Shipper Interface

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(Figure 4. Approved Tab)
(Figure 5. Rejected Tab)
Line 550: Line 550:
=== Figure 5. Rejected Tab ===
=== Figure 5. Rejected Tab ===
=== Figure 5a. Delivered Tab ===
=== Figure 5b. Archived Tab ===
=== Figure 6. Add CT(s)- General Tab ===
=== Figure 6. Add CT(s)- General Tab ===

Revision as of 14:44, 14 June 2010


General Info

Data dictionary

General fields:

  • Shipper
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:
  • Pick Up location
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:
  • Ship To location
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:
  • PO Issued by
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:
  • Created by
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:
  • Created on (date and time)
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:
  • Pick Up Comments
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:
  • Commodity Description
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:
  • Cargo available
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:

Commodity fields:

  • PO
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:
  • SKU
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:
  • Quantity (Qty)
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:
  • Item description
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:
  • Number of pallets
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:
  • Number of packages on pallets
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:
  • Loose packages
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:
  • Gross Weight
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:
  • Item Value
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:
  • Total value
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:
  • Haz/Non-Haz
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:
  • Stackable
    • meaning:
    • type/format:
    • short name:


Add shipment

This allows user to add new shipment record with some information

Edit shipment

This allows user to edit shipment record information when shipment is on New Tab and pick up trucker or pick up date has not been assigned.

  • User selects a shipment record
  • User Clicks Edit button - see Edit button #Figure 3. New Tab
  • IF Ct#Export_Pick_Up_Trucker AND Ct#Estimated_Export_Pick_Up_Date is EMPTY THEN shipment record CAN BE EDITED! ELSE shipment record is lock for read ONLY
  • Message pop-up showing: This record cannot be edited because either pick up trucker or pick up date has been assigned. Please contact Jaguar Freight. [OK]

Delete shipment

This allows user to delete shipment when shipment is on New Tab and pick up trucker or pick up date has not been assigned.

  • User selects a shipment record
  • User clicks Delete button - see Delete button #Figure 3. New Tab
  • IF Ct#Export_Pick_Up_Trucker OR Ct#Estimated_Export_Pick_Up_Date is NOT EMPTY THEN shipment record CANNOT BE DELETED!
  • Warning pop-up message: This shipment cannot be deleted, pick-up trucker and/or Estimate pick-up date have been assigned. [OK]
  • ELSE Warning pop-up message: Are you sure that you would like to delete this shipment record? [Yes][No][Cancel]
    • If Yes, shipment record can be deleted, shipment is removed from the records
    • If No or Cancel, shipment record stays as it is

View shipment

This allows user to view the shipment record.

Copy shipment

This allows user to copy or clone a reject shipment in order to create a new shipment with pre-filled info and update any of the necessary fields for external manufacturer re-approval

  • User selects Rejected Tab
  • User clicks Copy button on a particular shipment record that he would like to update
  • User updates info such as quantity,...etc
  • User clicks Save button in order to save shipment information

Save shipment

This allows user to save shipment information

  • User clicks Save button for a particular shipment record
  • Condition: Quantity cannot be zero and all majority fields MUST be entered before allowing to save
  • Warning pop-up message: This shipment cannot be saved, ( ) field cannot be blank [OK]
  • Shipment is saved and generate shipment number

Notifications feature

Ability for user to opt-in/out to receive notification

First Stage: User receives all notifications

Second Stage: Opt-in/out to receive notification (setting from My Profile)

E-mail Notifications

  • An e-mail notification will be sent automatically reconfirming back to the user(shipper) the information they have entered.
  • You have created (XX) amount of shipment records for PO Issued by (Y).
  • Listing a breakdown of each line entered including the ship from and ship to locations.
  • Date time stamps
  • For example:
You have created 2 amount of shipment records at 10.30 AM (EST) on 10-Jun-2010 for PO Issued by CEI Holmdel as CyberTrax Number below. 

