Log v1

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[edit] Info

  • Latest version is here: Log

[edit] Parent Mantis

  • mantis 778: (Log: CT Update Log) ............. <parents>

[edit] Scope of this wiki

This feature keeps record of any/all updates made inside of a CT record. It also includes any updates made to the master that the CT record is mapped to.

[edit] SOW 0

  • Mantis: 0000779: [Ops.CT.UpdateLog] Display sorted by time/date

[edit] Fields

[edit] Operator

  • Meaning: First Name + Last Name of an Operator of the last change.
  • Standard Long Label: Operator
  • Standard Short Label: Operator
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Alphanumeric
  • Min/max: from 0 to 60 chars
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field? N
  • User Read Access: internal, client, planner, shipper
  • User Write Access: read-only field
  • Mode Of Transport: All

[edit] Title

  • Meaning: short description of the shipment changes
  • Standard Long Label: Update Title
  • Standard Short Label: Title
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Alphanumeric
  • Min/max: TBD
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field? Y
  • User Read Access: internal, client, planner, shipper
  • User Write Access: read-only field
  • Mode Of Transport: All

[edit] Changes

  • Meaning: detailed description of the shipment changes
  • Standard Long Label: Changes
  • Standard Short Label: Changes
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Alphanumeric
  • Min/max: TBD
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field? Y
  • User Read Access: internal, client, planner, shipper
  • User Write Access: read-only field
  • Mode Of Transport: All

[edit] Date

  • Meaning: This is datetime stamp (with Time Zone) of CT's update.
  • Standard Long Label: Update On
  • Standard Short Label: Date
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Textlabel
  • Min/max: TBD
  • Possible Values: Jun 24, 2010 7:18:59 AM (EST)
  • Widget: TBD
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field? Y
  • User Read Access: internal, client, planner, shipper
  • User Write Access: read-only field
  • Mode Of Transport: All

[edit] Solution ver 1

File:CT update log.JPG

[edit] SOW 1

Mantis: 3057: (CT: Update Log) Any/All actions made in a CT record & the master associated w/ it should recorded inside CT updt log

Core requirements:

  • This is a change request to record ALL actions made inside of a CT record, to be recorded in the CT updates log.
  • Also record ALL actions made to the master that a CT record is associated with; for it be recorded inside of the CT updates log.

[edit] Solution ver 2

See: #User Guide

[edit] SOW 2

Mantis: 0003343: (Log: CT Update Log) BUG: TMS updates are not posting into CT updates log

BUG Notes, this needs to be resolved:

After SOW 1 was implemented, it was brought to my attention that the approval status from portal, the Import status, load plan status and all changes being made inside of the CT record by users after a load plan is received are no longer being recorded inside of the CT updates log.

[edit] User Guide

[edit] CT Updates Log

File:CT Updates.JPG

[edit] User Selects Updates Log

[edit] View of Log

File:Updates log.JPG

[edit] View of Log to show when the CT was Created and by who

File:Updates Log shows who created it and when.JPG

[edit] Logged view of updates made

File:Updates log 2.JPG

[edit] Master Mapping Created to CT

File:Master Add.JPG

[edit] Updates to Master Recorded in Log

File:Master Update.JPG

[edit] Master Mapping Removed from CT

File:Master Remove.JPG

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