CT2 Development Process v2

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! This is OUTDATED! Old version of this article here: CT2 Development Process


[edit] Intro

This article defines what methodology, roles, workflow, etc we use in CT2 Web Software Development.

[edit] CT2 Supercomponents

CT2 System is large and can be divided into the following supercomponents (supertasks):

  • Acc
  • Client App
  • OpsReps
  • Ops
  • OpsPdfs
  • Admin
  • Misc

Each supercomponent has its own Development team, project plan, etc.

Some coordination between teams is needed because supercomponents are interrelated to a certain degree.

[edit] CT2 Team

CT2 Acceptance Board (The Board)(Committee)(Demo Meeting) Group of people who:

  • initiated the CT2 project
  • oversees general progress
  • demo meeting is conducted for The Board
  • makes final decision about acceptance, tweaks, course of the project

Chairman of Acceptance Board

  • person who makes final decision in case there is a conflict

CT2 Systems Architect

  • Technical leadership of CT2 project

CT2 Project Manager

  • time/scope leadership of CT2 project

[edit] CT2 Supercomponent Team

Each CT2 Supercomponent Team consists of 2 groups of people:

  • Business Team (Client/Sponsor)
  • (Software) Development Team (Vendor)

[edit] CT2 Supercomponent Business Team

Business Analyst

Systems Analyst

Project manager

  • time/scope management expert
  • accountable for delivering component on time and on budget
  • managing/coordinating business phases of CT2 Software Development Worflow (see below)

[edit] CT2 Supercomponent Development Team

Development Manager - leader of the development team

  • coordinates development effort
  • manages resources
  • manages dev phase of proj plan: detailed development schedule that includes phases of development, bugfix, QA, graphics (for every sub-component/dev task)
  • collects updates from developer, QA, graphic designer regarding deadlines
  • if there is a chance for ETA to be postponed then he must notify Project Manager ASAP and they both decide what to do: move tasks around, add resources or push ETA forward or do something else

QA Engineer

  • makes sure that specs are complete
  • creates test plans
  • runs test plans
  • forwards bugs to developer
  • provides ETA for his work to Development Manager
  • must immediately notify Development Manager if his ETA can slip


  • makes sure specs are complete
  • implements new sub-components, changes, tweaks, bug fixes
  • deploy, forwards his work to QA
  • provides ETA for his work to Development Manager
  • must immediately notify Development Manager if his ETA can slip

Graphic designer

  • responsible for creating overall Look and Feel concept
  • creates Style Guide
  • creates all graphics for application
  • provides ETA for his work to Development Manager
  • must immediately notify Development Manager if his ETA can slip

[edit] CT2 Task and Bug Management System

We use Mantis software as a main CT2 Tasks and Bugs Management System.

Read this section as a separate article here: Mantis and CT2

[edit] CT2 Task Types

All tasks (ativities) we classify into:

  • major changes:
    • request for new components
    • request for new version of existing component
  • minor changes:
    • request for tweak (minor change of existing component)
  • bug
  • etc

[edit] CT2 Workflows

For each task type as defined above there is a special workflow.

Read this section as a separate article here: CT2 Workflows

[edit] CT2 Project Method and Plan

Read this section as a separate article here: CT2 Project Method and Plan

[edit] Release Procedure

All accumulated code in SVN Trunk (on /CyberTrax) released at once.

In the future we will have bugfix releases

[edit] Communication

[edit] Through Mantis

If there is a question regarding task then:

  • post question into Mantis notes
  • set task to feedback
  • assign to person you are asking
  • if urgent contact that person in Skype

[edit] Through email

  • If there is a general question - use email. CC to your manager and others as required
  • Everyone must check email at least 2 times a day: at the beginning and at the end of workday

[edit] Comm between Sys Analyst and Dev Manager

They agree on how to reach each other during extended timeframe.

[edit] Urgent Communication

  • we must define what can happen and how to reach someone we need to reach to solve urgency

[edit] Weekly Status Meetings

  • Why: These meetings are group chats in Skype with Agenda to update each other on progress
  • Who: Dev Team + Sys Analyst
Client App Team (summer 2009 schedule): Tuesd, Thur: 10-10:45am NY time
Reports and Accounting Team (summer 2009 schedule): Tuesd, Thur: 9:15-10am NY time

[edit] Communication Hours

  • Who: Dev Team + Sys An
  • What: All must be available in Skype
  • Why: In case somebody needs to discuss not through Mantis, but "live" through chat
  • When:
For All Super Components: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri: 9-11am NY time
  • If somebody can not attend he must notify Dev Team Lead and give alternative time frame that he is available same day

[edit] Vacations and Days Off

  • Must notify Dev Team Lead as much in advance as possible
  • Dev Team Lead must post this info into Dev Calendar
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