DR framework for Action Required reports

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[[Category:DRs and KPIs]]
[[Category:Action Required DRs]]
== Info ==
== Info ==

Current revision as of 16:43, 29 September 2011


[edit] Info

0003034: [DR/KPI] ....... <proj>


see also Dashboard framework

[edit] Business Requirements for DR Framework

This section has been moved from Internal_Dashboard_Reports#Business_Analysis_and_Requirements

[edit] Glossary

[edit] Summary

[r1a] Right now the operations staff receives a number of scheduled reports via email daily. Currently these reports are scheduled according to office (by assigning a region, MOT (Ocean, Air, Trucking) if it is inbound (import) or outbound (export). So the NY Import Department is receiving these reports listing ALL NY import shipments - Ocean. The problem with this is that the users need to look through all of the scheduled reports they are receiving (which could contain a lot of shipments), to check on the only the ones they are responsible for (which could be only a couple of those shipments. [/r1a]

For Example
Jeanine is the Coty Team Leader.  Her team handles, import, export, ocean, air, and trucking.   She needs to go through
basically all of the emailed scheduled action required reports to monitor the  teams shipments.  
Since her team is only handling one account, She only needs about 10% of the
information she is receiving.

To improve on this Marc has requested these reports be personalized and added to dashboard reports.

[edit] Core need

To add a number of Dashboard reports for internal users and personalize the dashboards.

[edit] Core functionality

  • Take some existing reports and create Dashboards for them.
  • Personalization. r1b/ Make specific reports instances configurable in Admin. For example, Sue would see only in transit dashboard report for CTs for the client she handles. On the other hand John her manager would see in transit report for all clients (E0) that each member of his team is managing. /r1b
  • Easy management. Ability to map one report to a group of users.
  • Extra filters. r2a/ Might be required to add extra flexibility for report conditions. /r2a
  • Clone or Copy r3/ Ability to copy or clone an already existing report, so operators can just add or remove any necessary filters.

NOTE: There is a similar component for internal reports / KPIs. See 0002932: [KPIs] ...... <proj>

[edit] Details

[edit] Controlling these reports

These reports should be controlled in Admin.

With the ability to disable dashboard and replace with emails again if necessary [r4]

The operator should have the ability to [r5] set the levels of the dashboard report themselves, by setting the filters to their needs. [/r5] This should be the standard for all of the action required reports.

[edit] Add these reports to a Dashboard report

Dashboard should have one column listing the name of the report [r6]

For Example:
NY - Past Due Arrivals - Ocean - General Import 
NY - Past Due Arrivals - Coty

Dashboard should have another column showing the total number of shipments count on this report. [r7a]

  • This number should be a hyperlink, that would open up a report. Depending on the report, it may have another level of drop down. [r7b]
For Example
NY - Past Due Arrivals - Ocean - General Import   Total Shipments 4
after clicking the hyperlink, the next report would only list the client name and total number
of shipments past due for that client.  This number would also be a hyperlink.
Space NK  2  [r8]
Nassau Candy 1
Artcraft Health 1
After clicking the hyperlink, the next report would be HTML report [r9] listing all the shipments and there is an option to create an excel spreadsheet [r10] listing all the  details of those shipments
(including all the details that are currently on the "Past Due  Arrivals - Ocean report") 

Dashboard should provide real time updates [r11] Once the report is added to the dashboard, admin users can turn off [r12] the scheduled reports that were set to email to the operators.

  • May need to add flexibility where you can select dashboard or email per user, if you are coping a Jaguar User in on a scheduled client report. [r13]

[edit] Personalization

We will need to add additional filters to existing scheduled reports.

