Pick Up Order

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(Business Needs and Requirements)
(Technical Specification)
Line 28: Line 28:
:* ''default:'' today's date
:* ''default:'' today's date
'''CT#: '''
:* ''meaning:'' current CT
:* ''default:'' current CT
:* ''meaning:'' any comment ???
:* ''default:''  blank
'''Bill To:'''
:* ''meaning:'' Bill To party address
:* ''default:''  blank
==== Truck Company Info ====
Line 36: Line 52:
:* ''meaning:'' Contact at Trucking company ???
:* ''meaning:'' Contact at Trucking company ???
:* ''default:'' blank
:* ''default:'' blank
'''CT#: '''
:* ''meaning:'' current CT
:* ''default:'' current CT
Line 48: Line 60:
:* ''meaning:'' ???
:* ''meaning:'' ???
:* ''default:'' blank
:* ''default:'' blank
==== Commodity info ====
'''Description: '''
'''Description: '''
Line 53: Line 67:
:* ''default:'' Gen Tab, Commodity description
:* ''default:'' Gen Tab, Commodity description
:* in case of group generate pull info from ALL CTs
:* in case of group generate pull info from ALL CTs
:* ''meaning:'' any comment ???
:* ''default:''  blank
'''Bill To:'''
:* ''meaning:'' Bill To party address
:* ''default:''  blank
==== PO/Item and Commodity Statistics ====
'''PO / Item ''' pair
'''PO / Item ''' pair

Revision as of 18:56, 28 December 2009




Business Needs and Requirements


  • Another name for this doc is D/R (Delivery request).
  • This doc serve same purpose as D/O but presents different info.

Technical Specification


This one spec covers Pick Up Order for ALL modes


See Figure 1: Template

Header Fields

Office Address:

  • meaning: From Address for this doc
  • default: Jaguar Office address for Current User, Admin > Offices

General fields


  • default: today's date


  • meaning: current CT
  • default: current CT


  • meaning: any comment ???
  • default: blank

Bill To:

  • meaning: Bill To party address
  • default: blank

Truck Company Info


  • meaning: Trucking company name
  • default: Gen Tab, Pick-up Trucker


  • meaning: Contact at Trucking company ???
  • default: blank


  • meaning: ???
  • default: blank


  • meaning: ???
  • default: blank

Commodity info


  • meaning: Commodity description
  • default: Gen Tab, Commodity description
  • in case of group generate pull info from ALL CTs

PO / Item pair

  • meaning: commodity data
  • default: PO/Item from commodity table
  • overflow case: If there are more PO/SKU pairs than can fit on one page then on template and pdf deisplay this: "Additional PO/Item #'s are included in this shipment, and could not be displayed on this document."
  • group generate case: Take PO/SKU from current CT first and then from any additional selected CT in no particular order.


  • meaning: HU
  • default: pull this from current CT, Ttl HU:, Cont Tab
  • group generate: show sum for all selected CTs


  • meaning: Ttl weight
  • default: pull this from current CT, Ttl G kg, Cont Tab
  • group generate: show sum for all selected CTs


  • meaning: unit om measurement for Weight
  • default: KG
  • functionality: re-calc on the fly


  • meaning: X pallets, Y cartons, Z loose cartons
    • X = Ttl # of plts
    • Y = Ttl pkgs on plts
    • Z = Loose pkgs
  • default: pull this from current CT, Cont Tab
  • group generate: show sum for all selected CTs

Pick up/Collection Info

Mapping for MOT = UNDEFINED / AIR / OCEAN / Trucking Air/ Trucking Ocean:

  • Export Pick-up (T4)

Mapping for MOT = Trucking Domestic:

  • Shipper (T1)

Pick up/Collection From:

  • meaning: address
  • default: from CT

Contact person:

  • meaning: contact for this address
  • default: from Admin > Addressbook


  • meaning: tel for this address
  • default: from Admin > Addressbook

Delivery Info

Mapping for MOT = UNDEFINED / AIR / OCEAN / Trucking Air/ Trucking Ocean:

  • Delivery to (T5)

Mapping for MOT = Trucking Domestic:

  • Consignee (T2)

Delivery to:

  • meaning: address
  • default: this CT

Contact person:

  • meaning: contact for this address
  • default: from Admin > Addressbook


  • meaning: tel for this address
  • default: from Admin > Addressbook


See Figure 2.


  • Logo
for local office of logged in operator
  • From Address
pull from Template


Pull all data from Template.


As defined on Figure 2

Look and Feel

As defined on Figure 2.

Multipage case

This doc can not have more than 1 page

Special case: Groups

Some fields are "group fields". See Template section for this info.

Special Case: French Version


See radio button that controls in what language to produce pdf (section#6).


Everything is the same except labels are translated into french. See "Pick Up order French.xlsx" attached to mantis

Additional Figures

Figure 1: Template

File:Pick Up Order Template.JPG

Figure 2: Pdf

File:Pick Up Order Pdf.JPG


Old spec: http://mantis.jaguarfreight.com/wiki/CT.Ocean.PickupOrder

Make this doc available for all MOTs

Create French version of this doc

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