Salesman MAIN

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Module is required in CT2 to calculate salesman commissions and other salesman related tasks and reports.

Read Salesman GLOSSARY to understand concepts/terminology.


This is a main wiki for Salesman module.

All wikis for this component are located in Category:Salesman

Functionality Overview

There are 3 components at the moment:

  • Salesman Profile:
    • tag jag user as a salesman
    • manage commission schedule
    • manage salesman accounts
    • manage monthly targets
  • Commissions Report
  • Salesman Target Report
  • Misc:
    • set access permissions


Salesman Profile

See Salesman Profile

Commissions Report

See Commissions Report

Target Report

See Salesman Target Report


Access Restrictions

  • Access Restrictions to info from Salesman Profiles should be limited to management users only. Access control proceeds in Users Admin Access window in "Acc.Sales Persons" line. See on Figure 0.
Figure 0. Users Access Admin window


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