ASN 20 Biz Info

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This wiki covers important business related to this project info such as:

  • BP (Business Process)
  • BB (Business Background)
  • BDK (Business Domain Knowledge)

Core Idea

The core ideas/functionality behind "ASN" module:

  • to delegate shipment creation to Shipper (vs Jag Operator)
  • to conduct "shipment planning activities" within CT2

ASN 1.X vs ASN 2.0

ASN 1.X supports only TMS based Truck Domestic mode for more Client Companies E0.

ASN 2.0:

  • adds more modes
  • supports unlimited number of E0 (except TMS)
  • adds some planning options
  • collects more info from Shippers such as truck size

Supply Chain Model, Related Roles, Etc

ASN is build based on a certain simplified and particular view about Supply Chain, Roles, etc.


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