EDI to TMS (glossary)
From UG
[edit] CT2 & the TM Terminology
- CT_bo#CT_Num = Shipment
- CT_bo#_Pick_Up_Trucker = Carrier
- CT_bo#Delivery_Trucker = Carrier
- CT_bo#PT_Number = Load #
- CT_bo#DT_Number = Load #
- When the load is a direct pickup from the CT_bo#Pick_Up and a direct delivery to the CT_bo#Delivery_To both the DT & PT are the same #
- When the load is being picked up by 1 CT_bo#Pick_Up_Trucker and delivering by a different CT_bo#Delivery_Trucker the load goes by way of a pool point and both the CT_bo#PT_Number & CT_bo#DT_Number will be different.