Constraints on Estimated Dates

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Parent Mantis

Scope of this wiki

Add constraints / date validations for estimated dates, not allowing updates to take place out of specified chronological order.


  • Mantis:0003185:(CT2 Misc) Add Estimated Date Validation

Core requirements:

  • System should validate the chronological order in the specific sequence for all estimated dates.
    • The system must allow each of the dates to be the same as the previous date or more.
    • If an attempt is made to confirm a date out of order an error message should be generated and the date should not be saved.
      • Generalized example of error message: <Next date> cannot be confirmed until <previous date> has been confirmed in <CT #XXXXXX>.
      • Specific example of error message: Estimated arrival date cannot be confirmed until Estimated departure date has been confirmed.
      • CT # should be indicated in the error message:
      1) If CT is a part of Group and date field what out of order is selected for "Group save".
      2) If CT is a part of Master.

NOTE: Validations of estimated dates are not subject to Actual Date validations.

Specific sequence of validating estimated dates

  • Specific sequence of validating dates is conditioned on the set of events in the shipment.
  • Each event corresponds to the date of shipment depending on the mode of transport:

FCL shipments

LCL shipments

Air shipments

Domestic Trucking shipments

Ocean Trucking shipments

Air Trucking shipments

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