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Descartes (Jaguar partner) is offering Automated Air Status Update Service

This service allows airfreight shipments booked directly by Jaguar with the airlines, to be fed automatic status updates (departure and arrival dates), removing our need to manually check and then update the status of Airfreight shipments.

It is our understanding that in order to send updates Descartes needs to receive only MAWB number.

Logic & Conditions for Status Updates to be sent & received

  • Airline must participate in air status messaging. The list of current, participating airlines can be found under the Admin Menu > Air Status/EUAN Admin See #FSR Airlines Tab.
  • All status messages being sent to the airlines and received from airlines are to be recorded on the Systems Log.

NOTE: If any of the following airports - departure, transshipment or destination - that's set in the CT record and/or it's master record does not exist to airline, the message we send will be ignored by airline and no updates will be received. As well, if the departure, transshipment or destination airports that's set in the CT record and/or it's master record does not match the airlines message we receive, the message will be ignored and the record will not be automatically updated.

Mandatory Fields

The following needs to be filled in order to send & receive automatic updates:

  • Airline Name
  • MAWB Number(all 11 digits)
  • Airport of Departure Name
  • Estimated Departure Date

NOTE: Once the above mandatory fields are set in the CT record and/or the Master record, a message will automatically be created (in the background) and sent to the airline requesting the status information according to the MAWB #. It does not require any manual transmission on operators part. Once the airline confirms the departure, a message will be received (in the background) and then the CT record and/or the Master record will update accordingly.

Optional Fields

The following fields are optional but if/when they are filled messages will be sent out and automatic updates will be received:

  • Airport of Transshipment name
  • Airport of Transshipment Estimated Departure Date

Air Status Admin

Air Status and EU Advance Notice are currently shared in the Admin section of CT

File:Admin Air Status EUAN Admin.JPG

Both the EU Advance notice and the Air Status Updates are shared inside the admin menu because it is Descartes who provides these 2 services to JFS and both are related to airfreight. Note the second & third tabs are related directly to Air Status.

Parameter Tab

This is where we manage the messages that's being sent and received. It includes the time parameters that we use, for how often the system is to send the messages to the airline and how often the system is to check for new messages being received. As well it includes the server information that is used for passing these electronic messages.

File:Parameters Tab.JPG

FSR Airlines Tab

Here is where the current list of participating airlines can be found. The left panel contains the current list of airlines that participate and/or are in testing phase for automatic updates and the right panel contains the current list of airlines that are setup in CyberTrax for Air Status messaging.

File:FSR Airlines Tab.JPG

FWB FHL Airlines Tab

This tab is not applicable and is not currently being used. Originally it was created for the airlines that do not participate in the air status and/or EUAN messaging, but would participate in other types of messaging. It was found that such a case does not exist and this tab will most likely be removed from this menu at a later date.

File:Air Status FWB FHL Airlines.JPG

Logging of sent & received Air Status Messages

Currently all requests sent to the airline are being recorded under our CT Systems Log.

Systems Log

Once there, expand menu item 'Anywhere and select Air Status/EUAN. You also have search options which can be set by date and/or by the CT # inside of the text box "Component description contains:" Then select Show Log

File:Log with comments how to.JPG

Logging of FSR Message

FSR stands for Flight Status Request. Our system send a request for this information to the airline starting 24 hours prior to the set estimated departure and will continue to send a request every hour until the actual departure is received.


Logging of FSA Message

FSA stands for Flight Status Answer. Once the FSR is sent for an MAWB #, our system awaits the airline's replies/confirmation of the departure date and/or arrival date and upon receipt, these date fields will be recorded here and automatically update the CT & its Master record accordingly.



Ver 1

See above

See Also

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