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[edit] Info

[edit] Core Requirements

Add additional functionality to ASN 20 for shipper role:

  • upload purchase orders info into the system
    • possibly xls upload or EDI integration
  • ability to create "ASN from PO record"
    • system would provide ability by shipper to select PO record from list of POs and then create "ASN based on that PO"
      • PO info would be pre-filled and Shipper (Supplier) would select Qty that could be < or = or > that Qty on that PO
  • ability to see each PO with detailed info
    • new just PO related attributes, some key fields (see also PO example attached to mantis):
      • PO Issued On (date)
      • Vendor (shipper)
      • Ship By (Supplier's Due Date) - estimated Cargo Available
      • Commodity info (Item, Desc, Qty, etc))
  • ability to edit PO maybe?
  • ability to see all POs (could be additional tab or/and additional fields on existing tabs)
  • ability to see "the progress" of each PO and get notifications
    • closed POs (all qtys being shipped)
    • what Qty left to produce/ship (deliver)
    • how close is Supplier's Due Date for that PO:
      • still have plenty of time to produce/create ASN/ship
      • getting close to that date ("Impending Arrivals report"/notifications/dashboard)
      • getting VERY close to that date ("Past Due report"/notifications/dashboard)

[edit] SOWs

[edit] SOW 1

mantis: 4187

Need L0.

[edit] SOW 2

[edit] SOW 3

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