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TMS - in general it is Transportation Management System.

In our case it is the Descartes TMS that we integrated with our CT2 system.

TMS Admin

Admin Requirements

Not to hard code specific CT2/TMS functionality, so as to allow management users the ability to set specifics. Full spec is under category: EDI to TMS

What can be managed here are the following:

  • Automatic and manually forwarding the approved portal CT records to the TMS
    • Setup the CT2 & TMS server addresses for exchange
    • Users can un-check auto option and select dates from calendar
  • Automatically accept updates sent to CT2 from the TMS
    • This can be managed in number of seconds
    • Option for FTP server to hold/store xml files received that have a future date is set and re-ck at a specif time - IE currently set to 12am
  • Allowing management users to change/set the number of days, on the Shipment Import XML file, between the earliest pickup date and latest pickup date - IE currently set to 7days from the Approved On Date which = Earliest Pickup Date

Admin mock up

Below is outdated.


SOW 1 Add Bill To Party parameter to Descartes TMS properties

Bill To Party

mantis: 4178


Add Bill To Party parameter to Descartes TMS properties (Admin).

Relationship is one to one: only one Bill To Party value is active at one time for Desc TMS.

Please note that this value is selected when E0 parameter is selected or changed in TMS Admin. System will present a list of Bill To Party values in the system associated with selected E0. User would have to select one.

See also Client_Company#SOW_3_Client_Company_to_Bill_To_link.

SOW 2 Trucker Events

mantis: 0004306


Trucker might send a series of messages through Descartes TMS for specific load.

Example of messages:

3001	Appointment Delivery 
3002	Awaiting Export
3003	Broker Issue
3011	Damage - Rewrapped
3012	Delivered
3013	Delivery missed

There are 72 codes altogether (see all in xls attached to mantis).

TMS Trucker Events entity

Each message have these attributes:

  • DateTime - when message was received
  • Trucker - company from which message was received
  • Code - unique numerical code of message
  • Description - one or two words description of event
Technical Note
Probably need to create new entity "TMS Trucker Events" in DB with fields above.
Trucker message codes is probably a separate additional DB table.

Trucker Events table on CT profile

On CT Editor/viewer (including ASN Client app interface) I suggest to show this info as a table - all columns as defined above plus event# (use 1,2,3, ... as they come). Table is sorted by date/time (latest at the bottom).

Trucker Events
1) 2013-12-05  13:05  Broker Issue (Jewels)
2) 2013-12-05  18:20  Delivery missed (Lawrence) 

Trucker Events KPIs



I assume these messages will not trigger any updates to existing CT2 fields.

See also

These are the original Analysis / Requirements wiki for EDI to TMS proj Mantis: 2183 & the phase 2 are found here: 2539

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