Credit Note

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Additional Requirements

  • TOC in credit note must be pre-filled with TOC lines from invoice against which this credit note was generated
  • Currency of Credit Note should be the same as Currency of Sales Invoice from which it was issued. System checks this condition upon saving Credit Note.
  • When Credit Note Currency doesn't match with currency of original Sales Invoice then System should:
1) warn user with message "Currency of Credit Note should be <SI_Currency>".
2) prevent saving of Credit Note.

Issue Credit Note


Issuing Credit Note requires an approval from a group of users who have permission to approve the credit that will be issued. The system will send an email notification request to a group of users for an approval. Once the credit is approved, the credit note will be issued and the system will send an email notification response to the user who requested an approval in order to view and print the credit note document.


Pending Credit Note
Approved Credit Note

1) An operator clicks Issue Credit Note button next on the specific invoice.

2) An operator updates the credit note record that posted against the specific invoice.

3) An operator clicks "Submit For Approval" (re-label from Generate Document to Submit For Approval (only for Issue Credit Note)).

4) Pop-up confirmation message "An approval request has been submitted. This credit note is currently pending for approval" [ok].

5) System sends an email to a distribution list of people who have permission to approve the record.

6) A request record will appear as pending and show "View Document" button ONLY for viewing and "Approve" and "Reject" buttons.

7) Approve and Reject buttons ONLY appear to the list of people who have permission to approve the record and users who have Management and Super Acc level access (Hidden for operators).

8) Once a record is approved or rejected, system sends an email response to operator who requested an approval credit note.

9) Conditions

  • IF the record is rejected, Pop-up warning message "Are you sure you want to reject this Credit Note request?" [Yes][No]
    • IF user clicks "Yes", system will delete this pending record immediately and pop-up warning message will show "An approval request has been rejected" [ok]
    • IF user clicks "No" (change their mind), go back to the record to "Approve or Reject"
  • IF the record is approved, Pop-up confirmation message "Approve Credit Note?"[Yes][No]
    • IF user clicks "Yes", system will approve the credit note record and pop-up warning message will show "An approval request has been approved" [ok]
    • IF user clicks "No" (change their mind), go back to the record to "Approve or Reject"
    • The credit note invoice# and "View/Print Document" button will appear on the record

10) An operator is able to view and print the credit note document for recording purpose.


1) Credit note that got issued for both Sale and Internal Invoices will be pending for an approval.

2) There is a request for an approval to be sent to the users who have permission to approve the credit by email.

3) Email request for an approval consists of the CT# with hyperlink to the CT# Invoice Tab

  • Email content
Dear (an approval user),

The following CyberTrax record is pending approval of a Credit Note:
CT #
Original Invoice #
Credit note Amount / Currency
Please view and approve the Credit Note Record as detailed above.
Best Regards,
Jaguar Freight Services IT Team

4) An approval user will be able to click the link from email that will bring user to the CT# Invoice Tab.

5) An approval user will be able to view the document by clicking "View Document" on the record that is PENDING.

6) An approval user will be able to approve or reject the credit note.

  • IF the pending credit note is rejected, this pending record will be deleted from the system and system will generate an email to the operator who requested a credit note that this CT# with hyperlink to the CT# Invoice Tab
    • Email content
Dear (operator who requested credit note approval),
The Credit Note that you requested has been REJECTED.

CyberTrax #: 
By: (approval user) 
On: (date time stamp)  

If you need further information, please contact (approval user) directly.
Best Regards,
Jaguar Freight Services IT Team

  • IF the pending credit note is approved, this pending record will show "View/Print Document" button with Credit note invoice# and the system will generate an email to the operator who requested a credit note that this CT# with hyperlink to the CT# Invoice Tab
    • Email content
Dear (operator who requested credit note approval),
The Credit Note that you requested has been APPROVED.
CyberTrax #:
By: (approval user) 
On: (date time stamp). 

Please view and print out the credit note and handle all copies appropriately.
Best Regards,
Jaguar Freight Services IT Team

Email Distribution

  • Different list per office.
    • Each office, there is a different list of users who has permission to approve the credit note.
  • Add a feature to manage users who will receive an email and have permission to approve the credit note. See this requirement under Admin> User:
  • Add a feature to manage users access level that can see approve and reject buttons. Right now user requests for Management and Super Acc access level will be able to see those 2 buttons. They won't receive any email credit note request unless they are listed as approved users.

Approved Users:

New York: Stephanie Scheer, Marc Selter

London: Percy Kaye, Chandra Raichura, Savina Cisotto

Hong Kong: ChiKei Ho

France: Philippe Delorme, Sanja Masalusic

NOTE: Approved users from the list above are per office and those user will receive an email credit note request for their local request office only.

i.e. If an operator from NY office requests a credit note approval, only Stephanie, Marc , and Simon will receive that email request. Other users listed above in different office will not receive an email. Other users who are under management and super acc access level are allow to see approval and reject buttons, but they will not receive an email request.


Figure 1


Figure 2


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