Andrei 2010

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[edit] Daily Reports

  • Use this wiki to report hours / what you did.
  • As a rule report at the end of each day.
  • Keep it brief! Report itself should not take more than 5-10 min. If you worked on a number of small tasks - do not list mantis descriptions for all of them, to save time list just mantis numbers, and give estimated time spent as one number for entire group.
  • Control time you spend on Communication / Misc. It should not exceed reasonable % of your total hours.
  • Let me know if you have questions.

Thanks! --Alex 16:15, 5 February 2010 (UTC) (CT2 Proj Manager)

  • See example of how to report below.

/ 25 / Jan / Mon / 4

  • 2 // started // 0001690: (User Access Admin) Managing access types should be through admin; new access options: per tab, per form control
  • 0.5 // completed // 0001724: Create wikis for Category:Shipment_Data_Objects
  • 1 // in progress // 0001744: (Transportation) Create Design wiki section for this component
  • 0.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 4 hours

[edit] / 1 / Feb / Mon / 2.5

  • 0.5 // completed // 0001580: (Pick Up Order) Create French version of this doc
  • 0.5 // completed // 0001640: (Pick Up Order) Add Import version of this doc
  • 1 // in progress // 0001724: Create wikis for Category:Shipment_Data_Objects
  • 0.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 2.5 hours

[edit] / 2 / Feb / Tue / 8

  • 6 // in progress // 0001724: Create wikis for Category:Shipment_Data_Objects
  • 2 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 8 hours

[edit] / 3 / Feb / Wed / 2.5

  • 1 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Nickolay
  • 1 // completed // 0001725: (Ops Admin Misc) Rename some labels on buttons
  • 0.5 // completed // 00001397: [Ops.CT.*Misc] CT.Air.DocsTab. creatig Pick Up Order for a Group generate error message

Daily Total: 2.5 hours

[edit] / 4 / Feb / Thu / 6

  • 0.5 // completed // 0001692: (Widget Copy Yes / No (feature)) Implement this feature for Master Terminals (Origin and Dest) and Shipper / Consignee
  • 4 // in progress // 0001751: (Automated Estimated Delivery Dates) Tweak: Add truck mode; replace 2 LCL with 1; improve speed; migrate to "Modal design"
  • 1 // on hold // 0001765: (CT Groups) create new spec
  • 0.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 6 hours

[edit] / 5 / Feb / Fri / 1

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 6 / Feb / Sat / 2

  • 1.5 // completed // 0001769: (File Upload Center) create new spec
  • 0.5 // new bug // 0001770: (Files Tab) bug: if Summary > 150 chars, system generate error after file uploading and does not perform file upload

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 7 / Feb / Sun / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 8 / Feb / Mon / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 9 / Feb / Tue / 2

  • 2 // completed // 0001751: (Automated Estimated Delivery Dates) Tweak: Add truck mode; replace 2 LCL with 1; improve speed; migrate to "Modal design"

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 10 / Feb / Wed / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 11 / Feb / Thu / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 12 / Feb / Fri / 0.5

  • 0.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 0.5 hours

[edit] / 13 / Feb / Sat / 4.5

  • 4.5 // in progress // 0001796: (HAWB) Create design wikis in a new format (comtable only)

Daily Total: 4.5 hours

[edit] / 14 / Feb / Sun / 6

  • 2 // completed // 0001796: (HAWB) Create design wikis in a new format (comtable only)
  • 4 // completed // 0001795: (MAWB).Create design wikis in a new format (comtable)

Daily Total: 6 hours

[edit] / 15 / Feb / Mon / 1

  • 0.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Nickolay
  • 0.5 // NA // working with mantis

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 16 / Feb / Tue / 7

  • 7 // completed // 0001699: (* Ocean Docs Commodity Table (feature)) Implement this

Daily Total: 7 hours

[edit] / 17 / Feb / Wed / 0.5

  • 0.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Nickolay

Daily Total: 0.5 hour

[edit] / 18 / Feb / Thu / 5.5

  • 0.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Sasha
  • 1.5 // in progress // 0001661: (Pick Up Order) bug: same pallets/cartons/loose cartons on HTML template irrespective of whether you select a group or indiv CT
  • 2 // in progress // 0001562: (DO Air, Ocean) HU Maping Problem. Pieces in the body are different from the total pieces (tracie, 127090)
  • 1 // in progress // 0001681: (Ocean Docs Commodity Table (feature)) bug: commodity descr prints many times, must print just once

Daily Total: 5.5 hour

[edit] / 19 / Feb / Fri / 1.5

  • 1.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Nickolay

Daily Total: 1.5 hours

[edit] / 20 / Feb / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 21 / Feb / Sun / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 22 / Feb / Mon / 1.5

  • 1 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Nickolay
  • 0.5 // completed // 0001813: BUG: Create CT generate error "Unknown exception: java.lang.NullPointerException"

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 23 / Feb / Tue / 0.5

  • 0.5 // completed // working with mantis

Daily Total: 0.5 hours

[edit] / 24 / Feb / Wed / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 25 / Feb / Thu / 11

