New Arden Trucking Project NATP (main)

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Revision as of 23:57, 24 March 2010 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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General Info

  • parent mantis: 0001884: (CT2 Misc) Ops Changes for NATP (New Arden Trucking Project)
  • requested for Release: April 29

Business Needs and Requirements

March 24 Meeting

During this meeting all core and some detailed requirements have been presented and discussed. There is one related document created by Director of Operations - see Operations May 01 tab on Copy of Trucking Project - 2010-03-24.xls file attached to mantis 1884.


It was requested to have all features in production by May 1.


Below is a full list of functionality requested:


  • In Transit Report add filters:
    • Shipper / pick up location
    • Carrier / Trucker
    • Delivery location/consignee
  • Previous Day Collections / Deliveries changes:
    • none
  • "Approval Report" (new report). Filters:
    • Consignee
  • "Impending Pick ups" (new report) (based on estimated dates). Similar in concept to existing impending reports. Filters:
    • shipper/pick up location
    • carrier?
  • "Impending deliveries" (new report) (based on estimated dates). Similar in concept to existing impending reports. Filters:
    • Delivery location/consignee
    • Carrier?

See also related requirements in #Virtual Groups.


See also related requirements in #Virtual Groups.

Virtual Groups


Suggested Solution

Personal tools