2681 rfd

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  • Task type: Feature.
  • Where: All MOT CTs.
  • What: System should allow to mark shipment as "cancelled" and provide its appropriate handling.

Requirements and Solutions


  • On occasion shipments are cancelled after starting or the point of pick up, but before completion or delivery.
  • We need a way for operators to cancel shipments for all modes of transport without deleting the record.
  • Action of cancellation of shipment should be:
    • confirmed by user (i.e. through confirmation popup "Are you sure you want to cancel this shipment?" Confirm or Cancel),
    • recorded in the CT Update Log after confirmation.


A cancelled shipments should be accessible on Internal Application ONLY, clients should not have access to these records.


  • When a shipment is cancelled, all shipment information should be saved in the record.
  • Once a shipment is cancelled, it should be handled the same way as an archived shipment:
    • It should move to the special "Cancelled" Tab of List Shipments (and separately for Trucking CT).
    • It can appear in reports only if "No cancelled" checkbox is turned on.
      • Option to include or exclude cancelled shipments should be in all reports that provide this option for archived shipments.
  • Canceled shipments should not show up on any in transit or action required reports.
    • Action required is a report that shows CT's that require some kind of action - past due arrival - arrived, but not delivered...
  • It is possible to have both Purchase Invoices and Sales Invoices issued against these shipments.

Architect Review

Implementation Notes

QA Plan


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