Kostya 2009

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Kostya Daily Reports


Sprint w47, Nov23-Nov27

Sprint Plan


Sprint Actual


w47 , Nov 23 -Nov 27

Daily Mini Update

Mon Nov 23

Tue Nov 24

Wed Nov 25

Thu Nov 26

Fri Nov 27

Sprint w46, Nov16-Nov20

Sprint Plan


Sprint Actual


w46 , Nov 16 -Nov 20

Daily Mini Update

Mon Nov 16

Tue Nov 17

Wed Nov 18

Thu Nov 19

Fri Nov 20

w44-w45 , Nov 2 -Nov 13

Daily Mini Update

Mon Nov 2

  • 3 h 0001391: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] long opening of dropdowns for Client, Shipper, Consignee filters, 0001190: [Acc.Reports.PandL] selecting from combobox populated by very long list is very slow, ex: "P/L for multiple CTs" on // started
  • 1 h [Misc.*] create two temp reports: 1) all ocean CTs created before oct 1 with no coontainers and 2) unnassigned content

Tue Nov 3

  • 3 h banking
  • 4 h 0001391: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] long opening of dropdowns for Client, Shipper, Consignee filters, 0001190: [Acc.Reports.PandL] selecting from combobox populated by very long list is very slow, ex: "P/L for multiple CTs" // continue

Wed Nov 4

  • 2 h 0001391: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] long opening of dropdowns for Client, Shipper, Consignee filters, 0001190: [Acc.Reports.PandL] selecting from combobox populated by very long list is very slow, ex: "P/L for multiple CTs" // continue
  • 3.5 h Database transactions - problem with client app
  • 1 h Communication

Thu Nov 5

  • 6 h 0001391: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] long opening of dropdowns for Client, Shipper, Consignee filters, 0001190: [Acc.Reports.PandL] selecting from combobox populated by very long list is very slow, ex: "P/L for multiple CTs" // continue
  • 0.75 h Communication

Fri Nov 6

  • 1.25 h Database structure
  • 4.5 h 0001391: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] long opening of dropdowns for Client, Shipper, Consignee filters, 0001190: [Acc.Reports.PandL] selecting from combobox populated by very long list is very slow, ex: "P/L for multiple CTs" // continue
  • 0.5 h Communication
  • 4.5 h 0001041: [Misc.QA] Collect requirements for how fast each CT2 table will grow (for Acc module) // started
  • 0.5 h 0001366: [Ops.Reps.*Misc] CT links on the reports should apply to proper users (Jaguar and non- jaguar users)

Sun Nov 8

  • 2.5 h 0001446: [Client.Reports] Some CTs that are “in-transit” are not listed on the in-transit report

Mon Nov 9

  • 3 h 0001391: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] long opening of dropdowns for Client, Shipper, Consignee filters, 0001190: [Acc.Reports.PandL] selecting from combobox populated by very long list is very slow, ex: "P/L for multiple // finished
  • 0.5 h 0001451: [Ops.CT.ListCTs] Make lists on every tab appear sorted by CT#. Largest CT# at the top.
  • 0.75 h 0001308: [Ops.Reps.Impending] Implement V.1 for Impending Arrival and Departure
  • 1.5 h 0001428: [Ops.CT.Tabs.ExpImp.Air] increase field size. IT number: max = 17; IT location: max= 20. For ocean/air
  • 0.75 h 0001299: [Ops.Reps.Previous Day Collection/Delivery Reports] Implement V.1 // bug fixed
  • 1 h 0001411: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] Cargo Locations filter does not work for AIR shipments
  • 1.25 h 0001376: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] when user uncheck the check box for a filter, please make sure that filter is not applied.

