Client Look and Feel

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[edit] Biz Analyst Intro

[edit] Sys Analyst Intro

This specification covers overall Look And Feel solution. Layout, wireframes, colors, fonts, styles, etc.

[edit] Dev

[edit] Style Guide

The purpose of this section is to completely cover style, layout etc. This info should:

  • present look and feel of the system
  • reinforce consistency across pages
  • help developer when in tweaking existing pages or creating new

[edit] Layout

ss1) Each page consists of:

  • Header
  • Body
  • Footer

ss2) See example page here:

ss3. Header and Footer are same for every page ss4. Body is different from page to page but has some "shared standard components":

  • main menu bar
  • breadcrumb trail

[edit] Fonts

All webpage builded mainly on Arial font, except parts, that comes from google gadgets, they may consist - Tahoma, Verdana, Sans-Serif. Text that we use consist of:

  1. Header: font-family: Arial, size: 11pt.
  2. Main text: font-family: Arial, size 10pt.
  3. Small text: font-family: Arial, size: 8pt.

This three types of font style can have different:

  1. color darkblue#4D5962, orange#FF9900, white#FFFFFF, File:Color.png
  2. weight regular, bold File:weight.png
  3. style none, underline. File:Style.png

And mixing of this components create all variables of fonts style on the page.

Example of Main Page font tree:

1. Headers:

size: 11pt, weight: bold, color: #4D5962

1.1. RSS News Feed:

1.1.1 text header


1.1.2 tab sub-header

color: #FF9900


2. Main text:

size 10pt, color: #4D5962

2.1 Top Banner:

2.1.1 Greetings

Color: white.


2.2 Main Menu tab:

2.3 Top5 tab:

2.3.1 Header


2.3.2 Main text


2.4 RSS News Feed:

2.4.1 Main Text


2.4.2 Date and "More"

font-style: underline


2.5 Testimonials tab:

2.5.1 Main text

first character: color: #FF9900; font-weight: bold;


2.5.2 First name and Last name of the user

color: #FF9900; font-weight: bold;


2.5.3 Company name

font-weight: bold


2.6 Footer.


3. Small text:

size: 8pt, color: white.

3.1 Top Banner:

3.1.1 Buttons (News, Information, our Services, etc.)


3.1.2 Actual date


[edit] Colors

Main colors:

  1. File:DarkBlue.png Dark Blue: #4D5962.
  2. File:Orange.png Orange: #FF9900.
  3. File:White.png White: #FFFFFF.

Additional colors. From ZK elements.

  1. File:LightBlue.png Light Blue: #D8ECF7 (Background in tabs)
  2. File:GrayBlue.png Gray Blue: #7EAAC6 (Contour in tabs)

[edit] Buttons Tables Etc

All Tabs and buttons have rounded corners. Buttons and tabs curvature radius - 5 pixels.

[edit] Misc

[edit] Tweaks V.1.1.a

tw1) change the light blue color to slightly darker blue, because the current light blue is so difficult to see.

[edit] QA

[edit] RFC

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