  • 0.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Nickolay
  • 0.5 // completed // 0001689: (HBL) bug: Incorrect HU/AMS for grouped CTs
  • 1.5 // completed // 0001668: (* Misc) bug: "Error initializing document" pop-up error
  • 2 // completed // 0001807: (HBL) (* Ocean Docs Commodity Table (feature)) Implement for this doc
  • 0.5 // completed // 0001699: (DO Ocean) (* Ocean Docs Commodity Table (feature)) Implement this for DO Ocean
  • 1 // in progress // 0001805: (Freight Release) (* Ocean Docs Commodity Table (feature)) Implement this for (DO Ocean)
  • 0.25 // in progress // 0001661: (Pick Up Order) bug: same pallets/cartons/loose cartons on HTML template irrespective of whether you select a group or indiv CT
  • 1 // in progress // 0001802: (DO Air) Pdf Commod Table section: Make sure it works accordingly to spec (spec has been updated)
  • 0.5 // completed // 0001664: (HAWB) bugs: group generate case
  • 0.25 // in progress // 0001321: (Cargo Manifest) add choice to print instead of HU number (as we have now) AMS number
  • 1.75 // in progress // 0001803: (HAWB) Pdf Commod Table section: Make sure it works accordingly to spec (spec has been updated)
  • 0.1 // completed // 0001705: (Dock Receipt) 1) template bug: not calculate LBS weight total 2) PDF bug: always print KG weight measure
  • 0.15 // completed // 0001683: (Ocean Docs Commodity Table (feature)) bug: system pre-fills template incorrectly in case of Master

Daily Total: 11 hours

[edit] / 26 / Feb / Fri / 4.5

  • 0.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Sasha
  • 1 // completed // 0001804: (MAWB) Pdf Commod Table section: Make sure it works accordingly to spec (spec has been updated)
  • 0.25 // completed // 0001562: (DO Air, Ocean) HU Maping Problem. Pieces in the body are different from the total pieces (tracie, 127090)
  • 1 // in progress // 0001808: (MBL)(M) Implement Ocean Docs Commodity Table (feature) for this doc
  • 1 // completed // 0001661: (Pick Up Order) bug: same pallets/cartons/loose cartons on HTML template irrespective of whether you select a group or indiv CT
  • 0.5 // completed // 0001821: (Pick Up Order) bug: Pieces Maping Problem. It is mapped now to the Total HU of “dims” table (TABLE B.) on ContTab.
  • 0.25 // completed // 0001663, 0001802, 0001803, 0001804, 0001805

Daily Total: 4.5 hours

[edit] / 27 / Feb / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 28 / Feb / Sun / 5

  • 0.5 // completed // 0001821: (Pick Up Order) bug: Pieces Maping Problem. It is mapped now to the Total HU of “dims” table (TABLE B.) on ContTab.
  • 0.25 // completed // 0001808: (MBL)(M) Implement Ocean Docs Commodity Table (feature) for this doc
  • 0.25 // completed // 0001321: (Cargo Manifest) add choice to print instead of HU number (as we have now) AMS number
  • 4 // completed // testing Ops on staging

Daily Total: 5 hours

[edit] / 01 / Mar / Mon / 4.5

  • 0.5 // completed // 0001694: (Arrival Notice) (Air and Ocean) bug: PDF prints “Continued on next page” for one-page document
  • 0.5 // in progress // 0001780: (Arrival Notice Ocean) Redesign pdf. Section above the commodity table should take less space.
  • 0.25 // completed // 0001681: (Ocean Docs Commodity Table (feature)) bug: commodity descr prints many times, must print just once
  • 0.5 // completed // 0001534: (CT2 Misc) After clicking "Save" system shows error message "com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolation
  • 1 // completed // 0001806: (Arrival Notice Ocean) (* Ocean Docs Commodity Table (feature)) Implement for this doc
  • 1 // completed // 0001557: (Arrival Notice) (Air and Ocean) PDF prints only 5 lines of “remarks” yet the box that is available to users is much larger
  • 0.25 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Sasha
  • 0.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 4.5 hours

[edit] / 02 / Mar / Tue / 8

  • 1 // completed // 0001780: (Arrival Notice Ocean) Redesign pdf. Section above the commodity table should take less space.
  • 3 // completed // testing OpsPdfs on staging
  • 4 // completed // testing Admin on staging

Daily Total: 8 hours

[edit] / 03 / Mar / Wed / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 04 / Mar / Thu / 6.5

  • 6 // completed // 0001791: (DO Air) Finish design wiki in a new format
  • 0.5 // completed // 0001834, 0001835, 0001836, 0001837, 0001838, 0001839

Daily Total: 6.5 hours

[edit] / 05 / Mar / Fri / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 06 / Mar / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 07 / Mar / Sun / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 08 / Mar / Mon / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 09 / Mar / Tue / 3

  • 3 // in progress // 0001792: (HAWB) Create design wikis in a new format (everything but comtable)

Daily Total: 3 hours

[edit] / 10 / Mar / Wed / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 11 / Mar / Thu / 6

  • 5 // in progress // 0001792: (HAWB) Create design wikis in a new format (everything but comtable)
  • 1 // in progress // 0001793: (MAWB).Create design wikis in a new format (everything but comtable)

Daily Total: 6 hours

[edit] / 12 / Mar / Fri / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 13 / Mar / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 14 / Mar / Sun / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 15 / Mar / Mon / 1

  • 1 // in progress // 0001792: (HAWB) Create design wikis in a new format (everything but comtable)

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 16 / Mar / Tue / 8

  • 1 // in progress // 0001793: (MAWB).Create design wikis in a new format (everything but comtable)
  • 6 // completed // 0001779: (Arrival Notice Ocean) create new spec
  • 1 // completed // 0001784: (HBL) Create full spec in a new format

Daily Total: 8 hours

[edit] / 17 / Mar / Wed / 1

  • 1 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Nickolay. Working with mantis.

