Freight Release (User Guide)

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CT profile > Doc Tab


As usual document can be pre-viewed and edited through pdf template.

See Example on #Figure 1. Freight Release Template

See field descriptions, mappings, etc below.

Top Section

copy of CT field CT#ImportRef
  • CT NO#:
current CT#; in case of group generate this fields contains all selected CTs
  • DATE :
displays todays date (user's time zone)
  • AMS Bill Of Landing :
  • Designated Trucker:
copy of CT field CT#Delivery Trucker
  • Freight Location:
copy of CT field CT#Cargo Location
  • Line Bill of Landing:
  • Container No:
pre-fill to "SEE BELOW"
  • Port of Loading:
copy of CT field CT#Port Of Loading
  • Port of Discharge:
copy of CT field CT#Port Of Discharge
  • Vessel/Voyage:
  • I.T.#:
  • ETD:
  • ETA:

Commodity Table Section

See Ocean Docs Commodity Table (feature)

Bottom Section

  • Comments
This is textarea with label "Comments: (5 lines max)" that contains:
current CT# (or all CT#s in case of group generate)
  • generate report button


See Example on #Figure 2. Freight Release Pdf

See Also

More details can be found in Freight Release (Developer Guide)


Figure 1. Freight Release Template

File:Freight Release Template.JPG

Figure 2. Freight ReleasePdf

File:Freight Release Pdf.JPG

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