Client Misc

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Parent: 595

Biz Analyst Intro

This miscellaneous provides information about header, footer, main menu bar, breadcrumbs trail, and support browser and platforms

Sys Analyst Intro

This Client App Component includes:

  • smaller sub components
  • common (shared) sub components
  • miscellaneous requirements


ss1) Must have a CT logo on the left side of the header to link to HOME.

ss2) Must have a menu bar on the top of the header that can link to News, Information, Our Services, Our Network, Contact Us, and Log Out

ss3) Must have a CT# search box and a CT# button must be interactive in term of mouse over

ss4) Must have a welcome message

  • User's name and Last name
  • User's company
  • User's name, last name must be associated with particular company
  • Welcome message must be prominent --Tira 12:19 PM 24 July 2009 (UTC)

ss5) Must have a current date and time

  • Current date must link to a calendar --Tira 12:19 PM 24 July 2009 (UTC)

See #Figure 1. Header


ss1) Must be on the bottom of the page; it is static.

ss2) Must have links to My Profile, Contact Us , and Terms and Conditions --Tira 9:13 PM 14 Jan 2010

Note: Please see tweak 5 for an updated spec.

ss3) My profile must link to Client My Profile in order to edit

ss4) Contact Us must link to (outlook) need to update it --Tira 12:02 PM 24 July 2009 (UTC)

Note: Please see tweak 3 for an updated email

ss5) Terms and Conditions must have options for user to be able to choose by organizations (dropdown) Tira 12:02 PM 24 July 2009 (UTC)

  • 4 links as each company trades under different conditions. A link to each organization T&C (pdf file)
  1. Jaguar Freight Services LTD. (UK) – BIFA
  2. Jaguar Freight Services (Hong Kong) Ltd. – HAAFA
  3. Jaguar Freight Services SARL (France) – Française des Organisateurs et Commissionnaires de Transport ( FFOCT )
  4. BJ International Inc. dba Jaguar Freight Services (USA)- National Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association of America Inc. (Revised 4/00) (NCBFAA)

ss6) Must have New York, Paris, London, and Hong Kong clocks to display times

ss7) Must have "©2009. Cybertrax 2. All rights reserved" at the right corner

Main Menu Bar

ss1) Must consist of CT Home, Watch List, Shipment List, Where Is, Reports, and MAWB Tracking links. --Tira 12:25 PM 24 July 2009 (UTC)

ss2) Must be bold as user select an active page. For example, user clicks on "List All", "List All" must be bold to an current "List All" active page.

Breadcrumbs Trail

ss1) It is a place that presents an active page and associate with the main menu bar.

  • For example, "Cybertrax > Watch List" means that user is currently on Watch List page/feature.

Supported Browser and Platforms

This app should work well on the following:


  • FireFox ver: 3.0.x
  • IE ver: 6,7,8


  • Windows ver: XP, Vista

Screen Resolutions:

  • 1024x768
  • 1280x1024

Minimum requirements for memory and processor:

  • Memory: TBD
  • Processor: TBD


Figure 1. Header



rfc1) Simon would like to have a different background --Tira 11:57 24 July 2009 (UTC)


tw1) every thing in red from specs above

tw2) need this TC:

  • enter CT# into textbox
  • click Enter
  • system must forward to CT Details

Note: Add Feedback from Sep 9, 2009 --Tira 2:30 PM 9 Sep, 2009 (UTC)

tw3) Please link contact us to instead of

Note: Add Feedback from Oct 2, 2009 --Tira 4:45 PM 2 Oct, 2009 (UTC)

tw4) Make current date to have an outstanding link to calendar; the calendar looks good, but there is nothing indicate Client that we provide calendar feature.

tw5) Update "Contact Us" on the footer to "Help" and update links with 3 sub menu -- Tira 10:00 PM 14 Jan 2010

Sub menu consists of:

  • CyberTrax TM 2.0 User Guide
  • This is the area that will be linked to Pdf CyberTrax TM 2.0 User Guide
  • ihelp
  • Skype download
  • This will provide a link to install Skype on user PC
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