Tue Nov 10

  • 2 h 0001385: [Ops.Reps.*Misc] for all reports should show the result of how many records that get generated (summary count())
  • 0.5 h 0001454: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] when "Transport Modes FILTER" = "All" or = "none" report result has no LCL CTs on it
  • 3.25 h 0001453: [Misc.*] Perm Gen error
  • 3.25 h 0001455: [Acc.CT.Tabs.Sales/Internal] bug: 2nd page of invoice is printing over the pre-printed header

Wed Nov 11

  • 8 h 0001458: [Ops.Reps.ListCTs] chg: Add Filter by Client and CT

Thu Nov 12

  • 3.5 h 0001401: [Client.*Misc] Client App hangs . Requires Tomcat re-start.
  • 2.5 h Banking

Fri Nov 13

  • 7.5 h Testing Client application + task # 0001401

Sprint w43, Oct26-Oct30

Sprint Plan

Finishing up all reports bugs and roll out to staging on Tuesday, and to production on Thursday. Please make sure all bugs found fixed

Sprint Actual


w43, Oct26-Oct 30

Daily Mini Update

Mon Oct 26

  • 2.5 h 0001299: [Ops.Reps.Previous Day Collection/Delivery Reports] Implement V.1 // bugs
  • 1.5 h 0001306: [Ops.Reps.Completion] Implement V.1 Completion Report for AIR and Ocean // bugs
  • 2 h Banking 26/10/2009

Tue Oct 27

  • 5 h 0001368: [Ops.Containers/Contents] add History feature to all dates on container panel for CT and M edit page // started
  • 1.25 h 0001305: [Ops.Reps.Past Due]Implement V.1 for Departure and Arrival Past Due // bug
  • 1.25 h 0001272: [Ops.Reps.ScheduledRList] Add schedule option for every __ hr dropdown list // bug
  • 1 h 0001269: [Ops.Reps.ScheduledRList] Add dropdown list for Recipients, CC and BCC Recipients, and add time zone dropdown // TimeZone by default
  • 0.5 h 0001371: [Ops.Reps.*Misc] All reports are generated results including E0, E1, E2, E3
  • 1 h 0001370: [Ops.Reps.*Misc] All report results should not include deleted CT records EXCEPT where Is report.
  • 0.5 h Schedule bug fixed
  • 0.75 h 0001299: [Ops.Reps.Previous Day Collection/Delivery Reports] Implement V.1 // bug fixed

Wed Oct 28

  • 1.25 h 0001272: [Ops.Reps.ScheduledRList] Add schedule option for every __ hr dropdown list // finished
  • 4.5 h 0001380: [Misc.Releases] [2009oct28 rel to /staging] Test Acc supercomp fully for this Rel
  • 0.25 h 0001366: [Ops.Reps.*Misc] CT links on the reports should apply to proper users (Jaguar and non- jaguar users)

Thu Oct 29

  • 3.75 h 0001380: [Misc.Releases] [2009oct28 rel to /staging] Test Acc supercomp fully for this Rel

Fri Oct 30

  • 5.75 h 0001391: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] long opening of dropdowns for Client, Shipper, Consignee filters // started
  • 2.25 h 0001385: [Ops.Reps.*Misc] for all reports should show the result of how many records that get generated (summary count()) // started

Sprint w42, Oct19- Oct23

Sprint Plan


More tasks will be added during the week depending on the schedule plan

Sprint Actual


w42, Oct19- Oct23

Daily Mini Update

Mon Oct19

  • 0.5 h 0001317: [Misc.DBandSystemArchitecture] Document the procedure of Release to /staging and /internal
  • 5 h 0001305: [Ops.Reps.Past Due]Implement V.1 for Departure and Arrival Past Due // finished
  • 2.5 h 0001346: Manage Currency Exchange Rates (doubling Exchange Rates for currency)

Tue Oct20

  • 8.5 h 0001306: [Ops.Reps.Completion] Implement V.1 Completion Report for AIR and Ocean // finished
  • 2.5 h 0001340: [Misc.Releases] Test Ops, OpsPdf, OpsReps, Admin on Staging for release // started

Wed Oct21

  • 2.5 h 0001340: [Misc.Releases] Test Ops, OpsPdf, OpsReps, Admin on Staging for release // finished
  • 2 h 0001305: [Ops.Reps.Past Due]Implement V.1 for Departure and Arrival Past Due // bugs

Thu Oct22

  • 1 h Communication & Sibers bug fixing
  • 1.75 h 0001306: [Ops.Reps.Completion] Implement V.1 Completion Report for AIR and Ocean // bugs
  • 3.5 h 0001362: [Ops.Reps.ScheduledRList] allow user to manually type email lists in the recipients list box // started
  • 1 h 0001362: [Ops.Reps.ScheduledRList] allow user to manually type email lists in the recipients list box // finished
  • 1.25 h Scheduled report - 1 hour period + bug

