Sales Demo Environment

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Sales Demo (Environment) is a copy of Cybertrax system (separate from production) that was created and maintained specifically to use during presentations to potential customers by Jaguar sales personnel.

Please note that it is not the same as Development Demo (Environment) that is used for prototyping, QA and UAT.

Sales Demo has its own database that holds a snapshot of real data from production environment. Data is updated approximately every 1-3 months.

It is accessible through the following URLs:

How to create demo account

Each sales person should have his/her own account on Sales Demo server. Please contact Montira at to request your account.

You can use your account to log in to Internal Application to configure system for demonstration.

How to configure system for demonstration

To prepare demonstration you will have to:

  • configure Client Company profile
  • create/configure non-Jaguar user (to emulate Client user)
  • create/configure Jaguar user (to emulate Jaguar operator)
  • add additional configurations as required (Shippers, Consignees, TMS congfig, etc)

Client Company profile


How to create and configure non Jaguar accounts

a. Log on Internal Application demo environment. Goto Admin > Users and Offices > Non - Jaguar tab

b. Click Add to create a new demo client account

c. Create a non- jaguar account that you will use to log on Client application demo environment with username, password, First name and last name to show on the welcome message on client application, E0. Client company or E0. Company group with enable client role and Part C to link to address book.

d. Most clients will set as E0.client company for the visibility. They will have visibility to that particular E0.client company shipments. For clients who would like to see many client company shipments, this can be set as group if the group is listed as an option. Or user can set the client role by E0.Client Company and add more client company to client profile this way.

e. Click ok.

How to create and configure Jaguar user


How to manage additional configurations


Speed and Uptime


Currently we host Demo environment in house on average performance server. This affects speed.

Project is under way to upgrade to a better machine.



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