This shipment record(s) is shipped from JACKEL (USA) INC, NJ to CEI Holmdel, NJ.
  • An e-mail notification will be sent automatically to the user(shipper) when the approval status for shipment record(s) has been updated by external manufacturer's planner.
  • Approve the entire quantity entered.
  • Hold with or without a date for the entire quantity entered.
  • Reject the entire quantity entered.
  • The system will send a status notification to the user(shipper) advising that your record XX was approved by planner’s name (external manufacturer planner's name) at (time) on (date).
  • For example:
Your shipment record CT#11111' has been approved by John Due at 10:00 AM (EST) on 10-Jun-2010. 
Your shipment record CT#11111' has been placed on hold by John Due at 10:00 AM (EST) on 10-Jun-2010. Wait to approve.
Your shipment record CT#11111' has been rejected by John Due at 10:00 AM (EST) on 10-Jun-2010. Only require 10000 pieces.

Adding new address by Shipper User

  • Sometimes address for Consignee(T2) and/or Export Pick-up (t4) are not available on the list for shipper user to select, shipper user would like to add a new address for a particular field.
  • Provide a mechanism for shipper user to add new address (Consignee(T2), Export Pick-up fields(T4))
  • It must prevent the redundancy new address entry that is added by shipper users (compare with an existing address in the system and be able to provide the closest address to make sure that shipper user still wants to add it)
  • New address must be review by a selected group of Jaguar User (
  • There must be a notification for the selected group of Jaguar User( to review and approve the new address request.
  • NOTE for Dev: Please provide your idea and let SA know before implementing it. Please discuss for ideas. (SA has a few idea, but would like to see which idea is the one that we will decide)

Password protected web based access

  • 2 buttons for users who has visibility to create shipments and/or set approval status for shipments and view their own company's shipment
  • If user is only a shipper, THEN user logs on straightly to the Domestic Shipping Portal
  • General client user logs on straightly to CyberTrax Homepage

Systems Design and Prototype

User Profile from Non-Jaguar Users Profile

  • User can be at least one role or up to 3 roles:
    • Client
      • Select E0.Client Company - Visible the shipments that belong to E0.Client Company
    • Shipper
      • Check Shipper field and select the E0. Client Company that would be created for
    • External Manufacturer
      • Check External field and select PO.issued by company on dropdown list

Shipper User profile

    • Visibility should be set properly
  • Shipper checkbox - checked
  • Create CT for E0. Client Company - select company that shipper would like to create a shipment (CT) for
    • For example: E.A USA Domestic
    • System automatically updates this field E0.Client Company on internal app as "E.A USA Domestic" when user create a shipment on shipper interface
    • If there is more than one E0. client companies that shipper can create CT for, set it to blank value
  • Set Part C. Link to Address book
  • This address automatically updates Shipper field on Shipper Interface and welcome user log in message on user profile

EM user profile

    • Visibility should be set properly
  • External Manufacturer checkbox - checked
  • P.O Issued by - select company that external Manufacturer can approve the shipment for
    • For example: CEI Holmdel
    • When user logs on to the system, he will have an EM visibility which EM can only view and set approval status for shipment that has P.O issued by CEI Holmdel ONLY
  • Set Part C. Link to Address book
  • This address is for welcome message on user profile


  • Log on to client application as a shipper or an external manufacturer

Domestic Shipping Portal


  • New Tab - See #Figure 3. New Tab
  • Approved Tab - See #Figure 4. Approved Tab
    • Condition: Approved by field will be updated on the record when the shipment is approved by whom and when
  • Hold Tab - See #Figure 4. Approved Tab
    • Condition 1 Approved by field will be updated on the record when the shipment is hold by whom and when
  • Rejected Tab - See #Figure 4. Approved Tab
    • Condition: Approved by field will be updated on the record when the shipment is rejected by whom and when
  • Delivered Tab - See #Figure 4. Approved Tab.
    • Condition: Actual delivery date is not empty - same logic as Delivered Tab on Client and Internal App
  • Archived tab - See #Figure 4. Approved Tab .
    • Condition: Same logic as Delivered Tab on Client and Internal App

Filter: Client Company

  • Client Company
    • Label: Client Company
    • Widget: Listbox with only list of client companies that shipper was created
    • Buttons:
      • Apply Filter: List shipment record(s) that belongs to a specific client company filter selected
      • Clear: reset information
      • Condition: This applies for all tabs
      • For example, if user selects client company filter and clicks Apply then it applies for all tabs