Fri Oct23

  • 1.75 h PI editing - exchange rate to USD
  • 1.75 h 0001306: [Ops.Reps.Completion] Implement V.1 Completion Report for AIR and Ocean // bugs fixed
  • 1.5 h 0001201: [Ops.Reps.ScheduledRList] bug: error pop-up message on Staging and Internal
  • 2.5 h Allow user manually several email addresses type
  • 3 h Hyperlinks to Client App

Sun Oct25

  • 1.25 h 0001294: [Ops.Reps.Daily Report] Implement V.1 Daily Report // bugs fixed
  • 2.25 h Managing Currency Exchange Rates not only for logged user office
  • 2.5 h Garbage collection - Sibers source code // started
  • 0.75 h tblSecuredUrl table update

Sprint w41, Oct12- Oct16

Sprint Plan


More tasks for new reports will be added during the week depending upon the plan

Sprint Actual


w41, Oct12- Oct16

Daily Mini Update

Mon Oct12

  • 6 h 0001308: [Ops.Reps.Impending] Implement V.1 for Impending Arrival and Departure // finished
  • 4 h 0001299: [Ops.Reps.Previous Day Collection/Delivery Reports] Implement V.1 // started

Tue Oct13

  • 9.5 h 0001299: [Ops.Reps.Previous Day Collection/Delivery Reports] Implement V.1 // continue

Wed Oct14

  • 3 h 0001299: [Ops.Reps.Previous Day Collection/Delivery Reports] Implement V.1 // finished
  • 7 h 0001294: [Ops.Reps.Daily Report] Implement V.1 Daily Report // started

Thu Oct15

  • 1 h Office field in Region object
  • 4 h 0001294: [Ops.Reps.Daily Report] Implement V.1 Daily Report // finished
  • 1 h 0001328: [Acc.Reports.PandL] add USD to indicate currency on Excel Report as well for Summary and Detail reports
  • 0.5 h 0001234: Please add all missing foreign keys for shipment invoices tables

Fri Oct16

  • 0.25 h 0001255: [Client.Reports]Output headings report for Main report need to be added // bug fixed
  • 4 h 0001306: [Ops.Reps.Completion] Implement V.1 Completion Report for AIR and Ocean // started
  • 3 h 0001341: [Misc.Releases] Test Acc on Staging for release // several bugs
  • 1 h P/L for Mult CT bug fixed - when XXX->USD rate is not set

Sat Oct17

  • 2 h Scheduled reports email sending bug
  • 6 h 0001305: [Ops.Reps.Past Due]Implement V.1 for Departure and Arrival Past Due // started

Sprint w40, Oct5- Oct9

Sprint Plan


More tasks for new reports will be added during the week

Sprint Actual


w40, Oct5- Oct9

Daily Mini Update

Mon Oct5

  • 2.5 h 0001268: [Ops.Reps.ScheduledRList] Cllient Company must include not only E0 client company, but also E1, E2, E3
  • 0.25 h 0001293: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard]Re-label the name of filters for Main and In-Transit report
  • 0.5 h 0001165: [Ops.Reps.ScheduledRList] Date logics for save/Achedules Report (From/To) // bug fixed
  • 0.25 h 0001164: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] Order of date filters // bug fixed
  • 0.5 h 0001285: [Ops.Reps.WhereIs]Tweak: add a column for binocular itself in front of P.O column. and change color of binocular
  • 2.5 h 0001272: [Ops.Reps.ScheduledRList] Add schedule option for every __ hr dropdown list
  • 0.5 h Communication with Alex D

Tue Oct6

  • 1.5 h 0001269: [Ops.Reps.ScheduledRList] Add dropdown list for Recipients, CC and BCC Recipients, and add time zone dropdown // started
  • 1.5 h Communication with Alex D
  • 2 h Banking

Wed Oct7

  • 2.5 h 0001269: [Ops.Reps.ScheduledRList] Add dropdown list for Recipients, CC and BCC Recipients, and add time zone dropdown // finished
  • 1 h 0001255: [Client.Reports]Output headings report for Main report need to be added // bug fixed
  • 2 h 0001308: [Ops.Reps.Impending] Implement V.1 for Impending Arrival and Departure // started

Thu Oct8

  • 9 h 0001308: [Ops.Reps.Impending] Implement V.1 for Impending Arrival and Departure // continue

