External Manufacturer Interface

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Revision as of 14:37, 11 June 2010 by Montira (Talk | contribs)
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General Info

See #Shipper_Interface#Data_dictionary


View Shipment

This allows user to view the shipment record.

Set Approval Status

This allows user to set approval status for the shipment order whether it is approved, on hold, or rejected.


Approve the entire quantity entered.

  • User approves many shipments at once
  • User selects shipments by checking checkboxs
  • User sets approval status by selecting Approve from the dropdown list
  • User clicks Apply
  • The system will send a status notification to the supplier advising that his/her shipment record number XX was approved by external manufacturer's name at yy:zz AM/PM (EST) on DD-MON-YYYY.
  • User approves one shipment at a time
  • There are 2 ways to do it.
  • User selects shipment and clicks View button or double clicks on the shipment
  • OR User selects a shipment by checking a checkbox for a particular shipment
  • User sets approval status by selecting Approve from the dropdown list
  • User clicks Apply button
  • The system will send a status notification to the supplier advising that his/her shipment record number XX was approved by external manufacturer's name at yy:zz AM/PM (EST) on DD-MON-YYYY.


Hold with or without a date for the entire quantity entered.

Hold with Date

This date feature acts as a ‘hold to ship date’ – meaning hold until xx/xx/xxxx before scheduling the pick up. This date cannot be changed 48 hours prior to the date selected.

Hold without Date

User sets the status on hold without date - meaning that user can come back to re-set the status to Approve, Reject, or Hold with date anytime


Password protected web based access

See Shipper_Interface#Password_protected_web_based_access

Systems Design and Prototype


Figure 1. External Manufacturer Interface (New Tab)


Figure 2. External Manufacturer Interface (All Tabs except New Tab)


Figure 3. External Manufacturer Interface (New Tab with Hold Status selected)


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