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 18 / Mar / Thu / 8

  • 2 // in progress // 0001783: (Dock Receipt) Create Spec in a new format
  • 3.5 // completed // 0001865: Help to hire engineers in Kiev
  • 2.5 // completed // 0001786: (Freight Release) Create a spec in a new format

Daily Total: 8 hours

[edit] / 19 / Mar / Fri / 1

  • 0.5 // in progress // 0001783: (Dock Receipt) Create Spec in a new format
  • 0.5 // started // 0001866: Evaluate GUI testing tools

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 20 / Mar / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 21 / Mar / Sun / 1

  • 1 // in progress // 0001866: Evaluate GUI testing tools

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 22 / Mar / Mon / 1.5

  • 1.5 // completed // 0001783: (Dock Receipt) Create Spec in a new format

Daily Total: 1.5 hours

[edit] / 23 / Mar / Tue / 7

  • 7 // in progress // 0001866: Evaluate GUI testing tools

Daily Total: 7 hours

[edit] / 24 / Mar / Wed / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 25 / Mar / Thu / 7

  • 1.25 // NA // Working with mantis.
  • 5 // in progress // 0001866: Evaluate GUI testing tools
  • 0.25 // completed // 0001885: [Client.*Misc] test Client App on IE6
  • 0.5 // completed // 0001865: Help to hire engineers in Kiev

Daily Total: 7 hours

[edit] / 26 / Mar / Fri / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 27 / Mar / Sat / 1

  • 0.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex
  • 0.5 // started // 0001887: (Daily) shipments are missing on the report.

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 28 / Mar / Sun / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 29 / Mar / Mon / 3.5

  • 1.5 // completed // 0001887: (Daily) shipments are missing on the report.
  • 1.5 // NA // Working with mantis and wiki (0001779,0001783,0001785,0001786).
  • 0.5 // in progress // 0001894: (CTs With No Inv) (bug) Shows “grouped records” as unbilled, even if the group they are part of shows a sales invoice.

Daily Total: 3.5 hours

[edit] / 30 / Mar / Tue / 6.5

  • 2.5 // in progress // 0001866: Evaluate GUI testing tools
  • 3.5 // completed // 0001865: Help to hire engineers in Kiev
  • 0.5 // in progress // 0001887: (Daily) shipments are missing on the report.

Daily Total: 6.5 hours

[edit] / 31 / Mar / Wed / 2

  • 2 // not completed // 0001896: (*NATP)(CT Tabs: General)(Widget Copy Yes / No) Implement this feature for Shipper / Consignee

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 01 / Apr / Thu / 6.5

  • 1 // completed // 0001896: (*NATP)(CT Tabs: General)(Widget Copy Yes / No) Implement this feature for Shipper / Consignee
  • 1.5 // completed // 0001865: Help to hire engineers in Kiev
  • 3 // in progress // 0001894: (CTs With No Inv) (bug) Shows “grouped records” as unbilled, even if the group they are part of shows a sales invoice.
  • 1 // started // 0000780: (*ph1)(Admin Client Companies) Implement "archive" function feature

Daily Total: 6.5 hours

[edit] / 02 / Apr / Fri / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 03 / Apr / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hour

[edit] / 04 / Apr / Sun / 2

  • 2 // completed // 0000780: (*ph1)(Admin Client Companies) Implement "archive" function feature

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 05 / Apr / Mon / 3

  • 3 // completed // testing Admin on staging

Daily Total: 3 hours

[edit] / 06 / Apr / Tue / 8

  • 7 // completed // testing Ops and OpsPdfs on staging
  • 1 // NA // Working with mantis (0001834,0001835,0001836,0001837,0001838,0001921,0001922,0001923,0001925).

Daily Total: 8 hours

[edit] / 07 / Apr / Wed / 2

  • 0.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Nickolay
  • 1.25 // completed // 0001925: (MAWB) Commodity Table section. Output of Non-Haz value in "NATURE AND QUANTITY OF GOODS" column
  • 0.25 // completed // 0001927: (CT2 Misc) Time in CT2

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 08 / Apr / Thu / 5.5

  • 1 // completed // working with mantis (0001928,0001929,0001930,0001931)
  • 2 // started // 0001928: (Wiki specs) Prepare structure of DB fields for using in related CT business objects
  • 2.5 // started // 0001931: (Master Misc) Create wiki section for Master Business Object

Daily Total: 5.5 hours

[edit] / 09 / Apr / Fri / 1.5

  • 0.5 // completed // 0001936: (CT Tabs: * Misc) Prepare spec for CT (Shipment) Business Object.
  • 1 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 1.5 hours

[edit] / 10 / Apr / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 11 / Apr / Sun / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 12 / Apr / Mon / 0.5

  • 0.5 // completed // 0001792: (HAWB) Create design wikis in a new format (everything but comtable)

Daily Total: 0.5 hour

[edit] / 13 / Apr / Tue / 2

  • 0.5 // NA // Support Level 4 (Pick up/Delivery Comments)
  • 0.5 // completed // 0001940: (Docs Tab) Add ability to edit "Show to client" checkbox in Shipment Reports table
  • 1 // completed // 0001941: (Carriers: Steamshiplines) bug: when trying to change the SCAC code system shows error message

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 14 / Apr / Wed / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 15 / Apr / Thu / 5.5

  • 1 // completed // 0001945: (Automated Estimated Delivery Dates) too long opening this section
  • 1 // in progress // 0001931: (Master Misc) Create wiki section for Master Business Object
  • 0.5 // completed // 0001929: (Master Tabs: General) .....................<parent>
  • 1 // completed // 0001946: (Master Tabs: Details) .....................<parent>
  • 1 // completed // 0001947: (Master Tabs: Mapping) .....................<parent>
  • 1 // completed // 0001948: (Master Tabs: Totals) .....................<parent>

