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[edit] Example of Status Update meeting

[2:32:33 PM] *** alex dobrovolsky added Alex Pivnyak ***
[2:32:52 PM] *** alex dobrovolsky added Роман Лахно ***
[2:32:57 PM] *** alex dobrovolsky added Montira Rattanavijit ***
[2:33:41 PM] alex dobrovolsky: Hi guys! I created this group chat. Just waiting for Tira to join...
[2:34:09 PM] Alex Pivnyak: Hi all
[2:34:16 PM] Роман Лахно: hi
[2:35:08 PM] alex dobrovolsky: Great, probably in 10-15 min we can start. Let me prepare agenda...
[2:44:54 PM] alex dobrovolsky: Agenda:
• Proj Manager update (Alex)
a. Yesterday’s client demo
b. Denis completed her BA role, now on as needed basis; Tira – main point of contact
c. Current Release sched
• Dev Manager update (Sasha)
a. What tasks are still in Dev and when they will be completed
b. Any questions/issues
• QA update
a. Status of QA tasks
b. Any questions/issues
• Sys An update (Tira)
a. Status of spec (all up to date?)
b. Questions, issues
[2:46:05 PM] alex dobrovolsky: Guys, pls meanwhile make sure all Mantises are up to dat - correct status/dfolder
[2:48:36 PM] Alex Pivnyak: I just now sent 2 my completed tasks to Roma, so hi can start test it tomorrow morning
[2:52:42 PM | Removed 2:52:48 PM] Alex Pivnyak: This message has been removed.
[2:59:28 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: Hi all
[2:59:34 PM] Роман Лахно: hi
[3:02:47 PM] alex dobrovolsky: Ok, Let's start
[3:03:11 PM] alex dobrovolsky: 1) PM's update
[3:04:00 PM] alex dobrovolsky: a) Marc demonstrated system on Demo server to the Client and as he said "everything went very well"
[3:04:18 PM] alex dobrovolsky: No additional details has benn provided.
[3:04:47 PM] alex dobrovolsky: But I would like to thank everyone - we passed important milestone!
[3:05:07 PM] Alex Pivnyak: thank you :)
[3:05:13 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: Thank you
[3:05:25 PM] Роман Лахно: and one from me ^) thank you )
[3:05:55 PM] alex dobrovolsky: b)
[3:07:49 PM] alex dobrovolsky: I consider that most of Biz Req has been completed for this so I am pooling he out this project into another "TMS EDI" project. She is still available on as needed project but Tira now becomes main resource here in NY for Client 2.1
[3:08:34 PM] alex dobrovolsky: So pls coordinate daily Specs/QA  with her.
[3:08:59 PM] alex dobrovolsky: c. current release sched:
[3:09:10 PM] alex dobrovolsky: dev until end of next week
[3:09:36 PM] alex dobrovolsky: staging Mon July 26
[3:09:46 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: Noted.
[3:09:48 PM] alex dobrovolsky: release Thur Jul 29
[3:10:22 PM] alex dobrovolsky: OK, I finished my part. Any questions?
[3:10:34 PM] Alex Pivnyak: no questions
[3:10:39 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: no questions
[3:10:44 PM] Роман Лахно: no
[3:11:34 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: Thank you
[3:12:11 PM] alex dobrovolsky: Just one more point - Tira will be responsible for UAT.
[3:12:24 PM] alex dobrovolsky: Now, Sasha it is your turn.
[3:12:37 PM] Alex Pivnyak: Ok.
[3:15:06 PM] Alex Pivnyak: I planning to finish main part  core shipper-planner functionality bugs fixing  + [Client 2.1] (Misc Functionality) 6.1 - 6.6 except 6.4 NPA today - tomorrow. There are some minor issues left.  And start to develop (Misc Functionality) 6.4 New Pending Address (NPA) Feature
[3:16:06 PM] Alex Pivnyak: Kostya and Andrey are  working on TDS panel functionality
[3:16:06 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: I am reviewing and doing UAT at the moment for the tasks that Sasha finished.
[3:16:56 PM] alex dobrovolsky: So do you think our current sched looks fine (finish dev by the end of next week)?
[3:17:04 PM] alex dobrovolsky: realistik?
[3:17:24 PM] Alex Pivnyak: I think yes
[3:17:45 PM] alex dobrovolsky: Sasha, you done?
[3:17:51 PM] Alex Pivnyak: yes
[3:17:57 PM] alex dobrovolsky: Roma, you turn
[3:18:09 PM] alex dobrovolsky: • QA update
a. Status of QA tasks
b. Any questions/issues
[3:18:33 PM] Роман Лахно: two task on me now from Shasha for tomorow work
[3:18:44 PM] alex dobrovolsky: #?