Shipment List table

  • CT#
    • Display - All tabs
  • Created On
    • Display - All tabs
  • Pick Up Location
    • Display - All tabs
  • Delivery Location P.O
    • Display - All tabs
  • SKU
    • Display - All tabs
  • Qty
    • Display - All tabs
  • Copy button
    • Display - Only Rejected Tab


  • Paging
  • Sorting

Add CT

  • Create CT page
  • Pop-up window - see #Figure 6. Add CT(s)- General Tab
  • MOT: Default to Truck- Domestic - Hidden field
  • Pre-filled E0.Client Company field - hidden field
    • Mapping: E0.Client company from Non-Jaguar user > Create CT for E0.Client Company if there is only one client company
    • For ex1, if shipper can create CT for ONLY ONE E0.Client Company (EA USA Domestic), then create CT page, E0.Client Company will be default to EA USA Domestic


  • default to blank if there is many different E0.Client Companies that shipper can create for
    • For ex2, if shipper can create CT for many different E0.Client Companies, then create CT page, it will be default to blank with the list of drop down E0.Client Companies that is set on Non-Jaguar Users> Create CT for E0.Client Companies
  • First Stage: We are offering for the first example for shipper to create shipment for only one client company. Future: we can make it more flexible for shipper in order to create shipments for many client companies.!!!

General Tab

E0. Client Company:

  • Label: E0. Client Company
  • Widget: Combobox
  • Mapping: Admin> Users and Offices> Non-Jag profile> Part B. Visibility> Shipper."Create CT for Client Company in Non Jag profile"
  • Default: E0.Client Company in Non Jag profile part B (created for) OR blank if there is more than one E0.client companies
  • Required: Yes
  • NOTE: this is not visible for Shipper User, system automatically updates this field for internal app

E1. Visibility 1:

  • Label: E1. Visibility 1
  • Widget: Combobox
  • Mapping: None
  • Required: Yes
  • Condition: IF "E0.Client Company = EA.USA-Domestic" THEN "E1. Visibility1 = Elizabeth Arden" ELSE "E1. Visibility1 = blank"
  • NOTE: this is not visible for Shipper User, system automatically updates this field for internal app


  • Label: Shipper:
  • Widget: Read Only Combobox without C button
  • Mapping: Pre-filled: Admin> Non-Jag users> Part C > address book
  • Default: value from Jag User profile part C address book
  • Required: Yes
  • Note: Not editable! No clear button

Pick-Up Location:

  • Label: Pick-Up Location:
  • Widget: Read Only for selected list Combobox with Clear(C) button
  • Mapping: Address book> Export Pick-up (T4) ONLY list USA/Canada address
  • Default: Yes - copy company address from Shipper field
  • Note: C button - clear button, once it is clear, this box can be editable.
  • Condition: IF this field is a manual entry (not selected from an existing list) THEN after user clicks "save" or "Save/Next Tab>>" system MUST send an email notification to that new address has entered, please create new address on address book and update Export Pick-up field for this CT#.....

Ship To Location:

  • Label: Ship To Location:
  • Widget: Read Only for selected list Combobox with Clear(C) button
  • Mapping: Address book> Consignee (T2) ONLY list USA/Canada address
  • Default: blank
  • Required: Yes
  • Note: C button - clear button, once it is clear, this box can be editable.
  • Condition: IF this field is a manual entry (not selected from an existing list) THEN after user clicks "save" or "Save/Next Tab>>" system MUST send an email notification to that new address has entered, please create new address on address book and update consignee field for this CT#.....

P.O. Issued by:

Pick-up Instruction:

  • Label: Pick-up Instruction:
  • Widget: textarea
  • Mapping: n/a
  • Default: blank
  • Required: No

Commodity description:

  • Label: Commodity description:
  • Widget: textarea
  • Mapping: n/a
  • Default: blank

Cargo Available:

  • Label: Cargo Available:
  • Widget: datebox
  • Mapping: None
  • Default: Copy from Create On
  • Condition: Allow user to edit this date to today, tomorrow, the next day date ONLY.

