2565 dev

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[edit] Info

Mantis: 0002565: [Estim P&L] Implement phase 1

[edit] Glossary

Gross Margin report - same as "P/L report".

Estimated Gross Margin = estimated sale minus estimated cost.

Actual Gross Margin = actual sale minus actual cost.

Point Of Revenue Recognition - Point in time (date) as defined below:

Month-end closing - an accounting procedure undertaken at the end of the month to close out that month. In the context of this project and our business it means to compile a "P/L" report that have all CTs with Point Of Revenue Recognition date falling within that month. To make this report meaningful estimated cost and sales numbers for every CT should be present and matched. In this case we will see Estimated total cost, sale and Gross Margin for entire business. Margin will indicate how much money business made (or lost) that month.

[edit] Requirements

In a nutshell we need:

  • 1) Mechanism to enter estimated cost and sale figures for every CT. Allow for 2 options (to be selected by operator):
    • a) operator enters both cost and sale figures manually
    • b) operator enters cost manually (per selected charge code) and system automatically calculates sales, use formula below:
If charge code starts with 12 then:
   sales = cost
   sales = (cost * margin/100)+ cost 

NOTE: Allow for default margin to be stored in Admin (per charge code)and edited by operator as they enter TOC lines.

  • 2) Mechanism to remind operators about CTs in the system that do not yet have cost or sale estimated (use Dashboard approach)
    • Different groups of operators are to be responsible for entering estimated cost/sale for particular CT. See #Estimated GM Dashboard
  • 3) Add Month-end closing report (see #Glossary)

Please also note that in the future new "Rates and Costs Tables" will be added that would allow to manage rates in the system. This means that operators would not need to enter costs and sales manually (in most cases) - they could be pulled from the system.

[edit] Estimated GM Dashboard

New type of dashboard panel required.

It should show how many CT records passed Point Of revenue recognition AND are not estimated.

CT is not estimated if total estimated cost or total estimated sales is 0.

Operator should have CT posted to this dashboard if the following criteria is met:

  • CT records passed Point Of revenue recognition AND
  • CT is not estimated AND
  • this CT is coming into the region handled by this operator's office:
    • AIR: country's region for Ct#Airport_Of_Destination is the same as operator's office region defined in Admin>Geography>Regions mapping
    • OCEAN: country's region for Ct#Destination_Terminal is the same as operator's office region defined in Admin>Geography>Regions mapping
    • TRUCK: country's region for Ct#Export_Delivery_To_Address is the same as operator's office region defined in Admin>Geography>Regions mapping

[edit] Solutions

We need to address 3 things:

[edit] Mechanism to enter estimated cost and sale

Access to Panel similar to below could be added to the system. Ideally we should have a link to the panel from CT profile.

File:Est pnl.JPG

[edit] Mechanism to remind operators

Solution fully defined in #Requirements section

[edit] Add Month End Closing report

They suggested adding "sub-report" to Profit Loss for Multiple CTs

To do that we could add "Point of revenue recognition" date type on filters page. And if that is selected on output add columns:

  • estimated sales
  • estimated cost(purchase)
  • estimated margin (P/L)

Also they asked to add estimated cost and sales figures to CT's P/L Tab.

[edit] Architect Review

[edit] Implementation Notes

[edit] QA Plan

[edit] History

1) Kostya suggested re-using TOC panel on Import tab for entering estimation. Tracie does not want to re-use. Should be a separate space.

2) I re-wrote item "1b" in http://mantis.jaguarfreight.com/wiki/2565_dev#Requirements to allow for default margin to be stored in Admin (per charge code)and edited by operator as they enter TOC lines

3) I updated http://mantis.jaguarfreight.com/wiki/File:Est_pnl.JPG to accommodate #2 above.

--Alex 12:57, 3 January 2011 (EST)Alex

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