[3:18:52 PM] Роман Лахно: 2218
[3:18:55 PM] Роман Лахно: 2220
[3:19:08 PM] Роман Лахно: and TDS panel for tomorow
[3:19:29 PM] Alex Pivnyak: Andrey's part of work is almost done
[3:20:09 PM] Роман Лахно: whithout * 5.2.5 TDS Action Panel
[3:20:22 PM] Alex Pivnyak: Kostya is working on filters (Action panel)
[3:20:34 PM] alex dobrovolsky: When do you think he will complete?
[3:20:49 PM] Alex Pivnyak: Kostya?
[3:21:08 PM] Alex Pivnyak: I think at beginning of next week
[3:21:21 PM] alex dobrovolsky: right, pls ask him to estimate so we have approx idea of size. Thx.
[3:21:26 PM] Alex Pivnyak: ok
[3:23:07 PM] alex dobrovolsky: Roma, I would like to ask you to QA full time. If you have no new tasks pls try to come up with various use cases you did not test. Also pls post into mantis what specifically you tested. And do not forget to test all info in Data Dictionary wiki.
[3:23:27 PM] alex dobrovolsky: ok?
[3:23:29 PM] Роман Лахно: Ok
[3:23:37 PM] alex dobrovolsky: Roma, anything else from you?
[3:23:45 PM] Роман Лахно: yes
[3:23:58 PM] Alex Pivnyak: or maybe here?
[3:24:01 PM] Роман Лахно: QA and UAT is merged now ?
[3:24:20 PM] Роман Лахно: no need to move task to demo or somwere ?
[3:24:34 PM] alex dobrovolsky: mantis folder? yes
[3:25:45 PM] Alex Pivnyak: Roma asking where hi would move completed tasks since Demo folder is absent now
[3:26:02 PM] alex dobrovolsky: Let me think
[3:31:28 PM] alex dobrovolsky: Ok, I am going to have QA, UAT and Demo as separate folders
[3:32:28 PM] alex dobrovolsky: Roma, pls move completed (passed QA) tasks to UAT. Tira will pick thm up from there, review and what is passed move to Demo
[3:32:36 PM] Роман Лахно: ok
[3:33:00 PM] alex dobrovolsky: OK, do you guys have any outstanding questions about specs?
[3:33:14 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: no
[3:33:21 PM] Роман Лахно: no
[3:33:26 PM] alex dobrovolsky: Sasha?
[3:33:35 PM] Alex Pivnyak: no questions
[3:33:57 PM] alex dobrovolsky: Ok, now Tira is your turn
[3:34:21 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: I am reviewing some requirement
[3:34:38 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: and there may be some slightly changes.
[3:34:50 PM] Alex Pivnyak: not again...
[3:34:52 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: for what it didn't make sense
[3:35:15 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: but the one that changed, Sasha is already notified
[3:35:32 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: one thing that I am looking at it now it is about the notification
[3:35:53 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: core functionality, we already discussed and Sasha understood
[3:36:19 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: Only the format of the message, it might be changed.
[3:36:29 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: not much just add some space...
[3:36:29 PM] Alex Pivnyak: ok
[3:37:04 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: created shipment has no signature...I have to find out what we would need for that
[3:37:34 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: and also the Jaguar disclaimer thing, not sure whether we would like to show that or not.
[3:37:40 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: I have to find that out
[3:38:17 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: other than that, I am doing some UAT for the tasks that Sasha has finished and deployed.
[3:38:44 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: that's pretty much it.
[3:40:49 PM] alex dobrovolsky: OK, Thanks. I would like to remind that if there is a change or additiona to requirements then wiki spec must be updated (so it is up to date) and mantis created (so that QA will not miss it). As a shortcut, One mantis could be created covering several tweaks.
[3:41:29 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: noted
[3:42:55 PM] alex dobrovolsky: I have only one more thing - we dicussed with Sasha how to automate new user accounts.addresses creating , I will discuss this with Tira off line and create Mantis for this.
[3:43:36 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: ok
[3:43:52 PM] Alex Pivnyak: ok. new mantis for this will be good idea
[3:44:46 PM] alex dobrovolsky: That is all from me. Anyone has any more questions for this meeting?
[3:44:54 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: no
[3:44:55 PM] Роман Лахно: no
[3:44:57 PM] Alex Pivnyak: no
[3:46:18 PM] alex dobrovolsky: 42 min total, not too bad ))) See you all next time Tuesd 10:30. Just to remind you - we have proj updates 2 times a week: Tuesdays, Thursdays
[3:46:29 PM] alex dobrovolsky: Thanks you all! Bye!
[3:46:35 PM] Роман Лахно: tnx. bb
[3:46:41 PM] Alex Pivnyak: Thank you, see you soon
[3:46:42 PM] Montira Rattanavijit: bye
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