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Test 2

Test 1

Note 001: Feb 25: New Support Work Flow for Transition Period and IT Dept Daily Schedule

New Support Work Flow

  • Levels (sequence: user request -> Level 1 -> Level 2 > Level 3)
    • Level 1: Marc
    • Level 2: Tira and Paul
    • Level 3: Alex
  • Tira and Paul:
    • limit support work up to 3 hours a day each
    • do urgent first
    • once 3 h limit reached postpone the rest till next day
    • Paul to arrange a workplace for Tira in his room

IT Dept Daily Schedule

  • 9-11 (2) Support work, training, meetings, activities that require interruptions
  • 11-12 (1) Daily Support Meeting (if there is anything to discuss) (Tira, Paul, Alex and Marc(sometimes))
  • 12-13 (1) Lunch and additional meetings if required
  • 13-17:30 (4) Activities that require concentration (no interruptions unless urgent)

Above is effective immediately and in effect until new team (extra 2 BA and 1 SA) is hired and trained. I estimate 1 - 2 months.

Alex Dobrovolsky (Jaguar IT / CT2 Project Manager)
15:28, 25 February 2010 (UTC)
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