Fri Oct9

  • 6 h 0001308: [Ops.Reps.Impending] Implement V.1 for Impending Arrival and Departure // continue
  • 1 h Sql script for foreign keys - tblCommodity, tblCommodityItem

Sun Oct11

  • 3 h 0001308: [Ops.Reps.Impending] Implement V.1 for Impending Arrival and Departure // continue

Sprint w39, Sep 28- Oct2

Sprint Plan


More tasks will be added during the week

Sprint Actual


w38, Sep 28- Oct2

Daily Mini Update

Mon 28 Sep

  • 4.5 h 0001244: [Acc.Reports.PandL] Tweaks V.1.c (Issuing date dropdown, add and re-order filters)
  • 1 h 0001233: [Acc.Reports.PandL] Implement Tweaks ver 1.b // started
  • 0.5 h 0001240: [Admin.Transp] [container types] ongoing work
  • 1 h 0001243: [Acc.Reports.PandL]default order of summary and detail reports from oldest to newest CTs#
  • 1.25 h 0001245: [Admin.Clients.*]Client Companies button (update tabs orders, credit limit input type, and Top Client Companies check box
  • 1 h 0001246: [Admin.Clients.*]Client Companies - Credit limit input type textbox

Tue 29 Sep

  • 0.5 h 0001165: [Ops.Reps.ScheduledRList] Date logics for save/Achedules Report (From/To) // bug fixed
  • 1 h 0001164: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] Order of date filters // bug fixed
  • 1.5 h 0001257: Profit/Loss and Exchange Rates mistake.
  • 4.5 h 0001255: [Client.Reports]Output headings report for Main report need to be added // started
  • 2 h 0001233: [Acc.Reports.PandL] Implement Tweaks ver 1.b // continue

Wed 30 Sep

  • 5 h 0001255: [Client.Reports]Output headings report for Main report need to be added // continue

Thu 1 Oct

  • 3 h 0001255: [Client.Reports]Output headings report for Main report need to be added // finished
  • 2.5 h QA on staging - Curr Exch rate bug fixing
  • 2.5 h 0001233: [Acc.Reports.PandL] Implement Tweaks ver 1.b // finished
  • 1 h 0001266: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard]Bug: err msgs when user manages Output lists.

Fri 2 Oct

  • 2.5 h 0001263: [Releases][2oct2009] Test Acc module fully for this Release // bugs fixed
  • 2 h P/L for Mult CTs optimization // started
  • 1.5 h 0001261: [Acc.Admin.ChargeCodes]create a download to excel button
  • 1.5 h 0001267: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] Update output list for Main report to be the same as Client App Main report output

Sun 4 Oct

  • 1 h 0001289: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] Tweak for output list default and rename label of output list
  • 2.5 h 0001292: [Acc.Reports.PandL] add USD to indicate currency and show local currency by clicking P/L value link
  • 1 h 0001290: [Client.Reports] Tweak for output list default and rename label of output list
  • 3 h 0001287: [Ops.Reps.InTransit] Implement tweaks V.1.1.a

Sprint w38, Sep 21- Sep 25

Sprint Plan


Sprint Actual


w38, Sep 21- Sep 25

Daily Mini Update

Mon 21 Sep

  • 3 h Client users - database view development for visibility of Shippers, Consignees, etc
  • 2 h Client Users visibility
  • 0.5 h 0001219: [Ops.Reps.*Misc] Bug:Download to Excel button on where Is, and generate results button on Main and In-transit reports

Tue 22 Sep

  • 0.25 h 0001231: [Acc.Reports.PandL] missspelling Date Type for Saling. It should be "Sailing"
  • 1 h 0001229: [Ops.CT.Tabs.EQuery] err message on Query Tab when user clicks submit message
  • 7 h 0001192: [Acc.Reports.PandL] Add Internal Inv column on the P/L multiple CTs report.
  • 0.5 h 0001198: [Acc.Reports.PandL] P/L mutiple CTs -Detail: sort detail result by grouping category: Sale, Purchase, and Internal // bug fixed

Wed 23 Sep

  • 0.5 h 0001198: [Acc.Reports.PandL] P/L mutiple CTs -Detail: sort detail result by grouping category: Sale, Purchase, and Internal // bug fix - finished
  • 3 h 0001209: [Admin.Clients.*]Re-design Acc Info section for credit status, limit, and term to be able to manage the lists. // bug fixing
  • 2.25 h 0001212: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard]Check box is automatically checked when user set filters(Main, In-transit)

