History of Date

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[0001624: (Client Misc) Add "History" button for dates ]

Business Needs and Requirements

During the lifetime of the shipment estimated dates often change. Who changed and when is a valuable information.

Technical Specification


This component is present on both Client and Internal Applications.

User Interface

It has 2 parts.

History button

See Figure 2.

History pop-up

See Figure 1.

This has:

  • Shipment:
mapped to CT#
  • Field Name:
Date's label
  • History Table:
see Entities and Attributes

Entities and Attributes

Date and Time Set:

example: Dec 16, 2009 10:45:34 AM


  • example: 12-Dec-2009
  • it includes last updated date (current state)


example: Alex Smith


Internal Application

  • Initially History button is hidden.
  • If there is at least one change to the date then History Button appears and stays on the page
  • If user clicks on this button then system presents History of Date pop-up.
  • To close pop-up window user must click "x" button.

Client Application

Same as Internal. Only the differences are: client can only view this button if there is any. These dates are changed by operator in Internal app.

Look and Feel

Internal Application

See figures.

Client Application

See figures.



Figure 1:History of Date Pop Up (On Internal)

File:History of Date.JPG

Figure 2:History Button (On Internal)

File:History Button.JPG

Figure 1:History of Date Pop Up (On Client)

The design could be similar to Internal, but make the color is more match to Client Interface for the pop-up

File:History of Date.JPG

Figure 2:History Button (On Client)

Dates on Shipment Detail Tab File:History1.JPG

Dates on Containers Tab File:History2.JPG



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