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[edit] Info

Estimated Profit/Loss (EPL) tab is similar to PL Tab but shows Estimated (not Actual) sales and costs with using data from Est Tab.

[edit] Latest Version

  • EPL tab contains:
  • tables of Estimated Amounts related to current CT.
  • additional controls for specific actions.
  • Look and feel of EPL tab can be different in CT and Master Editor.
Figure:Example of EPL tab in Master Editor

[edit] Estimated Sales Charges table

  • Contains list of Estimated Sales assigned to the current CT with M/I distribution (individually or via Group) on Est tab
  • Consists of columns:
  • Office - Jaguar Office assigned to Charges
  • Bill To Party Company - Bill To Party selected on Est tab and assigned to Estimated Sales
  • ETOC - hyperlink to CT where Estimate Table of Charges was assigned
  • Currency - Currency of the Estimated Sales
  • Amount* - Total Amount in Currency of the Estimated Sales
  • USD Amount* - Amount of the Estimated Sales converted to USD

[edit] Estimated Purchase Charges table

  • Contains list of Estimated Cost assigned to the current CT with M/I distribution (individually or via Master) on Est tab
  • Consists of columns:
  • Office - Jaguar Office assigned to Charges
  • Vendor - Bill To Party selected on Est tab and assigned to Estimated Purchase
  • ETOC - hyperlink to CT where Estimate Table of Charges was assigned
  • Currency - Currency of the Estimated Purchase
  • Amount - Total Amount in Currency of the Estimated Purchase
  • USD Amount - Amount of the Estimated Purchase converted to USD

[edit] Estimated Profit/Loss Amounts table

  • Contains list of Jaguar Offices assigned to the current CT with M/I distribution (individually or via Master) on Est tab
  • Consists of columns:
  • Office - Jaguar Office
  • USD Sales* - Amount of the Estimated Sales converted to USD
  • USD Purchase - Amount of the Estimated Cost converted to USD
  • USD Profit/Loss* - Estimated P/L Amounts (Sales-Cost) converted to USD

[edit] Additional Controls

  • "Type" radiogroup - provides to select a type of Amounts calculation on PL tab (available only in CT editor)
  • CT Individual - if selected, the Amounts will include sales and costs distributed to current CT only
  • CT Group - if selected, the Amounts will include all values assigned to Group to which current CT belongs
  • "Download to Excel" button - provides an ability to download the XLS copy of PL tab
  • "Reload" button - when clicked, re-calculates all Amounts on the tab

[edit] Additional Notes

  • NOTE 1: Amounts in columns marked with * are displayed without VAT - this noted in top-right corner of PL tab with " * VAT has been excluded from amounts".

[edit] CT Editor

Displaying of Estimate Amounts depends from the selected type of distribution (Individual or Group).

[edit] Master Editor

Contents all Estimated Amounts from all CTs included to Master.

[edit] SOWs

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