Thu 24 Sep

  • 1 h 0001013: [Acc.PandL.*] 1)Modify all PandL reports to accomodate new logic (v3) for PI invoice; 2) make them work faster
  • 0.25 h 0001182: [Ops.Reps.WhereIs] Reset Form button -> clear value in txt, dropdown fields
  • 2.5 h 0001164: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] Order of date filters
  • 1.5 h 0001165: [Ops.Reps.ScheduledRList] Date logics for save/Achedules Report (From/To)

Fri 25 Sep

  • 4 h 0001237: [Acc.Reports.PandL]P/L amount shows the currency the same as currencies issued when there is one single currency
  • 1 h 0001189: [Acc.*Misc] Date logics: From Date cannot be later than To Date and vise versa (Please apply this logic every from/to date) // started
  • 1 h 0001237: [Acc.Reports.PandL]P/L amount shows the currency the same as currencies issued when there is one single currency // bug fixed
  • 0.5 h Communication

Sun 27 Sep

  • 2 h 0001247: [Acc.Reports.PandL] show added local currency result in xls report.

Sprint w37, Sep 14- Sep 18

Sprint Plan


Sprint Actual


w37, Sep 14- Sep 18

Daily Mini Update

Mon 14 Sep

  • 1 h 0001184: [Ops.CT.Tabs.Docs.*] DocTab on one CT creates doc for another CT
  • 5.5 h 0001175: [Client.WhereIs] Excel Report heading format -> Update logo and small tweaks and develop this for all xls reports // started

Tue 15 Sep

  • 2 h 0001175: [Client.WhereIs] Excel Report heading format -> Update logo and small tweaks and develop this for all xls reports // finished
  • 1 h Communication with Montira of the plan for this week
  • 1.25 h 0001198: [Acc.Reports.PandL] P/L mutiple CTs -Detail: sort detail result by grouping category: Sale, Purchase, and Internal
  • 1.5 h 0001202: [Ops.*Misc] bug: type and enter filter dropdown select is not working
  • 3.5 h 0001201: [Ops.Reps.ScheduledRList] bug: error pop-up message on Staging and Internal

Wed 16 Sep

  • 3 h 0001196: [Acc.Reports.PandL] Tweaks for P/L multiple CTs: Add Sale Person filter dropdown
  • 1.5 h 0000461: [Report Wizard] Version 2.1 (additional filters, etc ) // bug fixed
  • 3.5 h 0001195: [Admin.Clients.*] Re-design Admin>Clients> view/Edit Selected profile and update Sale person dropdown
  • 0.75 h 0001200: [Ops.CT.*Misc] Bug: on quicklink? pop-up error.
  • 0.5 h "Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction" ploblem on server, CyberTrax database

Thu 17 Sep

  • 1 h 0001196: [Acc.Reports.PandL] Tweaks for P/L multiple CTs: Add Sale Person filter dropdown // bug fixed
  • 0.5 h 0001148: [Misc.*] Add static claim message on the bottom of emails that get generated out from CT2 // bug fixed
  • 1.5 h development sql query for Client application
  • 3 h 0001197: [Acc.Reports.PandL] Tweak for P/L multiple CTs for summary report -> view detail option for each client
  • 0.5 h 0001144: [Ops.CT.*Misc] Table Of Charge > Tab feature has to be implemented and its column layout doesn't fit screen properly // finished
  • 2 h Client Companies panel

Fri 18 Sep

  • 0.25 h 0001216: [Admin.Users.*] Bug: err msg when user click Add/Edit for Jaguar User
  • 7.5 h 0001209: [Admin.Clients.*]Re-design Acc Info section for credit status, limit, and term to be able to manage the lists. // started
  • 0.25 h 0001180: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] Reset form button -> clear value in txt and dropdown fields // bug fixed
  • 0.5 h 0001211: [Ops.Reps.*Misc] bugs: error message when user click generate result button (Main, In-transit report) // bug fixed

Sat 19 Sep

  • 3.5 h 0001209: [Admin.Clients.*]Re-design Acc Info section for credit status, limit, and term to be able to manage the lists. // finished

