Development Plan 2010

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This article defines work for 2010 and beyond. What modules we do next may change depending on business needs. This is something to be discussed and decided by the CT2 Board in the near future (April/May/June).

CT2 Internal

It will grow in a number of ways. New reports, pdfs will be added. And much more – see current Product Backlog (over 100 tasks now). Many more tasks will be added in couple of months.

CT2 Client

It will grow. For example skins, custom widgets, native instant messenger should be added, etc. See Product Backlog for more.

Rates Module

This module will be available as an additional CT2 component. It will contain UI to add / update various rates by Sales Dept and UI to look up various rates. There are complex formulas to calculate rates based on mode and particular route. In addition integrating with carriers web services (automatic updates) should be considered.

Warehousing module

No details are available at this point in time.

Agent Client

This is an interface into CT2 for Agents. They should have access to limited features in CT2. Ability to create CT and edit certain fields must be provided.

Integration (data exchange) of CT2 to other systems

  • Quick books
  • Sugar CRM
  • SAP
  • Various web services providers

Internal Projects and Training

Explore/master additional technologies, web frameworks, skills, etc for future use and training.

Below is a list of most popular web development skills on the market.

Each developer must expand its tool set.

At the same time focus on specific area is advisable (example: Front vs Back end, Microsoft vs Open Source).


  • HTTP
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • XML
  • TCP/IP
  • JavaScript
  • SQL
  • advanced knowledge of one:
    • programming language
    • OS
    • web server
    • RDBMS


  • Python
  • .Net, C#
  • PHP


  • JSP / Servlets
  • J2EE
  • JQuery

Back End

  • Struts
  • Spring
  • Hibernate


  • MySQL
  • Oracle-specific SQL, PL/SQL

Frameworks / Tools

  • Django
  • Drupal
  • Joomla
  • Velocity
  • ZK

Front End

  • Adobe Flash
  • Adobe FLEX
  • DOM
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Adobe CS


  • SEO
  • SAP
  • XSL, Xpath, JSTL
  • UML
  • EDI

App Servers

  • Tomcat
  • JBoss

UNIX, Admin

  • Unix
  • Linux
  • Perl

Soft skills

  • Writing skills
  • Communication skills
  • Time managements skills
  • English
Personal tools