Daily Total: 5.5 hours

[edit] / 16 / Apr / Fri / 1.5

  • 0.5 // completed // 0001948: (Master Tabs: Totals) .....................<parent>
  • 1 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 1.5 hours

[edit] / 17 / Apr / Sat / 3.5

  • 0.5 // completed // 0001793: (MAWB).Create design wikis in a new format (everything but comtable)
  • 2 // started // 0001788: (MBL)(M) Create Design wikis in a new format
  • 0.5 // started // 0001789: (Ocean Cargo Manifest (M)) Create Design wikis in a new format

Daily Total: 3.5 hours

[edit] / 18 / Apr / Sun / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 19 / Apr / Mon / 0.5

  • 0.5 // in progress // 0001788: (MBL)(M) Create Design wikis in a new format

Daily Total: 0.5 hours

[edit] / 20 / Apr / Tue / 6

  • 1.5 // completed // 0001788: (MBL)(M) Create Design wikis in a new format
  • 4 // completed // 0001789: (Ocean Cargo Manifest (M)) Create Design wikis in a new format
  • 0.5 // in progress // 0001931: (Master Misc) Create wiki section for Master Business Object

Daily Total: 6 hour

[edit] / 21 / Apr / Wed / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 22 / Apr / Thu / 8.5

  • 1.5 // NA // SVN local settings
  • 4 // in progress // 0001866: Evaluate GUI testing tools
  • 3 // started // 0001960: (*NATP2) Create a Pick Up map / identify zones for 2009 data

Daily Total: 8.5 hours

[edit] / 23 / Apr / Fri / 5

  • 5 // in progress // 0001960: (*NATP2) Create a Pick Up map / identify zones for 2009 data

Daily Total: 5 hours

[edit] / 24 / Apr / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 25 / Apr / Sun / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 26 / Apr / Mon / 1.5

  • 1.5 // in progress // 0001960: (*NATP2) Create a Pick Up map / identify zones for 2009 data

Daily Total: 0.5 hours

[edit] / 27 / Apr / Tue / 6.5

  • 6 // in progress // 0001960: (*NATP2) Create a Pick Up map / identify zones for 2009 data
  • 0.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 6 hours

[edit] / 28 / Apr / Wed / 8.5

  • 8 // started // 0001964: [Misc.Releases] Test Ops, OpsPdfs, Admin supercom for this Rel
  • 0.5 // NA // Working with mantis

Daily Total: 8.5 hours

[edit] / 29 / Apr / Thu / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 30 / Apr / Fri / 1.5

  • 1.5 // completed // 0001964: [Misc.Releases] Test Ops, OpsPdfs, Admin supercom for this Rel

Daily Total: 1.5 hours

[edit] / 01 / May / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 02 / May / Sun / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 03 / May / Mon / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 04 / May / Tue / 1

  • 1 // in progress // 0001960: (*NATP2) Create a Pick Up map / identify zones for 2009 data

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 05 / May / Wed / 2

  • 2 // in progress // 0001960: (*NATP2) Create a Pick Up map / identify zones for 2009 data

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 06 / May / Thu / 7.5

  • 7 // in progress // 0001960: (*NATP2) Create a Pick Up map / identify zones for 2009 data
  • 0.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Tira

Daily Total: 7.5 hours

[edit] / 07 / May / Fri / 1

  • 0.5 // in progress // 0001960: (*NATP2) Create a Pick Up map / identify zones for 2009 data
  • 0.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 08 / May / Sat / 0.5

  • 0.5 // started // 0002015: (*NATP)(Trucking Optimization Report) unexpectedly empty EA DOM Trucking Optimization reports

Daily Total: 0.5 hours

[edit] / 09 / May / Sun / 2

  • 2 // in progress // 0002015: (*NATP)(Trucking Optimization Report) unexpectedly empty EA DOM Trucking Optimization reports

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 10 / May / Mon / 3

  • 2 // completed // 0002015: (*NATP)(Trucking Optimization Report) unexpectedly empty EA DOM Trucking Optimization reports
  • 1 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 3 hours

[edit] / 11 / May / Tue / 5

  • 4.5 // started // 0002034: (*NATP2) (Trucking Optimization) Create Preliminary Design for Phase B
  • 0.5 // completed // 0001866: Evaluate GUI testing tools

Daily Total: 5 hours

[edit] / 12 / May / Wed / 3

  • 2 // in progress // 0002034: (*NATP2) (Trucking Optimization) Create Preliminary Design for Phase B
  • 1 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 3 hours

[edit] / 13 / May / Thu / 6

  • 4 // started // 0001990: (*NATP2)(Trucking Optimization Phase B) Create Zones
  • 2 // started // 0001961: (*NATP2) (Trucking Optimization Phase B) Trucking Optimization Report ver 2

Daily Total: 6 hours

[edit] / 14 / May / Fri / 1

  • 1 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 15 / May / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 16 / May / Sun / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 17 / May / Mon / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 18 / May / Tue / 9

  • 8 // started // 0002052: (Salesman: Profile) Create this new component
  • 1 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex, Denise

Daily Total: 9 hours

[edit] / 19 / May / Wed / 1

  • 1 // in progress // 0002052: (Salesman: Profile) Create this new component

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 20 / May / Thu / 7

  • 5 // completed // 0002052: (Salesman: Profile) Create this new component
  • 2 // started // 0002057: (Salesman: Commissions Report) Create this new report

Daily Total: 7 hours

[edit] / 21 / May / Fri / 2

  • 1 // completed // 0002052: (Salesman: Profile) Create this new component
  • 1 // started // 0001998: (*Misc) 1) Have all CT fields available on all CT reports; 2) Make report filters & output more flexible for every report