Sprint w36, Sep 7- Sep 11

Sprint Plan


Sprint Actual


w36, Sep 7- Sep 11

Daily Mini Update

Mon 7 Sep

  • 1 h 0001149: [Ops.CT.Tabs.Comments] Bug: system error for adding comment.
  • 0.75 h 0001151: [Ops.CT.Tabs.Comments]Order of the message, Most recently message added should be on the top
  • 0.75 h 0001152: [Ops.CT.Tabs.EQuery] Most recently message added should be on the top in the log history
  • 1.5 h 0001150: [Misc.*] Bug: Update format of Number fields to be 2 decimal places (cbm)
  • 4 h 001157: [Ops.CT.Tabs.FileUpload] Add warning and confirmation message and make check box to be editable on the upload file lists
  • 1.5 h 0001128: [Ops.CT.Tabs.Comments]bug on Internal App. comment tab. It randomly shows error message when we add comment and save.

Tue 8 Sep

  • 2.25 h PDF library research - task from Alex Dobrovolsky
  • 4 h 0001160: [Ops.Reps.WhereIs] Add a binoculars in front of the record that is searched for // started
  • 1 h Banking

Wed 9 Sep

  • 0.5 h 0001165: [Ops.Reps.ScheduledRList] Date logics for save/Achedules Report (From/To)
  • 0.25 h 0001141: [Ops.Reps.*Misc]Add "Clear" button every where for all date calendar fields.
  • 1.5 h 0001164: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] Order of date filters
  • 4.25 h 0001161: [Admin.Users.*] Implement Specs V.1.1 for Admin> Non-JG user> Part B // started

Thu 10 Sep

  • 0.75 h 0001161: [Admin.Users.*] Implement Specs V.1.1 for Admin> Non-JG user> Part B // finished
  • 0.25 h 0000229: [Acc.AddPurchaseInv]create different valid rules to catch entering same p- invoices twice // bug fixed
  • 0.5 h 0001173: [Ops.Reps.*Misc] Excel reports (all) -> make hyperlinks more outstanding to indicate users that there is hyperlink feature // started
  • 0.25 h 0001172: [Admin.Users.Non-Jaguar and Jaguar users] Add paging & sorting and search features // started
  • 0.75 h 0001173: [Ops.Reps.*Misc] Excel reports (all) -> make hyperlinks more outstanding to indicate users that there is hyperlink feature // finished
  • 1 h 0001180: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] Reset form button -> clear value in txt and dropdown fields
  • 0.5 h 0001182: [Ops.Reps.WhereIs] Reset Form button -> clear value in txt, dropdown fields
  • 2 h 0001172: [Admin.Users.Non-Jaguar and Jaguar users] Add paging & sorting and search features // continue

Fri 11 Sep

  • 5.5 h 0001160: [Ops.Reps.WhereIs] Add a binoculars in front of the record that is searched for // finished

Sun 13 Sep

  • 4.25 h 0001172: [Admin.Users.Non-Jaguar and Jaguar users] Add paging & sorting and search features // finished
  • 1 h 0001191: [Acc.Reports.PandL] Add sorting features for summary and detail reports
  • 0.5 h 0001193: [Acc.Reports.CTsWithNoInv]Add sorting feature for this report.
  • 1.5 h 0001194: [Admin.Clients.*] bug: page not found (missing link?)
  • 0.25 h 0001188: [Ops.CT.Tabs.EQuery] bug: email Query doesn't get sent out to the receipient email address.
  • 0.5 h 0001195: [Admin.Clients.*] Re-design Admin>Clients> view/Edit Selected profile and update Sale person dropdown // started

Sprint w35, Aug 31-Sep 4

Sprint Plan


Sprint Actual


w35, Aug 31- Sept 4

Daily Mini Update

Mon 31 Aug

  • 9.75 h 0001057: [Ops.Reps.WhereIs] Implement v1.1
  • 0.25 h 0001124: [Acc.Admin.ChargeCodes] bug: Description field cannot be empty // mistake fixed
  • 1.25 h Banking
  • 1 h Communication with Alex on PDFs problem

