CT2 Help

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General Info


Core need: CT2 needs a "help system". For example if user is interaction with "Create Sales Invoice" screen he should be able to "pull User Guide article" that briefly covers related important info.

  • R1) It must be easily managed
  • R2) Ability to update text without re-release
  • R3) Ability to include graphics


Simple solution is suggested:

  • on some screens have "Help" button. If user clicks on it then system creates pop-up that displays relevant info
Tech Note
I suggest populate pop-up with html page that is hosted under say "/help" dir
on Tomcat. (Same server that CT2 is on)
  • let's start by introducing this system to just one part of the system, say "Acc Reports"

Q and A

Where to put Help button

  • option 1: always put it on top left or right corner below main menu
  • option 2: add it to top bar (but in this case system should detect what screen user is looking at)
  • option 3: add it in various places depending what page


This spec needs to be discussed

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