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 22 / May / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 23 / May / Sun / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 24 / May / Mon / 5

  • 1.5 // in progress // 0001998: (*Misc) 1) Have all CT fields available on all CT reports; 2) Make report filters & output more flexible
  • 1 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex
  • 2.5 // NA // Working with mantis and wiki

Daily Total: 5 hours

[edit] / 25 / May / Tue / 8

  • 8 // in progress // 0001998: (*Misc) 1) Have all CT fields available on all CT reports; 2) Make report filters & output more flexible

Daily Total: 8 hours

[edit] / 26 / May / Wed / 1

  • 0.5 // started // 0001511: (*ph1)(Client Statistics) Implement first version of this report
  • 0.5 // started // 0001573: (*ph1)(Carrier Statistic) Implement first version of this report

Daily Total: 1 hours

[edit] / 27 / May / Thu / 5

  • 3.5 // completed // 0001511: (*ph1)(Client Statistics) Implement first version of this report
  • 0.5 // in progress // 0001573: (*ph1)(Carrier Statistic) Implement first version of this report
  • 1 // NA // Working with wiki by email about Inventory Management

Daily Total: 5 hours

[edit] / 28 / May / Fri / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 29 / May / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 30 / May / Sun / 3

  • 0.5 // completed // 0001511: (*ph1)(Client Statistics) Implement first version of this report
  • 2.5 // completed // 0001573: (*ph1)(Carrier Statistic) Implement first version of this report

Daily Total: 3 hours

[edit] / 31 / May / Mon / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 01 / June / Tue / 4

  • 4 // in progress // 0002057: (Salesman: Commissions Report) Create this new report

Daily Total: 4 hours

[edit] / 02 / June / Wed / 2

  • 1 // completed // 0001998: (*Misc) 1) Have all CT fields available on all CT reports; 2) Make report filters & output more
  • 0.5 // in progress // 0001511: (*ph1)(Client Statistics) Implement first version of this report
  • 0.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 03 / June / Thu / 8

  • 8 // in progress // 0001511: (*ph1)(Client Statistics) Implement first version of this report

Daily Total: 8 hours

[edit] / 04 / June / Fri / 1

  • 1 // in progress // 0001511: (*ph1)(Client Statistics) Implement first version of this report

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 05 / June / Sat / 2

  • 2 // started // 0002099: Check all existing pdf reports functionality

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 06 / June / Sun / 3

  • 1 // completed // 0002099: Check all existing pdf reports functionality
  • 1 // completed // specQA of 0002091: (Delivery Trailer Report)(NATP)....................................Parent
  • 1 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 3 hours

[edit] / 07 / June / Mon / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 08 / June / Tue / 5

  • 2 // completed // 0001511: (*ph1)(Client Statistics) Implement first version of this report
  • 3 // completed // 0001573: (*ph1)(Carrier Statistic) Implement first version of this report

Daily Total: 5 hours

[edit] / 09 / June / Wed / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 10 / June / Thu / 8

  • 7 // completed // testing Ops and OpsPdfs on staging
  • 1 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 8 hours

[edit] / 11 / June / Fri / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 12 / June / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 13 / June / Sun / 2

  • 2 // completed // 0001998: (*Misc) 1) Have all CT fields available on all CT reports; 2) Make report filters & output more

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 14 / June / Mon / 5

  • 2.5 // completed // 0002113: bug: Cant Add Consegnee with value "ELIZABETH ARDEN - Stamford -". Is is in address book but not in combobox on Gen Tab.
  • 1 // completed // 0002116: (Delivery Trailer Report)(NATP) bug: Error of report generating, when date fields are empty
  • 0.5 // started // 0002117: (Daily EA) bug: Non-Trucking CTs are in the report
  • 0.25 // started // 0002118: (Where Is) bug: uncorrect locating of tabs in the report
  • 0.25 // started // 0002119: (Where Is) bug: insufficient width of columns to display the report results
  • 0.5 // completed // 0002120: (Where Is) bug: "clear" feature of "Consignees" filter doesn't work

Daily Total: 5 hours

[edit] / 15 / June / Tue / 5

  • 1 // completed // 0002117: (Daily) bug: Inappropriate CTs are in the report
  • 0.5 // completed // 0002118: (Where Is) bug: when using MOT-specified filters, HTML form of the report doesn't show all output fields
  • 0.5 // completed // 0002119: (Where Is) bug: search by filter "Air MAWB" doesn't show all columns in HTML form of results of the report
  • 3 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 5 hours

[edit] / 16 / June / Wed / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 17 / June / Thu / 5

  • 1 // completed // 0001511: (*ph1)(Client Statistics) Implement first version of this report
  • 1 // completed // 0001573: (*ph1)(Carrier Statistic) Implement first version of this report
  • 0.5 // started // 0002121: bug: When using Chrome, you cannot see the MBL #, Vessel Name & Voyage # inside the CT record export tab
  • 1 // started // 0002122: (Cybertrax Client 2.1) Finalize/document Misc functionality
  • 1.5 // NA // technical works

Daily Total: 5 hours

[edit] / 18 / June / Fri / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 19 / June / Sat / 2

  • 2 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 20 / June / Sun / 2

  • 2 // started // 0002126: (Client 2.1) Finalize/document Shipper functionality

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 21 / June / Mon / 2

  • 1 // completed // 0002117: (Daily) bug: Inappropriate CTs are in the report
  • 1 // in progress // 0002126: (Client 2.1) Finalize/document Shipper functionality

