Acc Reports P and L

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Profit & Loss is also called Gross margin.

Biz requirement

It allows user to generate P/L report for individual CT or Master or multiple CTs


  • Types of P&L reports:
    • P/L Tab on CT profile
    • P/L Tab on Master profile
    • Acc > Reports > Profit/Loss by CT #
    • Acc > Reports > Profit/Loss for Multiple CTs

Profit/Loss on CT profile

  • User is able to see P/L report through CT profile via clicking P/L tab

Example with 3 currencies

File:Pl with 3 currencies.JPG

Example with one currency EUR

File:Pl with one cur euro.JPG

Profit/Loss on Master profile

Profit/Loss by CT#

  • It allows user to generate P/L report by CT#
  • Only one filter > CT#: text box
  • Buttons
    • Go back > go back to the previous page
    • Reset Form > clear info in text box for CT#
    • Generate Result > generate report


  • HTML
    • Report for a specific CT# with 4 sections
      • Sales Invoices
        • Issuing office, Bill to Party company, Invoice#, CT#, Date, Currency, Amount, USD amount and Total
      • Purchase Invoices
        • Receiving office, Vendor, Invoice#, CT#, Date, Currency, Amount, USA amount, and Total
      • Internal Invoices
        • Issuing office, Receiving office, Invoice#, CT#, Date, Currency, Amount, USA amount, and Total
      • Profit/Loss Amount
        • Office, Sales, Purchase, Internal from, Internal to, Profit/Loss, and Total
    • Invoice links
  • Download to Excel button
    • Excel report (same as HTML) with Invoice link

Profit/Loss for Multiple CTs

It allows user to generate P/L report for multiple CTs


  • Date Type: Radio button for Saling Date and Issuing Date
    • Saling Date = origin port(oP)
    • Issuing Date = Inv.Date
    • Default > Saling Date
  • Date: Radio button for Month and Year and Date Range
    • Month and Year: Drop down for Month(Jan-Dec) and Year(2008 - ...)
    • Date Range: from/to date calendar
    • Default > Month and Year
  • Profit/Loss: Radio button for Amount Range and Percentage Range
    • Amount Range: text box for from and to (with 2 decimal places)
    • Percentage Range: text box for from and to (with 2 decimal places)
    • Default > Amount Range
  • Output Type: Radio button for Summary and Detailed
    • Default > summary
  • Consignees: Dropdown list on the left and list box on the right with >> and << symbol to add and remove list from filter or list box
  • Client Companies: Dropdown list on the left and list box on the right with >> and << symbol to add and remove list from filter or list box
  • Bill To Party Companies: Dropdown list on the left and list box on the right with >> and << symbol to add and remove list from filter or list box
  • Vendors: Dropdown list on the left and list box on the right with >> and << symbol to add and remove list from filter or list box
  • Transport Modes: Dropdown list on the left and list box on the right with >> and << symbol to add and remove list from filter or list box
  • Regions From: Dropdown list on the left and list box on the right with >> and << symbol to add and remove list from filter or list box
  • Region To: Dropdown list on the left and list box on the right with >> and << symbol to add and remove list from filter or list box


  • Go back > go back to a previous page
  • Reset Form > clear all filters except radio buttons default
  • Generate Result > report result
    • Go back > go back to a previous page
    • Download to Excel > Excel spread sheet report(same as HTML)


  • Summary (paging)
    • Transport Mode
    • Client
    • CT# (with link to CT detail)
    • GRP# (this column shows group that CT belongs to or blank if none)
    • Sales
    • Purchase
    • Internal
    • Profit/Loss
    • Profit/Loss %
  • Detailed (paging)
    • Transport Mode
    • CT# (with link to CT detail)
    • GRP#
    • Bill To Party Company/Vendor/Office
    • Date
    • Office
    • Sales
    • Purchase
    • Internal from
    • Internal to
    • Profit/Loss
    • Profit/Loss %
  • NOTE: Totals are shown for the whole table in the its bottom line. In a detailed report also exist the total line for each CT#.


  • HTML
  • Excel report (result is the same as HTML)

Tweaks V.1.a

P/L summary report
P/L detail sorting order report

tw1) add Sale Person for dropdown(first and last name) filter list between Vendors and Transport Modes for Profit/Loss for Multiple CTs -- Tira 5:25 PM 11 Sep 2009 (UTC)

tw2) Add view detail option for each client. When user would like to see some detail, user will have an option to view detail from P/L summary report(short cut to view detail from each client.

tw3) Add Internal Invoice column between Purchase column and Profit/Loss column for Profit/Loss for Multiple CTs - Summary. Please do not implement this yet, it is pending for a confirmation requirement

Note: See P/L summary report for more explanation for tw2)and tw3)-- Tira 10:55 PM 13 Sep 2009 (UTC)

tw4) Add Internal Invoice column between Purchase column and Profit/Loss column for Profit/Loss for Multiple CTs - Detail. Please do not implement this yet, it is pending for a confirmation requirement -- Tira 10:55 PM 13 Sep 2009 (UTC)

tw5) Sort detail result for each CT in this order: Sale, Purchase, and Internal Invoice (group result by category in order to view number(data) easily and it looks more organized for viewing information) -> for Profit/Loss for Multiple CTs - Detail. See P/L detail sorting order report.jpg for more explanation. -- Tira 10:55 PM 13 Sep 2009 (UTC)

tweaks V.1.b

tw1) Add Office filter between Output Type and Consignees. This filter is only appeared for Management user access level and defaults to ALL. -- Tira 10:55 PM 22 Sep 2009 (UTC)

tw2) Office filter will not show for other users, but need to set a default for both Super Acc and Basic Acc to their office according to their login. -- Tira 10:55 PM 22 Sep 2009 (UTC)

  • For example, user who works at NY office when he logins, this office filter will be hidden and set default to New York.

tw3) Add Transport Mode column (sortable feature) for the report in front of CT# column (show as text not picture) -- Tira 3:55 PM 23 Sep 2009 (UTC)

tw4) P/L tab, when all invoice issue currency are one single currency, P/L should show that currency amount and if invoices have mix currencies, please show the convert to USD amount -- Tira 11:45 PM 24 Sep 2009 (UTC)

tweaks V.1.c

Feed back from Simon and Stephanie on Friday Sep 25, 2009 -- Tira 11:45 PM 27 Sep 2009 (UTC)

tw1) Add a dropdown list for Issuing Date radio button

tw2) List of dropdown consists of Sale Invoice, Purchase Invoice, and Internal Invoice (this should affect the report)

tw3) Swap location of Client Companies and Consignees filters

tw4) Add Shippers filter after Client Companies filters (order of filters will be Client Companies, Shippers, Consignees, and Bill to Party Companies

Tweaks V.1.d

Tira 10:00 AM 3 Oct 2009 (UTC)

tw1) Add USD in front of the heading label to indicate the currency on the report for Summary and Detail report

tw2) Show local currency with Profit/Loss amount table on this report by clicking a link on the value of Profit/Loss

Tira 2:30 PM 9 Oct 2009 (UTC)

tw3) Include USD for the heading label from tw1) on the excel report as well

Tweaks V.1.e

Tira 11:00 AM March 10,2010 (UTC)

Tw1) Bug: Sale person can be added later on Admin/Client Company. Right now sale person ONLY effect the new CTs that are belong to that specific client company once user set a sale person for the client company. Sale person MUST effect to all the CTs that belong to that specific client company including the old and new CTs.


0003023: (Acc Report: P and L) Special view or filter that shows the P/L info for ONLY one specified office

Spec updated? No

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