: ok'
[10:37:09 AM] alex dobrovolsky: Not many of them are out of date, missing, structure in mantis and wiki needs to be updated
[10:37:14 AM] alex dobrovolsky: Why Acc?
[10:38:06 AM] alex dobrovolsky: Because we have a new CFO Karen on board, she became very active and we will see a lot of Acc tasks coming in the future.
[10:38:18 AM] Denise: ok
[10:38:19 AM] alex dobrovolsky: 2) Project Plan ver 1.0 (Alex)
[10:38:56 AM] alex dobrovolsky: We will start to work on this with Denise today.
[10:39:12 AM] alex dobrovolsky: Andrei, when can you start this project?
[10:39:24 AM] Andrei Gurzov: tomorrow
[10:39:39 AM] Andrei Gurzov: in the evening on Kiev
[10:39:50 AM] alex dobrovolsky: ok, thx
[10:39:59 AM] alex dobrovolsky: 3) Project Team, roles
[10:40:14 AM] alex dobrovolsky: a) Andrei - Documentation Engineer
[10:40:34 AM] alex dobrovolsky: b) Denis - Project Manager, Business Analyst
[10:40:54 AM] Denise: ok
[10:40:59 AM] Andrei Gurzov: ok
[10:41:07 AM] alex dobrovolsky: c) Tira - Systems Analyst (on as needed basis)
[10:41:36 AM] Denise: ok
[10:41:51 AM] alex dobrovolsky: So next step is for Denise/Alex is to create/disseminate Proj Plan.
[10:42:27 AM] alex dobrovolsky: Regular status update meetings... let's do 1-2 times a week. Time TBD.
[10:42:46 AM] alex dobrovolsky: Last item on the agenda: 4) Q and A (Denise, Andrey)
[10:43:10 AM] Denise: k
[10:43:34 AM] Andrei Gurzov: my first task is 2247?
[10:44:45 AM] alex dobrovolsky: 2247 is a parent, we need to create project tasks breakdown anc create individual mantis for each task, pls wait for that
[10:45:10 AM] Andrei Gurzov: ok. I wait.
[10:46:54 AM] alex dobrovolsky:  No more questions?
[10:47:04 AM] Andrei Gurzov: no more
[10:47:09 AM] alex dobrovolsky: Denise?
[10:47:42 AM] Denise: quite a few, but ok to discuss seperately?
[10:47:49 AM] alex dobrovolsky: sure
[10:47:53 AM] Denise: thanks
[10:48:35 AM] alex dobrovolsky: Ok, Thanks all, meeting is closed. I will send notification about next meeting by e-mail.
[10:48:59 AM] Andrei Gurzov: thanks all. bye.
[10:49:00 AM] Denise: Thanks.
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