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 22 / June / Tue / 6

  • 0.5 // completed // 0002121: bug: When using Chrome, you cannot see the MBL #, Vessel Name & Voyage # inside the CT record export
  • 1 // completed // 0001511: (*ph1)(Client Statistics) Implement first version of this report
  • 1 // completed // 0001573: (*ph1)(Carrier Statistic) Implement first version of this report
  • 3.5 // in progress // 0002126: (Client 2.1) Finalize/document Shipper functionality

Daily Total: 6 hours

[edit] / 23 / June / Wed / 1

  • 1 // in progress // 0002126: (Client 2.1) Finalize/document Shipper functionality

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 24 / June / Thu / 5

  • 5 // in progress // 0002126: (Client 2.1) Finalize/document Shipper functionality

Daily Total: 5 hours

[edit] / 25 / June / Fri / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 26 / June / Sat / 1

  • 1 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 27 / June / Sun / 2

  • 0.5 // started // 0002152: (Client 2.1) Create all new DB fields - finalize specs
  • 0.5 // started // 0002150: (Client 2.1) (specs) Add Shipper, Planner roles to Non Jag User profile - finalize specs
  • 1 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 28 / June / Mon / 4

  • 2 // completed // 0002152: (Client 2.1) Create all new DB fields - finalize specs
  • 2 // completed // 0002150: (Client 2.1) (specs) Add Shipper, Planner roles to Non Jag User profile - finalize specs

Daily Total: 4 hours

[edit] / 29 / June / Tue / 5

  • 0.5 // completed // 0002117: (Daily) bug: Inappropriate CTs are in the report
  • 2.5 // started & completed // 0002040: (Geography) 1)bug: HKG appears 2 times in country dropdown 2)chg: NOT allow 1 to many relationships btw country and Region
  • 1 // NA // Estimating of tasks 2052,2057,2059,2040,2066,2067
  • 1 // in progress // 0002052: (Salesman: Profile) Create this new component

Daily Total: 5 hours

[edit] / 30 / June / Wed / 1

  • 0.5 // in progress // 0002052: (Salesman: Profile) Create this new component
  • 0.5 // completed // 0002152: (Client 2.1) Create all new DB fields - finalize specs

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 01 / July / Thu / 7

  • 6 // in progress // 0002057: (Salesman: Commissions Report) Create this new report
  • 1 // in progress // 0002052: (Salesman: Profile) Create this new component

Daily Total: 7 hours

[edit] / 02 / July / Fri / 1

  • 1 // in progress // 0002052: (Salesman: Profile) Create this new component

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 03 / July / Sat / 1

  • 1 // started // 0002059: (Salesman: Target Report) Create this new report

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 04 / July / Sun / 4

  • 1 // started // 0002059: (Salesman: Target Report) Create this new report

Daily Total: 4 hours

[edit] / 05 / July / Mon / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 06 / July / Tue / 6.5

  • 6 // started // 0002067: (Where Is) Create nice clean full wiki spec for this component
  • 0.5 // started // 0002189: (Purchase) error message in accounting when all information requested is filled in

Daily Total: 6.5 hours

[edit] / 07 / July / Wed / 1

  • 0.5 // in progress // 0002067: (Where Is) Create nice clean full wiki spec for this component
  • 0.5 // completed // 0002189: (Purchase) error message in accounting when all information requested is filled in

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 08 / July / Thu / 8.5

  • 5.5 // completed // 0002067: (Where Is) Create nice clean full wiki spec for this component
  • 3 // completed // 0002189: (Purchase) error message in accounting when all information requested is filled in

Daily Total: 8.5 hours

[edit] / 09 / July / Fri / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 10 / July / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 11 / July / Sun / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 12 / July / Mon / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 13 / July / Tue / 5.5

  • 4 // started // 0002066: (Main Wizard) Create nice clean full wiki spec for this component
  • 0.75 // completed // 0002040: (Geography) 1)bug: HKG appears 2 times in country dropdown 2)chg: NOT allow 1 to many relationships btw country and Region
  • 0.75 // completed // 0002067: (Where Is) Create nice clean full wiki spec for this component

Daily Total: 5.5 hours

[edit] / 14 / July / Wed / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 15 / July / Thu / 6.5

  • 6.5 // in progress // 0002066: (Main Wizard) Create nice clean full wiki spec for this component

Daily Total: 6.5 hours

[edit] / 16 / July / Fri / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 17 / July / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 18 / July / Sun / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 19 / July / Mon / 1

  • 1 // started // 0002004: (Main Wizard) Change Date Filters logic for Trucking Shipments

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 20 / July / Tue / 7

  • 3 // completed // 0002004: (Main Wizard) Change Date Filters logic for Trucking Shipments
  • 4 // in progress // 0002066: (Main Wizard) Create nice clean full wiki spec for this component

Daily Total: 7 hours

[edit] / 21 / July / Wed / 1

  • 1 // in progress // 0002066: (Main Wizard) Create nice clean full wiki spec for this component

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 22 / July / Thu / 8

  • 3 // completed // 0002066: (Main Wizard) Create nice clean full wiki spec for this component
  • 3 // started // 0002236: List of 17 issues from Arden
  • 1 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex, Denise, Roma
  • 1 // NA // Split 0002236 into 2239,2240,2241,2242,2243,2244,2245,2246

Daily Total: 8 hour

[edit] / 23 / July / Fri / 3

  • 3 // NA // Split 0002236 into 2252-2260

Daily Total: 3 hours

[edit] / 24 / July / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 25 / July / Sun / 2

