204 EDI

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[edit] Intro

This wiki maps actual message to be sent.

[edit] Message

For each segment I provide example in the box.

[edit] ISA

ISA*00* *00* *14*006922827TMO204*02*CARRIERID *050829*1025*U*00401*010100170*0*P*:~

[edit] GS


[edit] ST

constant (assuming one transaction per file) - see below


[edit] B2

To transmit basic data relating to shipment information

  • B202 Standard Carrier Alpha Code M ID 2/4
  • B204 Shipment Identification Number M AN 1/30
  • B206 Shipment Method of Payment M ID 2/2
    • constant = TP

[edit] B2A

To allow for positive identification of transaction set purpose

  • B2A01 Transaction Set Purpose Code M ID 2/2
    • send constant "00" means "Original - No Responses Necessary"

[edit] L11

Do not send

[edit] G62

Do not send

[edit] AT5

Do not send

[edit] LH6

Do not send

[edit] NTE

Do not send

[edit] Loop 0100

[edit] N1

To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code

N101 Entity Identifier Code M ID 2/3

N102 Name M AN 1/60

N103 Identification Code Qualifier M ID 1/2

use 93 - Code assigned by the organization originating the transaction set

Send constant - see below:

N1*BT*Elizabeth Arden*93*EA~

[edit] N3

To specify the location of the named party

N301 Address Information M AN 1/55

Send constant - see below:

N3*1751 Blue Hills Dr.~

[edit] N4

To specify the geographic place of the named party

M N401 City Name M AN 2/30

Free-form text for city name

M N402 State or Province Code M ID 2/2

Code (Standard State/Province) as defined by appropriate government agency

M N403 Postal Code M ID 3/15

Code defining international postal

Send constant - see below:


[edit] G61

do not send

[edit] Loop 0200

[edit] N7

do not send

[edit] Loop 0300

[edit] S5

To specify stop-off detail reference numbers and stop reason

M S501 Stop Sequence Number M N0 1/3

Identifying number for the specific stop and the sequence in which the stop is to be performed
Stops start with 0 and increment by 1.
0 = pick up

M S502 Stop Reason Code M ID 2/2

Code specifying the reason for the stop
CU Complete Unload
LD Load
PL Part Load
PU Part Unload
UL Unload

Send constant - see below


[edit] L11

Do not send

[edit] G62

To specify pertinent dates and times

M G6201 Date Qualifier M ID 2/2

Code specifying type of date
Post constant "69" - Scheduled Pick-Up Date, No appointment is required

G6202 Date M DT 8/8

Date expressed as CCYYMMDD

G6203 Time Qualifier M ID 1/2

Code specifying the reported time
Post constant "U" - Scheduled Pick Up Time, No appointment is required

G6204 Time M TM 4/8

Time expressed in 24-hour clock time as follows: HHMM, where H = hours (00-23), M = minutes (00-59)
Post constant "1200"
 ??? or should we pull from Load Plan

G6205 Time Code M ID 2/2

Code identifying the time.
Post constant "LT" Local Time

[edit] PLD

Do not send

Number of pallets Shipped


[edit] NTE

Do not send

[edit] Loop 0310

[edit] N1

To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code

M N101 98 Entity Identifier Code M ID 2/3

Code identifying an organizational entity, a physical location, property or an individual
SF Ship From
If S5 02 Is LD Then SF - Ship From

ST Ship To
If S5 02 Is PU Then ST - Ship To

M N102 93 Name M AN 1/60

Free-form name
post ER 204#SF Company+ "-" + ER 204#SF City

N1*SF*CEI - Holmdel***~

[edit] N2

Do not send

[edit] N3

To specify the location of the named party

N301 Address Information M AN 1/55

post ER 204#SF Company
[edit] N4

To specify the geographic place of the named party

M N401 City Name M AN 2/30

Free-form text for city name
post ER 204#SF City

M N402 State or Province Code M ID 2/2

Code (Standard State/Province) as defined by appropriate government agency
post ER 204#SF State

M N403 Postal Code M ID 3/15

Code defining international postal
post ER 204#SF Zip


[edit] G61

To identify a person or office to whom communications should be directed

Do not send

[edit] Loop 0350

[edit] OID

To specify order identification detail

Do not send

[edit] LAD

To transmit detailed lading data pertinent to a pickup or delivery


Do not send

[edit] Loop 0360
[edit] L5

To specify the line item in terms of description, quantity, packaging, and marks and numbers


Do not send

[edit] AT8

To specify shipment details in terms of weight, and quantity of handling units


Do not send

[edit] Loop 0365
[edit] G61

do not send

[edit] L11

do not send

[edit] L3

To specify the total shipment in terms of weight, volume, rates, charges, advances, and prepaid amounts applicable to one or more line items


[edit] SE


[edit] GE


[edit] IEA


[edit] Protocol

Media:Carrier 204.ashx.pdf

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