  • The filters that need to be added may be specific to the exact report. [r2b]

For easier maintenance we should add the ability the include AND exclude specifics

For Example:
User Group called NY EA Group: 
Rob(Team Leader)
Rob decides to create a report for his team of shipments that arrived, but are not delivered.  He does
 not want this report to be added to Ana's report because she is not  currently handling any deliveries.
He should be able to include the EA Group to this report and then exclude only Ana.
*having this ability will make it easier, so Rob does not have to create a new group, assign it 
only to the other 6 in the group, or if in the future, he decides Ana should be on the group,
he can just remove that single exclusion filter.  [r14]


John is the general imports team leader and he would like to see all NY general import 
arrivals.  However he does not want any additional information, so he would like to 
exclude Coty and EA because these accounts are handled by a different team.  He also 
would like to exclude Jamaica, as his team is no longer handling shipments into
Jamaica.  He should be able to set the filter to show all NY Imports 
by selecting 
Destination Region:  North America - South America - Caribbean
Excluding Country:  Jamaica
Client Company:  ALL
Excluding:  Coty & EA
By Offering this exclusion filter, it will enable John to Narrow down the report to his
exact specifications without having to filter Clients one by one skipping over the
two that he does not require (Currently have 1700 + Client Companies in the system)
or assign two regions, plus the countries in the Caribbean one by one skipping over one 

[edit] Filters


  • Operator
  • Jaguar User Group
  • Office
  • Region
  • Inbound (Import)
  • Outbound (Export)
  • E0. Client Co.
  • Shipper
  • Consignee
  • Mode of Transport



  • Number of Days
    • Daily (Current should be the result of the previous day starting at 12:00 am and ending at 11:59 pm
    • Weekly (Current should be the week before starting Monday 12:00 am - Sunday 11:59 pm)
    • Monthly (Current should be the previous month starting on the 1st at 12:00 am and ending on the last day on the month at 11:59 pm
    • Quarterly (current should be the previous quarter following the same as above)
    • Yearly (current should be previous year following same rules as above)


[edit] Look and Feel requirements


Graphics should be "modern" – IE to mimic something along the lines of the NY times site, as like with US Markets, bar graphs seen here http://markets.on.nytimes.com/research/markets/overview/overview.asp

(per Marc's letter - see note 10143 in mantis 0003034: [DR/KPI] ....... <proj>)


[edit] Requirements suggested by developer

  • dr1: last state

config of every user to be remembered until next login

  • dr2: DR for client vs internal

Any DR must be available for client and internal (with appropriate mask: E0, etc)

[edit] Business Requirements analysis

[edit] List in order as they appear in doc

  • r1a: DR must be tailored for specific user
  • r1b: superuser level admin for Dr, see also r5
  • r2a: extra filters
  • r3: clone or copy
  • r4: DR vs email
  • r5: oper level admin for DR
  • r6: clever DR id
  • r7a: level1 layout
  • r7a: level2 options
  • r8: level2 example
  • r9: HTML ver
  • r10: xls ver
  • r11: real time updates
  • r12: admin users can turn off, see also r1
  • r13: give client's user DR to Jag user (to be confirmed)
  • r2b: filters are specific
  • r2c: new filters list
  • r14: exclusion filters
  • r15: flex sched
  • r16: look and feel
  • dr1: last state
  • dr2: DR for client vs internal

[edit] List grouped per function


  • r1a: DR must be tailored for specific user
  • r1b: superuser level admin for Dr, see also r5
  • r5: oper level admin for DR
  • r3: clone or copy
  • r4: DR vs email
  • r6: clever DR id
  • dr1: last state
  • dr2: DR for client vs internal
  • r15: flex sched
  • r12: admin users can turn off, see also r1
  • r13: copy jag user on client rep (???)


  • r7a: level1 layout
  • r7a: level2 options
  • r8: level2 example
  • r9: HTML ver
  • r10: xls ver


  • r2a: extra filters
  • r2b: filters are specific
  • r2c: new filters list
  • r14: exclusion filters


  • r11: real time updates
  • r16: look and feel

[edit] Solution

[edit] Phase 1

In this phase the following functionality were added:

  • First External KPI created (Cost per pound for TMS) - m2929
  • First internal KPI created (Past due) - m2412
  • Option to turn on and off Internal Dash Reps panel for internal users (m3058)
  • Add ability to define DR for specific group of users (m2412)

[edit] Phase 2

In this phase the following functionality will be implemented: (m3067)


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