DR for 9 existing Action Required internal reports

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[edit] Info

[edit] Mantis

0003288: (* DRs for Action Required) ...

[edit] Scope

This wiki covers Dashboard Reports configuration and functionality for Action Required Reports.

[edit] Requirements

[R1] We need to create DR version of the following existing 9 "action required" reports. See #List of reports.

!!! See : DR framework for Action Required reports.

[edit] List of Action required reports

[edit] Daily

[edit] Daily EA

[edit] Impending Arrivals/Departures

[edit] Impending Delivery/Collection

[edit] In Transit

[edit] Incomplete

[edit] Past Due

[edit] Previous Day Collection

[edit] Previous Day Delivery

[edit] Solution version 1

This is implemented!

Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3


  • (Level 1) This rep has level 1 that consists of label and counter (num of CTs).
  • (Level 2) TBD
  • (Level 3) Counter is a hyperlink. Click on hyperlink should open xls with past related existing report.


  • delivery method (email vs dashboard) is set per report instance not per user
  • No level 2
  • Level 3 is xls and not HTML

DR reports implemented:

  • Past Due

How to create DR:

Currently To create DR version for existing report you need:

  • select existing report in Report Scheduler and open for edit
  • check "Dashboard" option (Fig. 1)
  • in User profile for the user wishing to receive report check "Dashboard reports" (Fig. 2)
  • this panel will appear on Dashboard (Fig. 3)

! Report will be shown only to users on Recipients list !

[edit] Solution version 2

Add additional DRs for additional Action Required reports with same limited functionality as defined in #Solution version 1. That would be all DRs except "Past Due". See full list here: #List of Action required reports

[edit] Solution version 3

0003180: (* DR/KPI) (Action Required DRs) Create Version 3 that covers more required functionality

This version will add features to cover more requirements from DR framework for Action Required reports.

[edit] Layout/output

[edit] Level 2

Req id = r7a: level2 options

Level 2 is to be added.

As defined by BA level 2 should show breakdown of one number shown on level 1.

Breakdown is expressed as a table. It is based on one parameter (default is defined in config).

Provider option to go from Level 1 directly to level3 (skip level 2).

Example 1.

If report is In Transit and Level 1 looks like:

In Transit for Star Team: 4

And if "level 2 parameter" is "Client company" then it could look like:

Space NK  2  
Nassau Candy 1
Artcraft Health 1
All 4     

Space NK, Nassau Candy, Artcraft Health are Client Companies.

Note: Number above is a hyperlink that leads to level 3.

User should be able to change parameter on this level.

[edit] See Also

See mantis note 0010627 in 3180 for Q&A!

Here is the copy of that note:

1) "Breakdown is expressed as a table. It is based on one parameter (default is defined in config). Provider option to go from Level 1 directly to level3 (skip level 2)"

a) I don't see list of possible "breakdown parameters" - i see only example with one parameter - Client company. Should I implement only this one parameter.

>>> For this version let's have just two: E0 and MOT.

b) "default is defined in config" - do you mean "report instance configuration"?

>>> Yes

c) How I should provide "option to go from Level 1 directly to level3" - in report instance configuration? Or on reports dashboard? Or both - default in report instance configuration and on reports dashboard as well?

>>> in report instance configuration

2) "Level 3 is to be added which is HTML version of reports with filters panel that allows user to re-generate report with a different set of filters."

HTML view is implemented only for 1 report - In transit. For all other reports from dashboard only xls format is possible. So do you mean that I should implement html view for all reports?

>>> Yes. If it is too much for this version then do it for In Transit for now.

3) "Design above is ideal (filters panel below results has become almost a standard for level 2 DRs) but could be replaced with equivalent in functionality and usability. "

In transit report now implemented in 2 windows - 1-st for Filters panel and 2-nd - for html result. Is this design is acceptable? If not - I will need additional time to remakethis report.

>>> Ideally on one page. But if no time left the 2 page is OK but pls have option to flip back and forth between too. Should be obvious for user how to do it.

4) "System should remember previous state of filters"

System should remmember state of filters in the saved/scheduled reports configuration? Please clarify.

>>> No, I mean that if you arrive at level 3 then ad one more filter X then generate then go back to filters page again it would show you "the latest state" of that page (filter X is selected).

