Airlines (component)

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Revision as of 16:25, 23 March 2010 by Montira (Talk | contribs)
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Classified As, Parent Mantis, Prerequisites

  • Prerequisites: none

Business Needs and Requirements

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Alex Yes

We need a place in the system where we manage Airlines. This is to be used on CT record, reports, pdfs, etc.

Required functionality: list, add, edit, delete, archive.

Technical Notes from Systems Architect

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Alex Yes

This is a typical Admin component. Please apply standard patterns.

Technical Specification (TS)

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TS: Summary

TS: User Interface

Consists of the following components - see below.

List All Airlines Panel

See #Figure 1: List Airlines

It has the following components:

  • Buttons: Add, Edit, Remove.
  • Listbox: with properties defined below:
    • Columns: one per each field for object #Airline
    • Sort: every column, alphabetical
    • Paging: none
    • Default sorting order: TBD

Edit Airlines Window

Attribute: Value:
widget type: Window#Edit
caption: Edit Airline
see Figure: #Figure 2: Edit Airline

This window hosts the widgets below:

Attribute: Value:
widget type: Textbox
adjusent label: Name:
default: pull from selected object
type/format/DB: see Tbl Airline#Name
required?: Y
validation type: zk standard / on submit // TBD
Airline 2 Letter Code
Attribute: Value:
widget type: Textbox
adjusent label: 2 Letter Code:
default: pull from selected object
type/format/DB: see Tbl Airline#TwoLetterCode
required?: Y
validation type: stop on max / zk standard / on submit // TBD

Airline 3 Letter Numeric Code:
Attribute: Value:
widget type: Textbox
adjusent label: Numeric Code:
default: pull from selected object
type/format/DB: see Tbl Airline#NumericCode
required?: Y
validation type: stop on max / zk standard / on submit // TBD

Carrier's headquarter address
Attribute: Value:
widget type: Textbox
adjusent label: Carrier's headquarter address:
default: pull from selected object
type/format/DB: see Tbl Airline#Carrier.27s_headquarter_address
required?: N
validation type: stop on max / zk standard / on submit // TBD

Add Airlines Window

This is the same component as #Edit Airlines Window but with all values defaulted to blank.

Warning and Error Windows

These are standard windows. See Use Cases.

TS: Functionality

See below a list of Use Cases (UC) and Test Cases (TC).

UC1: Find Airline

  1. scroll up / down
  2. click several times on table headers to sort up and down; scroll

UC2: Edit Airline. All fields are entered in a valid type/format. Click on "OK"

1/ Select airline from the list 2/ Click on *Add* button 3/ #Add Airlines Window appears 4/ set all fields in a valid type/format 5/ click on "OK" 6/ system silently closes the window; user can see that fields on #Add Airlines Window ARE updated

UC3: Edit Airline. All fields are entered in a valid format. Click on "Cancel"

1-4/ as in above UC 5/ click on "Cancel" 6/ system silently closes the window; user can see that fields on #Add Airlines Window ARE NOT updated

UC4: Edit Airline. Some fields are entered in invalid type/format

1-3/ as in UC2

  1. set some fields in invalid type/format
  2. click on "OK"
  3. system gives Window#Error. Message specify WHAT filed and WHAT is the problem.

UC: Archive and Unarchive



TC: Set 2 airlines with the same code

System must give Window#error saying: "Airline with this code already exists."



TC: Misc

Here is the list of Standard TCs that can be applied for this component:


Special Cases and Misc


Quality Assurance

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TBD Yes --Alex 20:29, 23 January 2010 (UTC)

See list of major Use Cases and Test Cases defined in section #TS: Functionality .

Additional cases defined below:


Look And Feel

This section is to be written / defined by Graphic Designer and UI Designer.

Section maintained by: In completed state?: Last updated by/on:
TBD Yes --Alex 20:29, 23 January 2010 (UTC)


Figure 1: List Airlines


Figure 2: Edit Airline

File:Airlines Edit.JPG


RFC and Ideas for Future

Known Non Critical Bugs


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Links to Archived / Old specs


Re-design (Tweak) (Spec Update): ..... <summary> .....

<wiki date/signature>

  • mantis: <link>
  • Biz Req updated? N/Y
  • Tech Spec updated? N/Y


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Front End Code

Back End Code


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