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This wiki describes Master Business Object

General Fields

Create Date

Date that Master has been created. Currently not displayed on tabs.

Created On

same as #Create Date

Master Shipper

Master Shipper ref

Master Consignee

Master Consignee ref

Master Notify

Master Origin Trucker

Master Destination Trucker

Master Mode of Transport

Master Pick-up

Master Pick-up Comments

Master Delivery Address

Master Delivery Comments

Master Marks/Numbers

Master Commodity Description

Total Handling Units(readonly)

Total Cubic Meters(readonly)

Total Gross kg(readonly)


Details Fields

Freight Prepaid Collect

Move Type/MBL



Co Loaders

Booking Num

Master Bill Of Lading

Master Airway Bill

FedEx carrier ID

see CT#FedEx_carrier_ID

AMS Submission Date

Vessel Name

Voyage Num

Flight One

Feeder Vessel Name

Feeder Vessel Voyage Num

Flight Two

Origin Terminal

Airport Of Departure

Origin Terminal Estimated Date

Airport Of Departure Estimated Date

Origin Terminal Actual Date

Airport Of Departure Actual Date

Port Of Loading

Port Of Loading Estimated Date

Port Of Loading Actual Date

Port Of Trans Shipment

Trans Shipment Airport

Port Of Trans Shipment Estimated Date

Trans Shipment Airport Estimated Date

Port Of Trans Shipment Actual Date

Trans Shipment Airport Actual Date

Port Of Discharge

Airport Of Destination

Port Of Discharge Estimated Date

Airport Of Destination Estimated Date

Port Of Discharge Actual Date

Airport Of Destination Actual Date

Destination Terminal

Destination Terminal Estimated Date

Destination Terminal Actual Date

Destination Receiving Agent

Cubic Meter

Total Chargeable Weight

Master Bill Of Lading Comment

Master Airway Bill Comment

Mapping Fields

Link to CRUD


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