Business Process and Use Cases for NATP

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The goal of this article is to describe various workflows (business processes) related to NATP project and related required user interactions with CT2 (use cases).



Let's look at the typical example - what might happen.

It is estimated that on an average day about 30 NATP "shipping orders" would come in.

Each order has an info on:

  • what to ship (PO, SKU, PCS, Gross weight, etc)
  • shipping from info (address)
  • shipping to info (address)

In general, for every order CT record would be created.

This order will be forwarded to selected trucking company.

Trucking company handles the order and sends back PODs.

Operator also would:

  • generate reports (for example In Transit)
  • do billing

Six Shipments Day

This is a typical example that we are looking at in details.

Day 1

Assume for simplicity sake that only 6 orders came in that day.

CT 1,2,3,4,5,6 were created.

See #Figure 1.

As you can see CT 1,2,3 are to be picked up at Rexam and CT 4,5,6 at Risdon.

If you observe orders further you will see that 6 CT's share only 3 delivery locations: {CEI Holmdel, EA Roanoke and Bentley}

In this case 2 trucks were used to pick up these 6 CTs. They all delivered to Consol Warehouse.

Day 2

Truck Loads PT# 1 and 2 were unloaded.

Day 3

Truck Loads DT# 3,4,5 and 2 were loaded onto 3 Trucks. Each truck is designated to one of 3 locations.

Day 4

Trucks deliver goods from Consol Warehouse to destinations.

Transportation Alternatives

Note: more info on this will be published here: TMS features (NATP)

  • Is it possible that truck would take additional trips to pick up additional non-Jaguar cargo?
    • Yes?
  • Theoretically it is possible for one truck to pick up from multiple locations before delivering to warehouse
    • Are we going to have this case in NATP?
  • Theoretically it is possible for one truck deliver to multiple locations (goods from warehouse)
    • Are we going to have this case in NATP?
  • Theoretically it is possible for one truck to pick up and deliver bypassing warehouse (single pick up and/or delivery)
    • Are we going to have this case in NATP?
  • Theoretically it is possible for one truck to pick up and deliver bypassing warehouse (multiple pick up and/or delivery)
    • Are we going to have this case in NATP?






See also


Figure 1

File:NATP example visio.jpg

Figure 2

File:NATP example.JPG

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