  • 2 // started // 0002026: (Client Report: In Transit) wiki clean-up

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 26 / July / Mon / 1

  • 1 // in progress // 0002026: (Client Report: In Transit) wiki clean-up

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 27 / July / Tue / 6

  • 5 // completed // 0002026: (Client Report: In Transit) wiki clean-up
  • 0.5 // completed // 0002004: (Main Wizard) Change Date Filters logic for Trucking Shipments
  • 0.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex, Denise

Daily Total: 6 hours

[edit] / 28 / July / Wed / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 29 / July / Tue / 6

  • 0.25 // NA // 0002244: (CT2 Misc) chg: CT2 session is too short.
  • 0.25 // NA // 0002245: Sheila Ferguson still has a sign in issue
  • 3 // started // 0002268: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup - Wiki review
  • 2 // started // 0002269: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup - Mantis review
  • 0.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex, Denise

Daily Total: 6 hours

[edit] / 30 / July / Fri / 2

  • 2 // in progress // 0002268: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup - Wiki review

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 31 / July / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 01 / August / Sun / 6

  • 2.5 // completed // 0002268: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup - Wiki review
  • 1 // in progress // 0002269: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup - Mantis review
  • 2 // started // testing Ops, OpsPdfs on staging
  • 0.5 // completed // 0002275: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup SUMMARY (component)

Daily Total: 6 hours

[edit] / 02 / August / Mon / 3

  • 3 // completed // testing Ops, OpsReps on staging

Daily Total: 3 hours

[edit] / 03 / August / Tue / 6

  • 3 // completed // 0002269: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup - Mantis review
  • 1 // in progress // 0002247: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup ............... <parent>
  • 2 // started // 0002276: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup Currencies & Exchange Rates

Daily Total: 6 hours

[edit] / 04 / August / Wed / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 05 / August / Thu / 6

  • 3 // in progress // 0002276: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup Currencies & Exchange Rates
  • 1 // started // 0002277: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup - VAT
  • 2 // started // 0002278: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup - Charge Codes

Daily Total: 6 hours

[edit] / 06 / August / Fri / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 07 / August / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 08 / August / Sun / 4

  • 1 // completed // 0002277: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup - VAT
  • 2 // completed // 0002278: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup - Charge Codes
  • 0.25 // NA // new 0002318: [Acc.Admin.ChargeCodes] bug: When length of "Description" more than 150 chars, system shows error
  • 0.75 // in progress // 0002247: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup ............... <parent>

Daily Total: 4 hours

[edit] / 09 / August / Mon / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 10 / August / Tue / 6

  • 1 // started // 0002321: Create wiki to describe all application related config files in the system
  • 4 // completed // 0002276: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup Currencies & Exchange Rates
  • 1 // in progress // 0002247: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup ............... <parent>

Daily Total: 6 hours

[edit] / 11 / August / Wed / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 12 / August / Thu / 7

  • 1 // completed // 0002210: (Delivery Trailer Report)(NATP) Date columns on xls should be populated in a format that is sortable by date
  • 3.5 // completed // 0002212: (Sales&Intern) Add charge code# next to Description on invoice/cr note pdf
  • 1 // started // 0002332: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup - Sales Invoice
  • 1 // in progress // 0002247: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup ............... <parent>
  • 0.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Denise

Daily Total: 7 hours

[edit] / 13 / August / Fri / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 14 / August / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 15 / August / Sun / 2

  • 2 // in progress // 0002332: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup - Sales Invoice

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 16 / August / Mon / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 17 / August / Tue / 7

  • 2 // completed // 0002333: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup - Issue Credit Note
  • 5 // in progress // 0002332: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup - Sales Invoice

Daily Total: 7 hours

[edit] / 18 / August / Wed / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 19 / August / Thu / 0

  • 0 // vacation

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 20 / August / Fri / 0

  • 0 // vacation

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 21 / August / Sat / 0

  • 0 // vacation

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 22 / August / Sun / 0

  • 0 // vacation

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 23 / August / Mon / 0

  • 0 // vacation

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 24 / August / Tue / 0

  • 0 // vacation

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 25 / August / Wed / 0

  • 0 // vacation

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 26 / August / Thu / 0

  • 0 // vacation

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 27 / August / Fri / 0

  • 0 // vacation

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 28 / August / Sat / 0

  • 0 // vacation

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 29 / August / Sun / 0

  • 0 // vacation

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 30 / August / Mon / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 31 / August / Tue / 5

  • 1.5 // completed // 0002120: (Where Is) bug: "clear" feature of "Consignees" filter doesn't work
  • 1 // in progress // 0002245: Sheila Ferguson still has a sign in issue
  • 0.5 // in progress // 0002246: Titles do not print in a view of CT record
  • 1 // in progress // 0002256: Download to Excel of report's results doesn't executes at the first time
  • 1 // in progress // 0002332: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup - Sales Invoice

Daily Total: 5 hours

[edit] / 01 / September / Wed / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 02 / September / Thu / 5

  • 1.5 // in progress // 0002332: [Documentation] Acc Cleanup - Sales Invoice
  • 1.5 // completed // new 0002362: (Sales&Intern) bug: when Commodity is empty then in the group generate case "P.O.Numbers" shows as "null"
  • 2 // started // 0002360: Create description with mock up screen for QB dashboard panel

Daily Total: 5 hours

[edit] / 03 / September / Fri / 2

  • 2 // started // 0002343: New Approach for Internal Invocies: a) new formulas b) autogeneration c) upload into QB

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 04 / September / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 05 / September / Sun / 2

  • 2 // NA // working with wiki (EDI concepts)

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 06 / September / Mon / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 07 / September / Tue / 7

