User Guide

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Revision as of 22:00, 27 February 2010 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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User Guide - is a document intended to give assistance to people using a particular CT2 component. At some point it was recommended to spread specification between User Guide and Developer Guide (see #Original idea). Now it is recommended to ... - see #Current recommendations.

See also:

[edit] Original idea

Below is the original idea:

  • It is suggested to define major functionality in #User Guide and additional / "technical details" in #Developer Guide.
  • Dividing line between them is not exact. In general audience for #Developer Guide is more technical.
  • Ideally most information presented in #User Guide should not be repeated again in #Developer Guide.
  • Do not overwhelm user with details in User Guide. Delegate details into Developer Guide.

[edit] Current recommendations

After February IT restructuring I would like to change concept of User Guide and Developer Guide:

  • Technical specification should be kept in Developer Guide.
  • User Guide is to be created much later after component has been "stabilized" (no changes expected) .
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