Sibers Plans

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[edit] Plan for Week No 35 aug 31 to sep 4

Please complete all work below by Thusday, sept 3 (not Fri). If you can't - let me know ASAP! We will discuss what to postpone.

Finish latest tweaks/bugfixes for these pdf docs:

  • Commodity Table for Pdfs // dima // see 0001117: [Ops.Pdfs.*Common] implement commod table ver 5.0
  • Air CT Arrival Notice // natalia // see mantis
  • Ocean CT Arrival Notice // natalia // see mantis
  • Air CT Delivery Order // natalia // see mantis
  • Ocean CT Delivery Order // natalia // see mantis
  • House Bill of Lading // dima // 0001100: [Ops.Pdfs.Ocean.CT.HBL] Implement version 4.1
  • Ocean M MBL // dima // 0001102: [Ops.Pdfs.Ocean.M.MBL] Implement ver. 2.1
  • Air CT HAWB // dima // 0001077: [Ops.Pdfs.Air.CT.HAWB] Version_5.1 (ss# 2, 3)

Non pdf tasks:

  • Fix List All // dima // 0001107: [*Bugs.Ops]756[Ops.CT.ListCTs] CTs that must be in "Delivered" are in "Live" + change in QUANTITY column logic

Thx! Alex

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