Client Shipment Details Comment Tab

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[edit] Mantis

[edit] Biz Analyst Intro

This tab is for client user to view all the comments that got submitted by operator(s) about this particular shipment

[edit] Sys Analyst Intro

  • This tab shows a message count() on the tab for client users to know how many comments for this specific shipment
  • It consists of message(s) that is submitted by operator(s) ONLY
  • It is for viewing(read ONLY)
  • This shows which operator(s) submitted the message and date time stamp
  • NOTE: query comments from Internal App> List CT> ComTab
  • Printer Friendly button - see Client Printer Friendly

[edit] Design

[edit] right side

  • message
  • Sent to (if Jaguar Operator e-mails this message to a recipient, it should show on Log history for who the recipient is, this is ONLY showed when this message is also sent via email to at least one recipient)

[edit] left side

  • Date: Date and Time stamps
  • From: operator (First and Last name)

[edit] Use cases

  • Client is able to view any comments about a specific CT from Jaguar user in Comments Tab
  • Client clicks on Comments tab in order to view comments about a specific shipment
  • Client is able to see comments from Jaguar user on query comment log history.

Note This query comment log history MUST be matched with query log history in Internal App

[edit] Figures

[edit] Figure 1. Comment Tab


[edit] History

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