Created by

  • Combine created by, Time CT Created, and Created on field
  • Label: Created by
  • Widget: Read ONLY textbox
  • Mapping: Non-Jag user profile
  • Default: current shipper user login First and Last names
  • Mapping: CT_bo#Created_On_Date
  • Default: System Date stamps when shipment is first created
  • Mapping: System Timestamps
  • Default: System Timestamps when shipment is first created


  • Label: P.O.
  • Widget: textbox
  • Mapping: n/a
  • Default: blank


  • Label: SKU
  • Widget: textbox
  • Mapping: n/a
  • Default: blank


  • Label: Qty
  • Widget: textbox
  • Mapping: n/a
  • Default: blank

Item Description

  • Label: Item Description
  • Widget: textbox
  • Mapping: n/a
  • Default: blank

# Plt

  • Label: # Plt
  • Widget: textbox
  • Mapping: n/a
  • Default: blank

pkgs on plt

  • Label: Pkgs on Plt
  • Widget: textbox
  • Mapping: n/a
  • Default: blank

Loose pkgs

  • Label: Loose pkgs
  • Widget: textbox
  • Mapping: n/a
  • Default: blank


  • Label: GW with unit option [Lbs/Kgs]
  • Widget: textbox
  • Mapping: n/a
  • Default: Lbs

Piece price

  • Label: Piece price
  • Widget: textbox
  • Mapping: n/a
  • Default: blank

Total Value

  • Label: Total Value
  • Widget: Read only textbox
  • Mapping: n/a
  • Value: Qty * Piece price
  • Default: blank


  • Label: Haz/Non-Haz
  • Widget: Listbox
  • Mapping: n/a
  • Value: [Yes][No]
  • Default: No


  • Label: Commodity description:
  • Widget: Listbox
  • Mapping: n/a
  • Value: [Yes][No]
  • Default: Yes

Approved by

  • Combine approved by, Time Date Stamps
  • Label: Approved by
  • Widget: Read ONLY textbox
  • Condition: It takes action when the shipment is Approved, Rejected, or On Hold
  • Mapping: Non-Jag user profile
  • Default: current EM's planner user login First and Last names
  • Mapping: System Time Date Stamps
  • Default: System Date stamps when shipment is Approved, Rejected, or On Hold
  • Mapping: System Timestamps
  • Default: System Timestamps when shipment is Approved, Rejected, or On Hold
  • Note: This field will ONLY appear on the record when the shipment was Approved, Rejected, or On Hold.

Clear button

  • Check commodity line(s) then click Clear button, info is reset to blank for that line(s)

Save button

  • Click Save button, System checks whether all majority fields are entered before all info is saved in the system
  • If at least one of the majority fields are not entered, then system will not allow records to be saved and show warning message
  • Each line of commodity table will be generated individual shipment record (CT#)
    • For example, there are 10 lines of filled PO/SKU(s), system will generate 10 different shipment records after user clicks Save button

Delete button

  • Click Delete button, message warning pop-up condition below:
    • IF Ct#Export_Pick_Up_Trucker OR Ct#Estimated_Export_Pick_Up_Date is NOT EMPTY THEN shipment record CANNOT BE DELETED!
    • Warning pop-up message: This shipment cannot be deleted, pick-up trucker and/or Estimate pick-up date have been assigned. [OK]
    • ELSE Warning message: Are you sure that you would like to delete this shipment record? [Yes][No][Cancel]
      • If Yes, shipment record can be deleted
      • If No or Cancel, shipment record stays as it is

CyberTrax Homepage

  • Under Shipment List menu
  • Default: Live Tab
  • Current functionalities
  • Additional Condition:
    • Shipment that is approved by EM should be showing on Live tab on Client and Internal application as well as Approved Tab on Shipper Interface and External Manufacturer Interface!!!


Figure 1. Create Shipper Account from Non-Jaguar User


Figure 2. Shipper logs In


Figure 3. New Tab


Figure 4. Approved Tab


Figure 4a. Hold Tab


Figure 5. Rejected Tab


Figure 5a. Delivered Tab


Figure 5b. Archived Tab


Figure 6. Add CT(s)- General Tab


Figure 7. Enter Info - General Tab


Figure 8. View Info - General Tab




BA 2078

SA 2078

  • Spec is updated: Y
  • NOTE: BR section above is not updated. Requirement is changed.
  • Final version: 11787
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