  • 2 // in progress // 0002360: Create description with mock up screen for QB dashboard panel
  • 2 // in progress // 0002343: New Approach for Internal Invocies: a) new formulas b) autogeneration c) upload into QB
  • 1.5 // started // 0002365: [EDI to 4Pole] Research and compare various EDI solutions / practices for transmitting invoices between companies in USA
  • 0.5 // NA // 0002364: [EDI to 4Pole] Create design based on requirements
  • 0.5 // completed // 0002330: (Daily) bug: "EA DOM – DAILY PORTAL SHIPMENT REPORT" is missing "Ship To Company-City"
  • 0.5 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 7 hours

[edit] / 08 / September / Wed / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 09 / September / Thu / 6

  • 3 // in progress // 0002360: Create description with mock up screen for QB dashboard panel
  • 1 // completed // 0002052: (Salesman: Profile) Create this new component (update wiki with Denise notes, Salesman Profile window)
  • 2 // NA // no mantis: EDI to QB USE Cases

Daily Total: 6 hours

[edit] / 10 / September / Fri / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 11 / September / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 12 / September / Sun / 1

  • 1 // NA // working with mantis and wiki

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 13 / September / Mon / 1

  • 1 // in progress // 0002360: Create description with mock up screen for QB dashboard panel

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 14 / September / Tue / 7

  • 3.5 // completed // 0002360: Create description with mock up screen for QB dashboard panel
  • 2 // NA // no mantis: EDI to QB USE Cases
  • 1 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Andriy, Alex
  • 0.5 // NA // QA for Carrier Statistical Report

Daily Total: 7 hours

[edit] / 15 / September / Wed / 2

  • 2 // completed // testing Ops, OpsPdfs on staging

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 16 / September / Thu / 7

  • 5 // completed // testing Ops, OpsPdfs, OpsReps on staging
  • 0.5 // completed // new 0002373: (Docs Tab) bug: group "CT#" checkbox in "Select Shipments from Group" window affects the gray checkbox of current CT
  • 0.5 // NA // 0001573: (*ph1)(Carrier Statistic) Implement first version of this report
  • 1 // started // 0002149: (CT: Virtual Groups) Need Comment Feature

Daily Total: 7 hours

[edit] / 17 / September / Fri / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 18 / September / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 19 / September / Sun / 1

  • 1 // NA // working with mantis and wiki

Daily Total: 1 hour

[edit] / 20 / September / Mon / 2

  • 1 // in progress // 0001573: (*ph1)(Carrier Statistic) Implement first version of this report
  • 1 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Tira

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 21 / September / Tue / 7

  • 5 // in progress // 0001573: (*ph1)(Carrier Statistic) Implement first version of this report
  • 1 // NA // no mantis: EDI to QB USE Cases
  • 1 // NA // Communication: Andrei, Alex

Daily Total: 7 hours

[edit] / 22 / September / Wed / 2

  • 2 // in progress // 0001573: (*ph1)(Carrier Statistic) Implement first version of this report

Daily Total: 2 hours

[edit] / 23 / September / Thu / 6

  • 6 // in progress // 0001573: (*ph1)(Carrier Statistic) Implement first version of this report

Daily Total: 6 hours

[edit] / 24 / September / Fri / 3

  • 1 // completed // 0001573: (*ph1)(Carrier Statistic) Implement first version of this report
  • 1.5 // completed // 0001511: (*ph1)(Client Statistics) Implement first version of this report
  • 0.25 // completed // new 0002383: (Transportation) Need to add new field TEU into the table of Container Sizes
  • 0.25 // completed // new 0002384: (Transportation) Enter TEU values into the table of Container Sizes

Daily Total: 3 hours

[edit] / 25 / September / Sat / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] / 26 / September / Sun / 0

Daily Total: 0 hours

[edit] Weekly totals

[edit] / 1-7 / Feb / w06 / 22

[edit] / 8-14 / Feb / w07 / 13

[edit] / 15-21 / Feb / w08 / 15.5

[edit] / 22-28 / Feb / w09 / 22.5

[edit] / 1-7 / Mar / w10 / 19

[edit] / 8-14 / Mar / w11 / 9

[edit] / 15-21 / Mar / w12 / 20

[edit] / 22-28 / Mar / w13 / 16.5

[edit] / 29-04 / Mar-Apr / w14 / 20.5

[edit] / 05-11 / Apr / w15 / 20

[edit] / 12-18 / Apr / w16 / 13

[edit] / 19-25 / Apr / w17 / 20

[edit] / 26-02 / Apr-May / w18 / 18

[edit] / 03-09 / May / w19 / 14

[edit] / 10-16 / May / w20 / 18

[edit] / 17-23 / May / w21 / 19

[edit] / 24-30 / May / w22 / 22

[edit] / 31-06 / May-June / w23 / 20

[edit] / 07-13 / June / w24 / 15

[edit] / 14-20 / June / w25 / 19

[edit] / 21-27 / June / w26 / 17

[edit] / 28-04 / June-July / w27 / 23

[edit] / 05-11 / July / w28 / 16

[edit] / 12-18 / July / w29 / 12

[edit] / 19-25 / July / w30 / 22

[edit] / 26-01 / July-August / w31 / 21

[edit] / 02-08 / August / w32 / 19

[edit] / 09-15 / August / w33 / 15

[edit] / 16-22 / August / w34 / 7

[edit] / 23-29 / August / w35 / 0 (vacation)

[edit] / 30-05 / August-September / w36 / 14

[edit] / 06-12 / September / w37 / 14

[edit] / 13-19 / September / w38 / 18

[edit] / 20-26 / September / w39 / 20

Personal tools