(20 September 2011) Weekly SD and IT report

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[edit] About

This document provides executive summary of what is happening at Software Development and IT Group at Jaguar. Written by Alex and based on input provided by members of the team. For questions or comments please e-mail alex@jaguarfreight.com

[edit] Highs

  • Valley Stream IT Vendor evaluation is almost completed (we evaluated 8 companies). Two companies remain on the list. Waiting for references from one company. Vendor will be selected and submitted to Simon this week. Hopefully we can sign contract and engage by the end of this week.
  • Staging and release will happen on time. It is scheduled this week (release to production).
  • Rates DB vendor evaluation is almost completed. Catapult is far ahead of competition. Marc suggested that he might finalize contract in 2-3 weeks. Tracie is working on business requirements for integration. Alex is evaluating various ways to integrate (technical side)
  • Internal DR/KPIs (BA=Tracie): all Action Required reports will have DR version released this week (UAT is in progress)

[edit] Lows

  • In this Sprint we had to change project plan significantly, particularly with Arden reporting (Cost per pound KPI #3131, Monthly Stats Report #3003)
  • Progress with Trendset/Arden project is slower than expected
  • Denise estimates TMS support (tariffs, etc) to take on average 20 hours a week of her time. I think it is still to high
  • Internal DR/KPIs (BA=Denise)(Cost per pound KPI #3131: almost no progress as far as coding (we expected to release new version). Reasons:
    • a) requirements has changed and as a result BA had to create new solution/re-write spec
    • b) developer had to do more work on Cargo due date feature

[edit] Issues & Matters Arising

No new issues as far as I can see.

[edit] Activity next period

Key events:

  • this Thursday BA/PM Team will get together to create proposal for next BA and Dev Sprint
  • this Friday CT2 Board will review proposal for next BA and Dev Sprint and finalize project plan for next Sprint

[edit] Additional Comments


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