Tue 1 Sep

  • 3.5 h 0000928: [Ops.Reps.InTransit] Implement In Transit Report, ver 1 // QA report bugs
  • 1.5 h 0000994: [Ops.Reps.ScheduledRList] ver 1 : implement this // QA report bugs
  • 2 h 0000461: [Report Wizard] Version 2.1 (additional filters, etc ) // QA Report bugs
  • 0.25 h 0001068: [BugsOnStagingOrProto] 588 [Ops.Reps.WhereIs] "Go Back" button on "Where Is" page.
  • 2.25 h 0001126: [Acc.Reports.PandL] bug: Taking so long for process "P/L for multiple CTs" on Staging // started

Wed 2 Sep

  • 2 h 0001126: [Acc.Reports.PandL] bug: Taking so long for process "P/L for multiple CTs" on Staging
  • 0.25 h 0001095: [Ops.CT.ListCTs] Set default to "Live" tab instead of "Undefined" tab
  • 1.5 h 0001141: [Ops.Reps.*Misc]Add "Clear" button every where for all date calendar fields.
  • 0.75 h 0000824: [Ops.CT.Tabs.Import.TableOfCharges] currency label of VAT section
  • 1h 0000311: [Admin.Users.Jag] Birthday default should be "undef"
  • 0.5 h 0000983: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] systems snds report 3 times instead of one // bug fixed
  • 1 h 0000229: [Acc.AddPurchaseInv]create different valid rules to catch entering same p- invoices twice
  • 1.5 h 0001142: [Acc.Reports.CTsWithNoInv]bug : 0 record shows for Report no invoice when there are actually some CTs that have no inv.

Thu 3 Sep

  • 1 h 0001144: [Ops.CT.*Misc] Table Of Charge > Tab feature has to be implemented and its column layout doesn't fit screen properly
  • 1.5 h 0001143: [Acc.Reports.SearchInv] Add Sorting feature for all reports.
  • 3 h 0001133: [Acc.Invoices.Purchase] Tweak: Add Printer Friendly button for Incomplete PI Report
  • 0.5 h Communications
  • 0.5 h 0001146: [Acc.Reports.PandL] Create another browser when user click CT# link // started

Fri 4 Sep

  • 1.5 h 0001146: [Acc.Reports.PandL] Create another browser when user click CT# link
  • 0.5 h 0001148: [Misc.*] Add static claim message on the bottom of emails that get generated out from CT2
  • 1 h 0001147: [Acc.Reports.PandL] Reset form button > Clear Filter drop down to blank
  • 2 h PDF library research - task from Alex Dobrovolsky

Sat 5 Sep

  • 4.5 h PDF library research - task from Alex Dobrovolsky

Sprint w34, Aug 24-28

Sprint Plan


Sprint Actual


w34, Aug 24 - 28

Daily Mini Update

Mon 24 Aug


Tue 25 Aug


Wed 26 Aug


Thu 27 Aug

  • 0.75 h Feedbacks in Mantis
  • 1.5 h Banking
  • 2 h 0000983: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] systems snds report 3 times instead of one // started
  • 2.5 h 0001024: [BugsOnClient] Hyperlink from MS Exel to CT not working
  • 0.5 h 0001124: [Acc.Admin.ChargeCodes] bug: Description field cannot be empty
  • 0.5 h 0001123: [Acc.Invoices.Purchase] bug on adding PI to deleted CT. It should not allow user to type in CT# that was already deleted
  • 0.25 h 0001122: [Acc.Invoices.Purchase] bugs CBV Type is disappeared when user select I instead of M - feedback

Fri 28 Aug

  • 3.5 h 0001094: [Acc.Invoices.Purchase] Alternative design for Incomplete PI Reports
  • 1.25 h Communications
  • 2.5 h 0001054: [Admin.Users.*]{change} For non-jag user change visibility filters design // started

Sat 29 Aug

  • 5.5 h 0001054: [Admin.Users.*]{change} For non-jag user change visibility filters design // finished
  • 0.5 h 0001122: [Acc.Invoices.Purchase] bugs CBV Type is disappeared when user select I instead of M
  • 0.5 h 0001116: [Acc.Invoices.Purchase] Fix date format: Date format MUST be DD-MON-YYYY
  • 0.5 h Deploing CyberTrax web app, patching CyberTrax DB
  • 0.25 h 0000983: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] systems snds report 3 times instead of one // continue

Sun 30 Aug

  • 1.25 h 0000983: [Ops.Reps.MainWizard] systems snds report 3 times instead of one // finished
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