[edit] Version 3 Implementation Notes / User Guide

See #User Guide

[edit] SOW 4a

[edit] Add Level 3 for all reports but In Transit

Req id = r9: HTML ver

Level 3 is to be added which is HTML version of reports with filters panel that allows user to re-generate report with a different set of filters.

See mock ups for Level 3 below.

File:In transit html.JPG

Expanded state of Filters Panel:

File:In transit filters panel.JPG

Design above is ideal (filters panel below results has become almost a standard for level 2 DRs) but could be replaced with equivalent in functionality and usability.

System should remember previous state of filters.

[edit] Solution version 4a

see #SOW 4a

[edit] sow 4a Implem notes

Filters are implemented on the separate page as is standard for most reports

[edit] SOW 4b

[edit] Solution version 4b

0003199: (* DR/KPI)(AR DRs) Create Ver 4b that covers more required functionality (RELEASED)

[edit] Individual result for every value of a parameter

Each counter on Level 2 should be click-able. Click on the counter for specific parameter value (E0=4Pole) to see shipments on the level 3 just for 4Pole - see below.

File:4Pole DB lev2.JPG

File:In transit html.JPG

[edit] Warning about E0 1 2 3

Not only CT that are subject to E0 but also that are subject to E1,2,3 will get into report (per spec for some reports) which will
provide inconsistency as far as counters/# of CTs on level 2 vs level 3. This will be addressed in the next phase.

[edit] One more AR added to the group

Make Billing Required Report to be a subject to all AR features developed and to be developed.

[edit] Add default CT visibility filters to Jag user profile

This was canceled by Marc.

[edit] Add default CT visibility filters to Jag user groups profile

This was canceled by Marc.

[edit] Ability to schedule AR reports for User Group vs Individual User vs User Group minus some users vs list of users

This was canceled by Marc.

[edit] Exclusion Filters

Ability to select all but several item from the list.

Suggested implementation:

All filter panels consist of "From list to list" widgets.
Add button "select all" to the above. This will move all items from left panel to 
the right. If user will have a desire to "select all but items A, B" he will:
  a) select all (this will move all to the right)
  b) select items A,B and move to the left

[edit] DR vs email option per user

In one report instance one can set DR vs email option per user. Now it is per instance (all users can be set to receive DR or email)

[edit] Implementation notes for SOW 4b

  • 8.7 #Exclusion Filters - your suggested solution is not working because of mysql restrictions. I need time to make a decision what is the best way to implement this.

Everything else implemented as defined in SOW.

[edit] SOW 5

[edit] ref: 0003323: (* DRs for Action Required) Fix inconsistency of data between Level 1 & Level 2 on DR (SOW 5)

Fix inconsistency of data between Level 1 & Level 2 on DR - update level 1 counter before showing level 2.

[edit] SOW 6

[edit] EF

Implement #Exclusion Filters

[edit] level 2 redesign

  • move 2nd level panel to the top of HTML report page (3rd level now). See Mock up below.

So from level one it will go straight to detailed HTML report.

In this case user can select specific counters on level 2 panel and system will reload HTML report on the same page to produce (level 3) for criteria selected.

Filters panel should also have specific arguments from level 2 pre-filled.

  • remove on/off setting for 2nd level for ARs in Rep Scheduler

[edit] filters positioning

Move filters above HTML report page. Filters panel should be expandable / collapsible as in TDS design we have: see https://dev.jaguarfreight.com/internal/Index.zul#reportsTDSForm.

File:AR mereged 2 and 3.JPG

[edit] SOW 7

[edit] Add Geography parameter

TBD - request sent to marc

[edit] Add actions

Add actions to level 3 panel. todo: send Marc a request for details.

[edit] Administration

If time permits new improved version of Reports Schedule will be released:

  • more columns and filters (example: reports assigned to)

[edit] More

Daily report questions (note 0011086, mant 3199) and 8.7 - moving to SOW5

[edit] SOW 8

Make the following AR reports available on Client App Dashboard:

  • Impending Arrivals

Would suggest to keep the ‘set up’ portion within CT2 OPS for the time being.

The ‘look and feel’ could be similar or identical with the ‘reports dashboard pannel’ available in CT2 Internal Home Page.

[edit] SOW 9

0003620: Client App DB Report (Impending Arrival) - 2nd version

[edit] Core Requirements

BA summary as to what changes are needed/required for the client DB reports:

Changes are for the HTML view of DB report results.

1. Add ability to sort all columns listed & expand all columns - such functionality already exists inside of the client application (IE, the "Shipment List")
2. Change labeling of words on report for "Mode of Transport" to MOT
3. Change view of results for MOT = Ocean Client Consol – being all ocean client consol CT records are grouped together, it was asked to group those same records together inside of this view.

[edit] Solution

  • 1) Make columns of HTML view of the report:
    • Sortable. Usual sorting option ("up/down arrows") in every column's header.
    NOTE: Considering the need to group the Ocean Console CTs, some cells can contain drop-downs with set of grouped values:
    1) when report line reflects the Ocean Console group then for sorting MOT column use the displayed/selected CT # (by default - lowest CT # in group)
    2) if Ocean Console CT has more than 1 Commodity item and some commodity fields selected to output, then for sorting of appropriate column need to use similar logic.
    • Expandable. Add ability to expand the columns width through "drag-and-drop".
NOTE 1: This already works in Shipment List of Client Application.
NOTE 2: We need look at other areas in the client application where this is not available and change to have them the same.
Examples: add sorting option to reports ("Main" and "In Transit"); provide expanding the columns of "Watch List".
  • 2) Use "MOT" label instead of "Transport Mode":
    • in column header of HTML view and XLS form of report.
    • in Filters Criteria section of the HTML view.
  • 3) grouping for MOT = Ocean Client Console
    • for every Client Console group provide displaying of grouped CTs in the same way as Master CTs in In Transit Report
      • HTML view: in "CT#" column display dropdown list of CTs ordered from lowest to highest; in other columns display values for selected CT.
      • XLS form: indicate cell with grouped CTs in orange; if user click on CT show dropdown list with all CT.
    NOTE: To provide displaying of Client Console group in one report line need to use the drop-downs with set of appropriate values of CT# and Commodity items (if they selected to output).

[edit] User Guide


[edit] SOW 10

0003739: Client App DB Report (Impending Arrival/Departure) - Total Containers Column

[edit] Core Requirements

  • Add "Total Container Count" as optional OUTPUT fields for both Impending Arrival & Impending Departure report.
    • This "Total Container Count" should be selected by default.

[edit] History

[edit] 0002412 [Internal Dash Reps] 1) Create "past due arrivals" DR 2) Add ability to define DR for specific group of users

WU? No

[edit] 0003062 [Internal Dashboard Reports] Add remaining 9 existing internal reps to Dashboard

WU? No

[edit] 0003180: (* DR/KPI) (Action Required DRs) Create Version 3 that covers more required functionality

[edit] 0003199 (* DR/KPI)(AR DRs) Create Ver 4 that covers more required functionality

[edit] User Guide

[edit] How to create DR

Currently To create DR version for existing report you need:

  • select existing report in Report Scheduler and open for edit
  • check "Dashboard" option (Fig. 1)
  • in User profile for the user wishing to receive report check "Dashboard reports" (Fig. 2)
  • this panel will appear on Dashboard (Fig. 3)

! Report will be shown only to users on Recipients list !

[edit] Fig 1

Fig. 1

[edit] Fig 2

Fig. 2

[edit] Fig 3

Fig. 3

[edit] Level 2 and 3 config

  • Open Reports Scheduler
  • Click "Add"
  • Select "Enable Dashboard Level 2"
  • Select "Level 2 parameter" (Client company or Transport mode)
  • Click "Save"
  • Make sure to set other parameters such as recipients

  • In 1 hour your dashboard will show shipment counter on level 1
  • This info will be updated once per hour

File:InTransitDBver3 lev1.JPG

  • click on this counter to see level 2
  • you can select another Group by (parameter)

File:InTransitDBver3 lev2.JPG

  • you can click on total number of shipments (bottom right) to see detailed xls report

  • in the next version you will be able to:
    • click on the counter for specific parameter value (E0=4Pole) to see shipments on the level 3 just for 4Pole
    • see HTML view

[edit] User Guide Status and SOW covered

Up to date=Y

  Solution version 1
  Solution version 2
  Solution version 3
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